Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Update 1.09 is Live, Adds Survival Mode



Chris Harding

Writer and Storywriter

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has today received a brand new update on PlayStation 4, version 1.09. Unfortunately the patch notes are a little bit barebones when it comes to explaining exactly what the update entails, but it does give us the basics.
The patch notes for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain note that the update relates primarily to the game’s online component, Metal Gear Online, and it simply says: “Survival” mode has been added.
And that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Did it fix anything else? Did it add anything new, other than the survival mode of course. We haven’t a clue. Typical bloody Konami, eh?
The update is available now for both the PS4 and PS3 version of the game, as well as being out on other platforms.
[Update: We’ve since found that Konami has posted the patch notes on its website. Its Japanese website… Still, at least the notes are in English. The full patch notes are below.]
[Bug Fixes]
– Fixed a bug where purchasing DLC during gameplay and holding the Xbox button to return to the game would result in the game going into a frozen state. (Xbox ONE only)
– Fixed a bug where new player character created in the purchased character slot would disappear accidentally.
– Fixed a bug where players would sometimes all be assigned to the same team regardless of party. (STEAM only)
– Fixed a bug where a host migration would result in update process on the remaining players’ rank.
– Fixed a bug where the screen would sometimes turn black for an entire round when initially spawning into a match.
– Fixed a bug where the “DISC DEFEND” medal was not properly awarded.
– Fixed a bug in the “SABOTAGE” mission where a fulton icon would sometimes appear above the terminal icon when entering round 2.
– Fixed a bug in the “SABOTAGE” mission where colors of object markers were not displayed correctly when joining in the middle of a game.
– Fixed a bug in the “SABOTAGE” mission where specific score could be obtained enormously.
– Fixed a bug in the “SABOTAGE” mission in “AZURE MOUNTAIN” where players wouldn’t always spawn at their selected spawn locations.
– Fixed a bug where the distance to each icon wouldn’t display correctly for a Dedicated Host.
– Fixed a bug where losses by foul play in CLOAK AND DAGGER were not judged properly when there is a Dedicated Host.
– Fixed a bug where the duration of the fade-out after the pre-round countdown wasn’t consistent on client environments.
– Fixed a bug where user stats wouldn’t always be saved correctly at the end of a match. (PS3/Xbox 360 only)
– Fixed a bug where placed weapons wouldn’t deal damage in certain cases.
– Fixed a bug where players would respawn before the respawn counter reaches 0 when joining a match in progress.
– Fixed a bug where players would sometimes appear to spawn with weapons that are different from the ones they are actually equipped with.
– Fixed a bug where players’ “Appeal Actions” wouldn’t always synchronize immediately after being activated.
– Fixed a bug where the camera would sometimes operate incorrectly after being fultoned by an enemy player.
– Fixed a bug where the BGM selected on the briefing screen wouldn’t save correctly.
– Fixed a bug where the random setting of Unique Characters was not working properly.
– New “SURVIVAL” mode has been added.
*You can play SURVIVAL even if you don’t have the EXPANSION PACK “CLOAKED IN SILENCE”, as long as you have a minimum of one (1) SURVIVAL TICKET.
*10 (non-stackable) SURVIVAL TICKETS are distributed during the regularly scheduled maintenance each week. SURVIVAL TICKETS do not carry over week upon week.
[Stats Display]
– It is now possible to view the personal stats screens of other players.
*Other players’ personal stats screens can be viewed from the briefing screen, scoreboard, ranking screen, etc.
*Please note that some parameters are not displayed, such as the names of the player’s characters and the number of MB Coins possessed by the player.
[Voice Pitch]
– The “Voice Pitch” setting has been added to the “Voice” settings in player character creation.
*There are 9 different levels from -4 to 4. The Voice Pitch setting for pre-existing characters is 0.
*You can set Voice Pitch when creating a new player character.
[Random BGM]
– “RANDOM” has been added to the list of BGM Sets you can select on the briefing screen.
*A BGM Set will be selected at random from the entire pool of BGM Sets.
*Your BGM Set will not change in the middle of a mission.
[Balance Adjustments]
– Adjustments have been made to the damage applied to fulton balloons attached to players as well to fulton balloons attached to the missile in “SABOTAGE”.
– The settings for changes in rank have been changed for each mission type.
*Before: A large change in rank for AUTOMATCH, a small change in rank for CREATE MATCH/SELECT MATCH.
*After: A large change in rank for SURVIVAL, a small change in rank for AUTOMATCH, no change in rank for CREATE MATCH/SELECT MATCH.
– The amount of GP obtained from each type of game mode has been changed.
*Before: Large amount from AUTOMATCH, small amount from CREATE MATCH/SELECT MATCH.
*After: Large amount from SURVIVAL, small amount from AUTOMATCH, no GP obtained from CREATE MATCH/SELECT MATCH.
– Adjustments have been made to the trigger detection conditions on placed weapons such as claymores.
– Reduced the influence of latency on player actions.
– When standing still, the player character’s head will now turn in the direction the camera is facing.
– Rank will now not be updated when joining in the middle of a game.
– When Dedicated Hosts send preset text, their names will now be displayed in yellow. A maintenance notification will now be displayed on the game screen before maintenance begins.
– The mission objective window can now be hidden via the option settings.
– New preset texts have been added.
– Score logs are now displayed while on the kill screen.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Update 1.09 is Live, Adds Survival Mode

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