Split-screen gaming is fast becoming a distant memory with the latest generation of consoles choosing to focus on single-player action and utilising online connections for multiplayer. But back in the day of Red Faction 2 on PS2, that wasn’t the case. If you wanted to play with mates, you all had to huddle around a crappy TV and take turns playing against each other in split-screen. Ah, the glory days of old.
It looks like we’ll be able to relive those fond memories pretty soon. Red Faction 2 is set to re-release on the PS4 (via PS2 emulation) and the trophy lists have gone live, in the process revealing that split-screen multiplayer will be included. Hooray!
Unlock all other trophies.
Above and Beyond
Clear the campaign while accomplishing all bonus objectives.
Let’s Have A Good, Clean Fight
Clear the campaign without ever activating one of the cheats.
A Hero’s Reward
Get the “I Remember Sopot” ending (cheating may disable this trophy).
A Quiet Retirement
Get the “Glory Days” ending (cheating may disable this trophy).
Put Down Like A Mad Dog
Get the “On the Road Again” ending (cheating may disable this trophy).
Vanish Into History
Get the “Judgement Day” ending (cheating may disable this trophy).
Data Transfer
Complete “Foreign Lands” (cheating may disable this trophy).
And Now, Let’s Meet the Team
Complete “Public Information Building” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Flight Risk
Complete “Shrike’s Wild Ride” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Squad Goals
Complete “Underground” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Urban Renewal
Complete “Tank on the Town” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Our Nation Crumbles From Within
Complete “Sopot’s Citadel” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Blood in the Streets
Complete “Hanging in the ‘Hood” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Dead Man’s Party
Complete “Dancing With the Dead” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Critical Depth
Complete “A River Runs To It” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Process of Elimination
Complete “Inside the Nanobase” (cheating may disable this trophy).
Savior of the Commonwealth
Complete “In Sopot’s Deadly Embrace” (cheating may disable this trophy).
This Is How I Infiltrate
Complete “Foreign Lands” killing enemies with only explosive weapons
Relatively Precise
Complete any level with a hit percentage above 60%.The Art of Overkill
Get 100 Headshot Kills (cannot be completed in multiplayer).250 Closed Caskets
Reduce 250 enemies to “gibs” (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
As Non-Lethal As I Get
Kill 25 enemies by pistol-whipping them (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Spray and Pray
Kill 25 enemies with the CMP-32 or NCMG-44 machine pistols (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
The Burning Season
Kill 25 enemies with incendiary or explosive weapons (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Cover Fire
Kill 25 enemies by firing through a wall with the rail driver (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Simple, Yet Effective
Kill 25 enemies with the NICW’s primary fire (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Shoot From the Hip
Kill 25 enemies with the CRS-60 or precision sniper rifle without using their scopes (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Whispering Death
Kill 25 enemies with the CSMG-19 silenced machine gun (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Ankle-Deep in Spent Shells
Kill 25 enemies with the CAR-72 on full auto (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Wrecker of Engines
Destroy 25 vehicles with the WASP.
Kill 25 enemies with the JF90 HMG (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Cruel and Unusual
Stick a satchel charge onto 25 enemies (cannot be completed in multiplayer).
Points for Effort
Finish the campaign on Easy (cheating may disable this trophy).
Strong Enough to Prevail
Finish the campaign on Medium (cheating may disable this trophy).
Finish the campaign on Hard (cheating may disable this trophy).
Planning Stages
Unlock all the concept art in the Gallery (cheating may disable this trophy).
Classified Dossiers
Unlock all the entries in the Gallery’s Enemies menu (cheating may disable this trophy).
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Unlock all the entries in the Gallery’s Civilians menu (cheating may disable this trophy).
An Arsenal of Doom
Unlock all the entries in the Gallery’s Equipment menu (cheating may disable this trophy).
Acceptable Targets
Complete “Search and Destroy” without killing a civilian.