Though gamers can spend hours traversing the lands of Tsushima, Flying Wild Hog has offered a short and sweet samurai slasher game with Trek to Yomi. The game is now available on multiple platforms, and we have an all-new live-action trailer to players hyped for the game.

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As a vow to his dying Master, the young swordsman Hiroki is sworn to protect his town and the people he loves against all threats. Faced with tragedy and bound to duty, the lone samurai must voyage beyond life and death to confront himself and decide his path forward.
While Ghost of Tsushima draws a lot from actual Japanese culture, there’s also no mistaking how it also evokes the filmmaking style of one Akira Kurosawa—hence the option to play the game in black-and-white. Yomi seems to go even harder with the concept, really leaning in on the shadows and silhouettes; and of course, let’s not forget the wanton samurai violence.
Though Trek to Yomi is considerably short, multiple difficulty modes allow for some longevity. There is also the option to unlock multiple endings for the game, as well as a One-Hit Kill Mode which should really up the challenge for anyone who’s into it.
Trek to Yomi is now available on PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.