How to get Nether Stones in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Mode


John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.


Acquire Nether Stones in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Mode and unlock more rewards.

How to get Nether Stones in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Mode

Image Credits: Shirrako via YouTube

Invasion Mode is a new RPG-board game mode in Mortal Kombat 1, where you can complete various challenges to get exciting rewards, such as exclusive seasonal content. There are eight Mesas to explore for Season 1, each offering unique challenges and locations.

While most locations are accessible from the get-go, some areas are locked behind burning walls that you can only access by acquiring a special item called Nether Stones.

This quick guide will walk you through how to get Nether Stones in Mortal Kombat 1.

Acquiring Nether Stones in Mortal Kombat 1

You can get Nether Stones by defeating the Hellfire Scorpion in the Fire Temple Mesa in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Mode. Unfortunately, there’s much more involved in acquiring Nether Stones than simply walking up to Scorpion and challenging him to a duel.

A screenshot of the key item Nether Stone in Mortal Kombat 1.
Image Credits: AK STYLE GAMER via YouTube

Before going face-to-face with Scorpion, you must complete each of the eight Mesa maps in Invasion Mode. After you complete all the Mesa challenges, head back to the Fire Temple Mesa and face off with the Hellfire Scorpion. Defeat Hellfire Scorpion to get the Invasion Mode Season 1 Nether Stone.

A screenshot of all eight Mesa in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Mode.
Image Credits: Gamers Heroes via YouTube

Things to know about the Hellfire Scorpion Fight

You’ve likely faced off with Scorpion multiple times in previous Mortal Kombat games, so you’re probably feeling very confident about taking down this classic Mortal Kombat character. However, Invasion Mode’s Scorpion carries a special name for good reason.

A screenshot of Hellfire Scorpion boss in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Mode.
Image Credits: Shirrako via YouTube

The Hellfire Scorpion fight consists of three phases, each presenting an increasingly challenging fight against the super-powered ninja.

Phase one is a more traditional Mortal Kombat fight against a normal Scorpion. Here, you can use your previous knowledge about Scorpion’s tendencies and movesets to avoid taking damage while dealing damage of your own.

A screenshot of the Hellfire Scorpion boss fight in Mortal Kombat 1.
Image Credits: Shirrako via YouTube

Scorpion gets a fire-powered buff in phase two, where he gains fire armor that deals burn damage each time you attack him. Hellfire Scorpion also gains moves that give him super armor, negating your ability to string together combos to deal more damage.

A screenshot of phase 2 of the Hellfire Scorpion boss fight in Mortal Kombat Invasion Mode.
Image Credits: Shirrako via YouTube

In phase 3, Hellfire Scorpion will start throwing firey chains in random directions. You must dodge his chains before they explode and incur as little damage as possible, so you still have enough HP for the final faceoff.

A screenshot of phase 3 of the Hellfire Scorpion boss fight in Mortal Kombat 1.
Image Credits: Shirrako via YouTube

If you survive the barrage of exploding chains, prepare to face off with an even more aggressive phase 2 Hellfire Scorpion. Like in phase 2, however, you must deplete Hellfire Scorpion’s Super Armor and drain his HP to defeat him.

A screenshot of the final phase of the Hellfire Scorpion boss fight in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasion Mode.
Image Credits: Shirrako via YouTube

What are Nether Stones Used for in Mortal Kombat 1?

Nether Stone is a key to unlocking Locked Gates in each Mesa in Invasion Mode. Locked Gates are Through the Nether Stone; you can unlock more areas in Invasion Mode and take on more boss fights to get more rewards.

A screenshot of locked gates in Mortal Kombat 1's Invasion Mode.
Image Credits: GosuNoob via YouTube

You can acquire Talismans, chests, and portals by completing the additional boss fights. Talismans are especially valuable as these give your character additional moves and damage in Invasion Mode. You can also get secret chests and portals and reveal hidden areas to get more loot by opening


Getting a Nether Stone in Mortal Kombat 1 is a time-consuming and challenging endeavor that requires you to complete all eight Mesa challenges and then face off with a super-powered Scorpion. Your efforts will be worth it, however, as you can unlock more areas in each of the eight Mesas using a Nether Stone, which will open up a slew of reward opportunities in Invasion Mode.

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