Warframe is a free-to-play third-person shooter with many weapons for you to choose from, abilities, groups, locations, and many more. It will take years for you to finish this game’s content with fantastic graphics and special effects that most youngsters or young at heart would mainly like to enjoy. A future-rated type of game where the main character is from a race of ancient warriors who have woken from a cryosleep as they awake again on Earth.

Finding freebies in the game makes you want to play Warframe even more. It makes your game more exciting and gives you more perspective about the game. Adding some items and glyphs to your inventory for free seems too good to be accurate, but we are giving you some codes and tips on how to input promo codes.
All Warframe’s Code List for Free Glyphs and Item ( Tested in October 2022 )
Here is a list of active Warframe codes. These may be exchanged for glyphs and items, which can be used to improve your character. We highly advise you to use the codes as soon as they are released because they will expire anytime. But no worries! We assure you that the codes here on our site are constantly updated by our monitoring team so that you won’t miss the rewards! Also, please input the codes EXACTLY how it was listed below to avoid errors. You can also copy and paste the codes from our list to ensure they function.
Warframe’s Working/ Active Code List
- AdmiralBahroo
- AeonKnight86
- AGayGuyPlays
- AlainLove
- AlexanderDario
- Amprov
- AngryUnicorn
- AnjetCat
- AnnoyingKillah
- AshiSogiTenno
- Avelna
- Aznitrous
- BigJimID
- BlackOni
- BrazilCommunityDiscord
- Bricky
- BrotherDaz
- Brozime
- BurnBxx
- Bwana
- CephalonSquared
- CGsKnackie
- ChacyTay
- Char
- Cleonaturin
- CohhCarnage
- ColdScar
- ColdTiger
- ConclaveDiscord
- CopyKavat
- Cpt_Kim
- DanielTheDemon
- DasterCreations
- DayJobo
- DebbyShen
- Deejayknight
- DeepBlueBeard
- DeuceTheGamer
- DillyFrame
- DimitriV2
- DjTechLive
- DKDiamantes
- DNexus
- Eduiy16
- ElDanker
- ElGrineerExiliado
- Elnoraeleo
- Emovj
- EmpyreanCap
- ExtraCredits
- FacelessBeanie
- FashionFrameIsEndGame
- FeelLikeAPlayer
- FloofyDwagon
- FromThe70s
- FrostyNovaPrime
- Frozenballz
- Gara
- GermanCommunityDiscord
- GlamShatterSkull
- Golden
- GrindHardSquad
- HappinessDark
- Homiinvocado
- HotShomStories
- Hydroxate
- Iflynn
- IISlip
- Ikedo
- InfoDiversao
- IWoply
- JoeyZero
- Joriale
- JustRLC
- K1llerBarbie
- KavatsSchroedinger
- KingGothaLion
- Kiwad
- Kr1ptonPlayer
- LadyTheLaddy
- LeoDoodling
- LeyzarGamingViews
- L1feWater
- LilLexi
- LilLexi
- LynxAria
- Macho
- MadFury
- Makarimorph
- MCGamerCZ
- McMonkeys
- MHBlacky
- MikeTheBard
- Mogamu
- MissFwuffy
- MrSteelWar
- MrWarframeGuy
- NoSymphathyy
- OddieOwl
- OriginalWickedFun
- OrpheusDeluxe
- PammyJammy
- PokketNinja
- PostiTV
- Pyrah
- ProfessorBroman
- RagingTerror
- Rahetalius
- RainbowWaffles
- RebelDustyPinky
- Relentlesszen
- ReyGanso
- Rippz0r
- Ritens
- RoyalPrat
- RustyFin
- R/Warframe
- Sapmatic
- SarahTsang
- SerdarSari
- Sharlazard
- ShenZhao
- Sherpa
- Shul
- SillFix
- SkillUp
- Smoodie
- Sn0wRC
- Strippin
- StudioCyen
- TacticalPotato
- Tanchan
- TBGKaru
- TinBears
- TeaWrex
- TennoForever
- TheGamio
- TioMario
- TioRamon
- TotalN3wb
- ToxicToe
- Triburos
- UnrealYuki
- Vamppire
- Vernoc
- VoidFissureBR
- Voli
- VoltTheHero
- VVhiteAngel
- Wanderbots
- WarframeCommunityDiscord
- WarframeRunway
- WarframeWiki
- WideScreenJohn
- Woxli
- Xenogelion
- Zarionis
- Zxpfer
Warframe’s Old/ Expired Code List
We created a tracker of the old and expired codes from Warframe, so if players want to see what codes have been deactivated, they can do so by checking the list below. If you were able to use these codes before they were deactivated, don’t worry about the rewards. All claimed rewards will not be lost even when the code had expired.
- Discord100k
- Year 8 Anniversary
- Cott-Brozime
- Conquer
- Earson
- False Profit
- Summit1G
- Wealth
- HOD-Triburos
- WF20-4Gamer
- Bikeman
- FalseProfit
- GuardianCon2018
- InexpensiveGamer
- LaborOfLove
- Leyzar-dlp
- M C I K
- N00blShowtek
- Sp00nerism
- Summit1G
- TheDeadHaveDebts
- Tweet4Tenno
- WarWithin
- Wealth
- Earson
- FreeSword
- OldFriend
- PcGamingShow2016
- SimarisCredits
- SimarisDisplay
- SimarisDucats
- SolarisUnited
- SpaceNinja
- TennoSkoom
- TerminalBigFlip
- TwoGrakata
- VoidCrystal
- Warframe
How to Redeem the Codes in Warframe?
We provided you the ways how to claim your freebies on Warframe below. You can choose which steps you think will be easier for you. In case you notice that the code/s doesn’t work, it’s possible that the codes are case-sensitive, or that you made a mistake. If you’ve double-checked them and they still don’t function, please let us know in the comments so we can correct them as soon as possible.
How to Claim Freebies in Warframe Using the Codes in Web Browser?
- You can input your promo codes at https://www.warframe.com/promocode but make sure to link your account or log in to the website.
You can also click directly on the active codes on our list. It will automatically take you to the page where you can input the code.
How to Claim Freebies in Warframe Using the Codes in the Market Segment?
The other way to redeem these codes is to go to your In-Games Market Segment and here are the steps in acquiring it.
- To get to the market segment, you have to go to Navigation to choose your first mission.
- Go to Planet Earth.
- Select the Mantle and then complete the mission.
- After the mission is completed, Lotus, your AI buddy, will instruct you where to install the market segment.
- After installing, open the market segment.
- Then click the Redeem code located at the lower right next to the Exit button. A pop-up will show where you can type or just copy-paste these codes.
And that’s it, flocks, you can collect all of the available free glyphs and items just by clicking some codes. Enjoy the diversity and vast privileges you can get in this game. There will be no dull moments, all action-type missions that make you not want to stop playing this game. Thank you for visiting our page, don’t forget to give us a thumbs-up, and enjoy the game!