Apex Legends Arenas quitters are now getting punished


Shawn Farner

Writer and Storywriter


The Arenas mode in Apex Legends has had a problem since it arrived a few weeks back: quitters. For whatever reason, some players have been deciding they don’t want to finish their matches, and for a while, there were no consequences for those dipping out and leaving their teammates high and dry.

Apex Legends Arenas quitters are now getting punished

Until now. Quitters, your day of reckoning has come. With the latest Apex Legends patch comes “Penalties for abandoning games.”

As you can see, Respawn seems to be taking this pretty seriously. You’ll get punished, presumably in rank, for bailing on your squad. If you’re in a fireteam with friends and all decide to leave, you’ll all get punished for it.

Fortunately, the game at least cuts you some slack if you leave after someone on your team has already quit. The folks at Respawn apparently understand how not fun it is to play 2 vs. 3 or even 1 vs. 3 unless you are some sort of god-tier Apex Legends master.

According to the patch notes, this update went out yesterday and should be in effect at the time of this writing. So if you’ve been avoiding Arenas in Apex Legends because your teammates keep ejecting themselves out of games, know that this behavior may not stop entirely, but there’ll be tougher consequences for those who engage in it.

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