Atomic Heart: Watch 10 Minutes of Gameplay for BioShock’s Spiritual Sequel


Bayani Miguel Acebedo

Writer and Storywriter

Bayani is a freelance pop-culture newswriter that's been covering the news cycle since 2017. He writes mostly about TV and movies, but he also covers the biggest game news and makes sure to keep you up-to-date on the hottest titles. Though he does specialize on topics like Star Wars and Comic Book films, he also keeps up to date on none superhero properties like the latest movies and most buzzed about tv shows. He also has a podcast called Feed the Geeks which you can check out on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. He also draws original webcomics from time to time.


We don’t know when we’ll get the next BioShock title, but the upcoming game Atomic Heart from Mundfish may as well be its spiritual sequel.

Atomic Heart: Watch 10 Minutes of Gameplay for BioShock's Spiritual Sequel

Thanks to GameSpot, we have over 10 minutes of gameplay for Atomic Heart, and it has players diving through an alternate-universe Soviet Russia going up against a robot uprising. Watch this:

Here’s the video description:

Atomic Heart looks like a spiritual successor to Bioshock in more ways than one. In this video, we have 10 minutes of preview gameplay that gives us a pretty solid look at what the game looks like so far. From puzzle-solving to combat with mech-style enemies that are out for your head, there’s a lot to unpack.

The video basically shows off two parts of the game, combat and puzzle-solving. During combat, players have access to a variety of weapons, and they can also make use of special elemental abilities via the use of Atomic Heart’s version of Adam/Plasmids. Of course, what BioShock game isn’t complete without a puzzle-solving minigame, which AH pretty much has.

The game looks very interesting to say the least, and I’m sure a lot of fans miss that first-person shooter game with a mix of sci-fi elemental powers. The world also seems very fascinating, and I hope that Atomic Heart manages to have a narrative that just adds more to the interesting gameplay and lore.

Catch Atomic Heart when it launches of Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and PlayStation 4|5 on Feb. 21.

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