Best Fiends Guide [Tips and Tricks]



Darrick Smith

Writer and Storywriter

In this Best Fiends Guide we will  help you clear the board, teach you  how to spend your Gold and Diamonds and provide you with some tips and tricks to stay in the game.

Best Fiends Guide [Tips and Tricks]

Clearing the Board

Focus on the goals in the top hand corner and clearing obstacles as your primary objectives. Typically killing slugs will be the hardest part, so you will need to try and make big combos with your highest damage Fiend while focusing on opening up more of the board in later levels.

Best Fiend combos2

Pick two fiend types to dump your points into so you have two different tiles on the boards to deal massive damage. It can also help to go back to earlier stages if you get stuck so you can farm for metromites to level up your Fiends.

Later on you will get more advance Fiends that have different specials but for the early game its best to stick with two types a horizontal bomber and a block Converter. Here’s what the advancement of these two types would look like.


Level Attack Cost to advance to this Level Special Skill – Horizontal Bomb
1 150 5 blocks
2 175 ? / 0 5 blocks
3 200 150 / 0 5 blocks
4 225 350 / 0 5 blocks
5 250 750 / 0 7 blocks
6 275 1200 / 10 7 blocks
7 300 2000 / 50 7 blocks
8 325 3500 / 100 7 blocks
9 350 5000 / 150 7 blocks
10 375 7500 / 250 9 blocks
11 420 10,000 / 500 9 blocks
12 465 12,000 / 600 9 blocks
13 510 14,000 / 700 9 blocks
14 555 16,000 / 800 9 blocks
15 600 20,000 / 1000 11 blocks
16 660 24,000 / 1200 11 blocks
17 720 28,000 / 1400 11 blocks
18 780 32,000 / 1600 11 blocks
19 840 40,000 / 2000 11 blocks
20 900 50,000 / 2500 13 blocks


Level Attack Cost to advance to this Level Special Skill – Converter Block
1 8 blocks
3 120
4 135 350 / 0
5 150 750 / 0 12 blocks
6 1200 / 10
7 2000 / 50
8 3500 / 100
9 5000 /150
10 250 7500 / 250 16 blocks
11 275 10000 / 500
12 300 12000 / 600
13 325 14000 / 700
14 350 16000 / 800
15 375 20000 / 1000 20 blocks
16 24000 / 1200
17 28000 / 1400
18 32000 / 1600
19 40000 / 2000
20 50000 / 2500

Review damage before making a turn

You can see how much damage you will do before you finish your turn. As you draw along your desired path, you will see the number beside the health bar increase projecting how much damage you will do to the Slug.Best Fiend combos

It’s good to pay attention to this when you’re running out of turns as a sub-optimal path could cost you the game.  This  is also important when it comes to doing big combos. You could pull off a combo with a non leveled Best Fiend and deal little damage vs using tiles of a leveled beast fiends and dealing as much if not more damage.

If you deal more damage than a Slug has health it will be carried over to the next slug, so combos that overkill the Slugs are not only great for predamage the next enemy but because it will help you trigger more bonus drops on the board.

Obstacles that take more than one tile match to destroy.

Although tree twigs will break after a single tile match up,  most hazards require you match multiple tiles nearby in order to break them. Things like Crates, Snow, Ooze-covered tiles can take multiple hits. Bombs will remove these obstacles in a single blow, even if you haven’t depleted them at all.

This means a bomb will blow open a crate on the first try, even if it’s fully intact. The best way to utilize a bomb is to try and remove tiles underneath it until you can use it effectively, keep in mind you can start with a bomb and go down, up or to the side with a bomb to get it to its destination.

Spending your Diamonds and gold.

There are various ways for you to obtain Diamonds within Best Fiends and you’ll have to choose how you want to spend them. You can buy materials to evolve your Best Fiends or use it on keys to open up more boxes.

Best Fiend cageI personally found its better to use it on keys to try and unlock other tier of Best Fiends, and then only using them if you’re a few metromites away from evolving a Best Fiend.

It’s  highly recommended that you hold onto your Gold until you fail a level you’re finding difficult to pass. Assuming you’re within a few turns of beating the stage, this will allow you to clear stages that aren’t in favor of your Best Fiend types.

Spin the Fiend of Fortune Wheel whenever it pops up. It might only take about a minute or two of watching videos but over time this is a great way to build up some extra diamonds.

Best Fiend wheel

Best Fiend General tips and tricks

  • Login with facebook for 30 diamonds and to cloud save your game.
  • Use the other social media, Instagram, snapchat to get free keys.
  • Play Fiend of Fortune when its up, it’s a great way to collect Diamonds.
  • Save your Diamonds and Gold until you reach stage 20.
  • Longer chain combos increases the possibility of diamonds appearing on the board.
  • Tiles will do a wiggle animation to suggest a potential move.
  • The board will shuffle itself when there are no moves available.
  • You do keep all items collected during a level. Even if you  win or lose. If there is no way for you to win, use up all the remaining moves to collect as many items as possible before its over.
  • Tap your Fiends to see how much damage they will do and to see how close you are to a special ability.
  • Its not recommended to waste gold for energy but if you really want it only buy the +3 capacity increase.
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