Some of my favorite bits of Control have to do with the powers you gradually come to possess as you play. As you progress through the game, you add levitation and telekinesis to your arsenal, becoming a badass upper management witch who can hurl filing cabinets at foes as you float above them.

If you ever wanted that, but in a multiplayer setting, it appears something called “Project Condor” may be of interest to you. This is, according to a blog post on the Remedy Games website, a title born of “a co-publishing and development agreement with 505 Games” that’ll see “a multiplayer spin-off game of Control” take shape.
Sadly, there aren’t a whole lot of details at the moment for Project Condor (aside from an teaser image Remedy shared, which we’ve embedded below). It is likely still in its early stages, so it could be a while before we get more news on how things are progressing.

Remedy’s blog post did offer something rather interesting, though, that you could be forgiven for missing if you weren’t paying close attention. It briefly referred back to a line in the investor announcement for Remedy and 505’s new deal, which reads as follows:
“In addition, 505 Games and Remedy Entertainment have outlined high-level collaboration terms to further expand the Control franchise with a bigger-budget Control-game, to be agreed in more detail in the future.”
That sure as heck sounds like a Control sequel, doesn’t it? If not a direct sequel, then at least a new single-player entry in the franchise. It sounds like this is very early — so early that things aren’t even finalized with it yet. But this is something else to keep an eye on.
If there’s anything you can take away from today’s news, it’s that Control is a franchise that isn’t going anywhere. Both Remedy and 505 seem happy with how the original game performed. There’s a multiplayer title in the works. And it sounds like we could have an even larger Control experience coming down the pike in a few years.
Seems like a great time to play Control if you haven’t already (perhaps if you got it free from the Epic Games Store). And while you’re at it, play the DLC, too.