Destiny 2 crossplay: When’s it coming?



Shawn Farner

Writer and Storywriter

Ideally, all of your Destiny 2 friends would play on the same platform as you and make online gaming a whole lot easier. In the real world, however, that doesn’t always happen. We at least know that crossplay is coming to the game, which will help break down these barriers. The big question, though, is: when can we expect to see Destiny 2 crossplay launch?

Destiny 2 crossplay: When's it coming?

Let’s dive into it.

Destiny 2 crossplay isn’t far off

Back in December 2020, Bungie wrote on its blog, “Crossplay is coming in 2021.” In February 2021, the Destiny dev team brought even more news on when crossplay could be expected, stating, “Crossplay is coming to the masses in Season 15.” For those keeping score at home, the current season — Season of the Splicer — is number 14.

So we know that crossplay is coming next season. But when exactly?

If we take a peek at the current Season Pass, we can see that Season of the Splicer started on May 11, 2021 and is set to end on Aug. 24, 2021. With that knowledge in hand — and barring any technical difficulties — Aug. 24 is likely the date we’ll see crossplay fully launched and available to everyone in the Destiny 2 community.

It’s a long time coming

For anyone who’s had Destiny 2 friends trapped on other platforms, the introduction of crossplay will be a godsend. It’ll ensure that players are no longer siloed off by which platform they choose to play the game on. Not only that, it’ll help some of the platforms with lower player counts (hi Google Stadia) to make sure players can always match with people for activities.

So now you have a pretty good idea of when you’ll get to see Destiny 2 crossplay in action. All that’s left to do now is count down the days.

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