Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius Fulan Pass Exploration [Item Locations]




Writer and Storywriter

FFBE Fulan Pass

Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius Fulan Pass Exploration [Item Locations]
LevelXP requiredTotal XPUnlocked itemsRewards
210001000Poke Ball x10
320003000Poke Ball x15
430006000Poke Ball x15
5400010000Gyms, Potions, RevivesPoke Ball x20, Potion x10, Revive x10, Incense
6500015000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Incubator
7600021000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Incense
8700028000Razz BerryPoke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x10, Lure Module
9800036000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x3, Lucky Egg
10900045000Super PotionsPoke Ball x20, Super Potion x20, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
111000055000Poke Ball x15, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
121000065000Great BallsGreat Ball x20, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
131000075000Great Ball x10, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
141000085000Great Ball x10, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
1515000100000Hyper PotionsGreat Ball x15, Hyper Potion x20, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
1620000120000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1720000140000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1820000160000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1925000185000Great Ball x15, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
2025000210000Ultra BallsUltra Ball x20, Hyper Potion x20, Revive x20, Razz Berry x20, Incense x2, Lucky Egg x2, Egg Incubator x2, Lure Module x2
2150000260000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
2275000335000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
23100000435000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
24125000560000Ultra Ball x15, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
25150000710000Max PotionsUltra Ball x25, Max Potion x20, Revive x15, Razz Berry x15, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
26190000900000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
272000001,100,000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
282500001,350,000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15

The Fulan Pass Exploration is the 5th map you can wander around for goodies. It has a few hidden spots that you will miss if you don’t explore much. We will show you the little hidden entrances so you can get all the items here.

[easytable]Energy, Gil, Battles, Unit Exp, Rank Exp

6, ~465, 23, ~11216, 127[/easytable]

Drops – Farplane Soul, Esper Cryst, Litrock, Esper Shard, Quality Parts, Pearl of Wisdom, Broken Blade, Digital Circuit, Crimson Tear, Gaia’s Tear, Beast Meat, Life Orb, Golden Egg, Gummy Oil

Collection Points – Lumber, Copper Ore, Fire Cryst, Ice Cryst, Lightning Cryst, Water Cryst, Earth Cryst, Wind Cryst, Light Cryst, Dark Cryst, Magicite Shard, White Magicite

Enemies – Cutpurse, Human Trap, Magitek Armor, Security Eye, Coeurl, Mammon, Centipede, Rukh, Mu

Boss – Cutpurse x 5

Item/Treasure Chest Locations

FFBE Fulan Pass Exploration Map

[easytable]Location, Treasure Chest

1, Bomb Fragment

2, Javelin

3, Body Boost

4, Earth Key 3(Capella)

5, Star Quartz

6, Ether

7, Power Wrist

8, Bronze Shield[/easytable]

Silver Chest [1] – Recipe for Baraero

Silver Chest [2] – Recipe for Stone Blade

Silver Chest [3] – Recipe for Bio

FFBE T1 Fulan Pass Exploration

Location 1 – Go north and slight right and make a sharp turn left to find a Bomb Fragment. This is a usable item that deals fire damage to enemies.

FFBE T2 Fulan Pass Exploration FFBE T2- Fulan Pass Exploration

Location 2 – Backtrack to the entrance and head left. Check for the area with a red area as marked and head south and left to find a Javelin, which gives ATK+22.

FFBE T3 Fulan Pass Exploration

Collection Point 1 – The first collection point area is just north of location 2. Head up the stairs to find it.

FFBE T3 Fulan Pass Exploration

Location 3 – From collection point 1, head right to find the 3rd chest. It is hiding in the tree bushes. Walk into it to find a Body Boost.

FFBE T4 Fulan Pass Exploration

Location 4 – From location 3, head north and make a right. Follow the path down to find an Earth Key 3, which grants you a reward of Capella at the key exchange merchant. It is a gun that gives ATK+26.

FFBE T5 Fulan Pass Exploration FFBE T5- Fulan Pass Exploration

Silver Chest [1] and Location 5 – Now backtrack to the center and head left past location 2. You want to check the area on the left side of the map for a secret entrance to a small spot with the silver chest. Hiding behind the tree of the silver chest is a Star Quartz.

FFBE C2 Fulan Pass Exploration

Collection Point 2 – Make a left from location 2 after you see a cross path. This is also the area where you find the sailor for the quest “Preparing for Depature” from Port City Lodin.

FFBE S2 Fulan Pass Exploration

Silver Chest [2] – From collection point 2, head right to a small area. Look for the area Rain is above and then head down and to the right to pick up silver chest 2. It contains the recipe for Stone Blade.

FFBE T6 Fulan Pass Exploration

Location 6 – From Silver Chest [2] location, head up and left to the top left side of the area. Look for the small spot where you can move down to find a secret spot. Head in there to get an ether.

FFBE T7 Fulan Pass Exploration FFBE T7- Fulan Pass Exploration FFBE T7-- Fulan Pass Exploration

Location 7 and Collection Point 3 – Head to the top right corner of the map and check that area where the red arrow is. Head inside and move north and left to find collection point 3. Then head left again to a secret area to pick up a Power Wrist(accessory), which gives ATK+5

FFBE S3 Fulan Pass Exploration

Silver Chest [3] – This one is just on the left of the secret area 7. Check the area where the red arrow is and follow the path left for a recipe for Bio.

FFBE T8 Fulan Pass Exploration

Location 8 – This is not missable unless you never make it to the boss area. You get a Bronze Shield that gives DEF+16. Just make sure to not leave after fighting the 5 Cutpurses.

Quest Locations

[easytable] Name, Origin, Area

Hunt for the Model Airship, Royal Capital Grandshelt, Hunt for Model Airship Location 1

Danger on the Road, Port City Lodin, Danger on the Road Location 1

Fruit of Life, Port City Lodin, Fruit of Life Location 1

Preparing for Departure,  Port City Lodin, Preparing for Departure Location 1 [/easytable]

Seven Knights Arena Rewards

Seven Knights Farming Guide [Leveling, Ruby, Gold and Topaz]