Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius Lanzelt Ruins Exploration [Item Locations]




Writer and Storywriter

Lanzelt Ruins

Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius Lanzelt Ruins Exploration [Item Locations]
LevelXP requiredTotal XPUnlocked itemsRewards
210001000Poke Ball x10
320003000Poke Ball x15
430006000Poke Ball x15
5400010000Gyms, Potions, RevivesPoke Ball x20, Potion x10, Revive x10, Incense
6500015000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Incubator
7600021000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Incense
8700028000Razz BerryPoke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x10, Lure Module
9800036000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x3, Lucky Egg
10900045000Super PotionsPoke Ball x20, Super Potion x20, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
111000055000Poke Ball x15, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
121000065000Great BallsGreat Ball x20, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
131000075000Great Ball x10, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
141000085000Great Ball x10, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
1515000100000Hyper PotionsGreat Ball x15, Hyper Potion x20, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
1620000120000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1720000140000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1820000160000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1925000185000Great Ball x15, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
2025000210000Ultra BallsUltra Ball x20, Hyper Potion x20, Revive x20, Razz Berry x20, Incense x2, Lucky Egg x2, Egg Incubator x2, Lure Module x2
2150000260000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
2275000335000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
23100000435000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
24125000560000Ultra Ball x15, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
25150000710000Max PotionsUltra Ball x25, Max Potion x20, Revive x15, Razz Berry x15, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
26190000900000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
272000001,100,000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
282500001,350,000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15

Lanzelt Ruins Exploration is the final map that you can explore in Lanzelt. The map is narrow and often have long paths with many hidden ones as well. You are most likely to miss a few treasures on your first try.

[easytable]Energy, Gil, Battles, Unit Exp, Rank Exp

12, ~3507, 27, ~29533, 333[/easytable]

Drops – Allure Powder, Beast Meat, Book of Ruin, Corpse Fly, Crimson Tear, Cursed Tusk, Demon Tail, Digital Circuit, Earth’s Core, Esper Cryst, Esper Shard, Esper’s Tear, Farplane Soul, Gaia’s,, Tear, Green Fluid, Glowseeds, God’s Reliquary, Heaven’s Ash, Life Orb, Litrock, Mystic Ore, Pearl of Wisdom, Polymer Emulsion, Quality Parts, Scripture of Time, Spiritsand, Talmonite of Life

Collection Points – Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Silver Ore, Magicite Shard, Magicite, Black Magicite, Black Megacite, Fire Cryst, Fire Megacryst, Ice Cryst, Ice Megacryst, Lightning Cryst, Lightning, Megacryst, Water Cryst, Water Megacryst, Earth Cryst, Earth Megacryst, Mythril Ore (Clear Reward)

Enemies – Abyssal, Dire Lizard, Epimetheus, Medusa, Scolopendra, Searcher, Skuldier

Boss – Wandering One

Wandering One

Boss Location Lv HP MP
Lanzelt Ruins – Exploration 23 40000 100
Beginner A-5
23 40000 100

This exotic looking boss is highly resistant(+50%) to all negative status ailments and is immune to gravity. It takes 50% bonus damage from ice attacks and 50% less damage from fire attacks. Bring Lasswell, Kefka or any units that have ice attacks such as Blizzaga.

Item/Treasure Chest Locations

FFBE Lanzelt Ruins Exploration Map

[easytable]Location, Treasure Chest

1, Earth Key 2 (Mythril Plate)

2, Squall Ring

3, Wizard’s Robe

4, Blaze Ring

5, Tide Ring

6, Clay Ring

7, Recipe for Moon Ring Blade

8, Star Quartz

9, Recipe for Cleric’s Robes

10, Frost Ring

11, Earth Key 12 (Recipe for Gravity)

12, Star Quartz

13, Lightning Ring [/easytable]

Silver Chest [1] – Recipe for Blizzara

Silver Chest [2] – Recipe for Baraerora

FFBE T1 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE T1a Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 1 – Go left and up to the first secret path marked with the red arrow. Follow the path to get an Earth Key 2, which you can exchange at the Royal Grandshelt Capital vault for a Mythril Plate(a light armor with DEF+28).

FFBE T2 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 2 – Go south from location 1 and right. When you see a waterfall dripping down, move up to collect a Squall Ring, an accessory that gives DEF+4 and 10% wind resistance.

FFBE S1 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Silver Chest [1] – This is located on the left side of the first treasure chest.

FFBE T3 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE T3a Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 3 – Now go back to location 2 and head further right. Go to the next room and check for the secret path right before the stairs. Go in to find a Wizard’s Robe, a cloth armor that gives  DEF+18, MAG+12.

FFBE T4 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE T4a Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 4 – Go upstairs from location 3. Go to the next room. Head left, down, then up north to the right to find the secret path to a Blaze Ring, an accessory that gives DEF+4 and 10% fire resistance.

FFBE T5 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 5 – Now head to the opposite side to find a Tide Ring by entering a secret path similar to location 4. It is an accessory that gives DEF+4 and 10% water resistance.

FFBE C1 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE C1a Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Collection Point 1 – Now head to the bottom left corner from location 5 to find the secret spot for your first collection point.

FFBE S Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE T6 and C2 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 6 and Collection Point 2 – Now backtrack to the center room. Head left and up. Go to the next room and head downstairs. You need to find the secret path on the left to a new room. Follow the path and head to the next room. You will see a square room. Head top left to a secret path for the second collection point. The right secret path will lead you to a Clay Ring(accessory with DEF+4 and 10% earth resistance) if you go north and left.

FFBE C3 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE S2 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Collection Point 3 and Silver Chest [2] – Backtrack to bottom half of the map. Go right and up to find collection point 3 marked with a circle. Then move further right to the right for a silver chest 2. It contains a recipe for Baraerora.

FFBE T7 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 7 – Go south of collection point 3 to find a recipe for Moon Ring Blade, a throwing weapon with ATK+26 and 50% bonus damage to flying units.

FFBE T8 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE T8a Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 8 – Go north and left of location 7 to find the secret path marked with the red arrow. Head left, up and right to find a Star Quartz.

FFBE T9 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 9 – Now go downstairs to the right and to the next room. Go south and right to pick up a recipe for Cleric’s Robe, a cloth armor that gives DEF+32.

FFBE T10 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE T10a Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 10 – Go to the left from location 9 and look for that wall with a secret path. Follow the arrow up, left and then slightly south down the stairs for a Frost Ring, an accessory that gives DEF+4 and 10% ice resistance.

FFBE T11 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 11 – Go south and find that small hidden path that leads you to an Earth Key 12 for a recipe of Gravity via exchange from the vault.

FFBE T12 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration FFBE T12a Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 12 – You do have to fight the boss first before being able to access it. Make sure not to leave! Go back to the hidden wall and head north, right and up to get a Star Quartz.

FFBE T13 Lanzelt Ruins Exploration

Location 13 – Head all the way right for the final treasure chest, which contains a Lightning Ring, an accessory that gives DEF+4 and 10% lightning resistance.

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