Last March saw the launch of Ghostwire: Tokyo from Tango Gameworks, and though the reviews were not exactly stellar, the devs are continuing to add expansions to the game to give it a good long run. With Japan’s Golden Week holiday, Ghostwire also shows off its new update.

The official update reads:
This week, Japan celebrates Golden Week, one of its most popular holiday seasons.
We’re also celebrating as the team at Tango Gameworks has launched an all-new update for Ghostwire: Tokyo! This update features new gameplay and quality of life improvements, numerous bug fixes, and even a festive new cosmetic item and emotes in Photo Mode! Read on for the full details.
The update comes with several improvements addressing performance issues for Ghostwire on PS5 and PC. After hearing some complaints, the devs have opted to allow players to adjust the volume of the Tengu.
Children’s Day—which takes place on May 5—also comes with some new cosmetics, including emotes and headwear for Akito and KK.
The team has also squashed some bugs spotted with the game before the expansion patch.
For a full detailed breakdown of the expansion, you can check the official site here.
In an instant, nearly all of Tokyo’s population vanishes, and paranormal Visitors from another world take their place in the streets. As Akito, one of the city’s last living humans, you must join forces with a spirit named KK to end the supernatural threat encroaching on Tokyo.
Ghostwire: Tokyo is now available for the PS5 and PC.