Learn about the Border Patrol Random Event in GTA 5!

You will encounter multiple types of NPCs as you play through GTA 5’s main story mode and Strangers & Freaks side missions. Most NPCs exist to make sprawling Los Santos feel more alive, filling streets with characters that can drive, walk, react, and interact with any of the three protagonists. However, some NPCs will specifically target you, the player, and try to harass you for a quick buck.
And then there are those Border Patrol freaks – NPCs that group up and chase you down as soon as you cross specific borders around the map, mistaking you for an illegal immigrant.
This quick guide outlines everything you need to know about the Border Patrol Random Event in GTA 5.
What is the Border Patrol Random Event in GTA 5
The Border Patrol Random Event is a set of three random events where self-appointed ‘border watch’ NPCs will try to run you down and ambush you as soon as you cross specific locations in GTA 5.
More specifically, a group of men on dirtbikes and ATVs will chase you down and ask you to speak English to confirm whether you’re American. If you do not comply, the men will immediately shoot you down and eliminate you.

To complete this Random Event, you must kill all the Border Patrol as soon as you see them coming. Doing so will keep them from ganging up on you, which will cause you to lose HP and die quickly since you’ll be receiving multiple shots from multiple men simultaneously.
Ideally, you’ll want to play as Michael or Trevor when this Random Event pops up. This way, you can use Michael’s ability to slow down time and eliminate all the men before they can even pull out their guns. As Trevor, you’ll be able to absorb more incoming damage from multiple men, giving you a better chance of surviving the ambush.

All three Random Events feature a similar group of NPCs on motorcycles that you must take down to complete the Random Event.
Border Patrol Random Event Location
There are three locations for the Border Patrol Random Event in GTA 5. All three are situated outside Los Santos and closer to the Blaine County region.
The first event can be found near Mount Haan Road in the Grand Senora Desert. Here, a group of bikers will try to ambush you, mistaking you for an illegal foreigner entering protected soil.

The second event can be found in the Tataviam Mountains. Like the first event, bikers will chase you down and ambush you once you cross the border.

The last event can be found in Raton Canyon. Like the first two events, bikers will attempt to ambush you once you cross the border.

The event spawns randomly for different protagonists, meaning there’s little to no chance of all three spawning simultaneously on the map. Switch between protagonists and try again on a different day to encounter this Random Event.
Border Patrol Random Event Rewards
You can get up to $600 in cash from the event in GTA 5. The money you get from completing this mission comes mostly from the bikers’ pockets, as each biker will drop random amounts of cash as soon as you take them out.

Since there are three Border Patrol Random Events in GTA 5, you can get up to $1800 by completing all three. You’ll also check off 3 out of 14 Random Events you need to complete to get 100% completion in GTA 5.
Good For Nothing Bikers
This Random Event is probably not your first experience with Border Patrol wannabes in GTA 5, as the Strangers & Freaks mission ‘The Civil Border Patrol’ will have already given you a good idea of what goes through these border patrol enthusiasts’ heads whenever they are out looking for illegal immigrants.
Find all three Border Patrol Random Events in GTA 5, and end the Border Patrol madness. You’ll also make some decent money on the side by doing so as well.