The Harry Potter franchise had been able to gather some of the most beloved English actors from Ralph Fiennes to Emma Thompson, but one beloved Brit actor who has never been asked to appear in the movies was Simon Pegg.

Surprisingly, Pegg has found a role in the highly-anticipated Hogwarts Legacy, and it’s been revealed that he’s the school’s least beloved headmaster—Phineas Nigellus Black. Here’s the reveal:
Join Simon Pegg as he takes us behind the scenes of Hogwarts Legacy and introduces the character he voices, the infamous Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black. Better known as the least popular headmaster Hogwarts ever had!
Though fans have been used to the headmaster character like Dumbledore being a steady mentor for the hero, Black is quite the opposite, only landing the role out of reluctance and we can see that he does an awful lot of complaining in front of the students.
For fans who didn’t read the books, Black was actually a character who had prominent roles in Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows, with Harry sometimes talking to his portrait in Dumbledore’s office. It was also Black who revealed to Snape where the trio was camping out, so he could give them the sword of Gryffindor.
I’m sure Pegg will be a lot of fun in the role, and I hope we get to see him to a live-action version in the future.
Catch Hogwarts Legacy when it launches for Xbox One, PC, and PS4 on April 4 and Nintendo Switch on July 25.