If you play Destiny 2, you likely interact quite a bit with various Planetary Materials, even if you don’t pay much attention to them. They’re required for certain weapon and armor upgrades. You need them occasionally for Vendor purchases, too. If you want to know how to get Dusklight Shards in Destiny 2, so your bases are at least covered with that mat, here’s what you can do.

Pick up some Dusklight Shards from Spider

The Destiny 2 Vendor known as Spider is located in the Tangled Shore. And quite the Vendor he is! He does more than just hand you Bounties to complete — he’s actually a full-on trader who will stock you up on Dusklight Shards and other materials.
Spider’s is random, so he may not have Dusklight Shards on the day you visit. However, keep checking back and you’re bound to get them. He’ll either want to sell them in exchange for Glimmer, or he’ll want Legendary Shards instead.
Nab your Destination Resource Bundles from the Season Pass

The Destiny 2 Season Pass will offer you Destination Resource Bundles at various tiers. You should definitely collect them if you’re not doing that already. These reward 50 of each type of Planetary Material, hopefully ensuring you always have some ready to go. Of course, if your next Bundle is many Season Pass levels away, this method for how to get Dusklight Shards in Destiny 2 be all that helpful to you.
Farm them directly from the source

Last but not least, you can always visit the EDZ and farm some Dusklight Shards while on foot. Any chests you find in the EDZ will also drop you a small number of Dusklight Shards — definitely not as many as you could buy from Spider in one fell swoop.
And that’s how to get Dusklight Shards in Destiny 2
Now that you’ve got all the information you need, head on out into the universe and collect those Dusklight Shards by any means necessary. Good luck to you!