How to get Symmetry in Destiny 2


Shawn Farner

Writer and Storywriter


In my humble opinion, the best weapons in Destiny 2 are the ones that transform themselves. One minute they’re firing off Arc bullets, then the next, they’re zipping Arc trackers at your enemy. Come to think of it, that sounds a lot like one weapon in particular: Symmetry, an Exotic Scout Rifle. And based on that description, you are almost certainly interested in acquiring this gem. You want to know how to get Symmetry in Destiny 2.

How to get Symmetry in Destiny 2

Keep reading, because you’re about to find out.

Symmetry was once a Seasonal Exotic

Symmetry comes from an era I like to call BCV: Before Content Vault. You see, the Destiny Content Vault has unfortunately stripped a whole lot of the game out, including past Raids, Missions, Quests, Strikes, and so forth. And because Bungie is still very much about that FOMO (even though it claims not to be), you also can’t go back and experience the story content from past seasons. That creates a bit of a pickle when it comes to getting the Seasonal Exotics.

Fortunately, there is at least an avenue for you to go down if you still want those weapons (and you do, trust me). So let’s find out what it is.

Symmetry can be purchased at the Monument to Lost Lights

If you aren’t familiar with the Monument to Lost Lights, I’m about to blow your mind. This kiosk — located in the Tower next to the Vault terminals — contains all the Exotics and Ritual weapons that were once tied to Seasonal or Vaulted content. And wouldn’t you know it: Symmetry is in this Monument. You can go to it, buy it, and use it without having to go all Doc Brown and travel back in time.

You will need some things to buy it, though — some materials and currencies. So make sure you have the following in your inventory:

Once you’ve gathered all of that, open the Monument, navigate to the section called “Shadowkeep Exotics,” and then look at the fourth slot from the left. There is Symmetry. Press or click the labeled button buy it, take it, equip it, and fire away.

That’s how to get Symmetry in Destiny 2

Symmetry used to be a beastly choice for Gambit. It’s still solid these days, but doesn’t pack quite as much power as it used to. With that said, you’ll undoubtedly find a use for it in PvE activities. PvP, maybe not so much. You’ll have to take it into the Crucible and see if you can make it work. I prefer other weapons when facing down other Guardians, but that’s just me.

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