You’ve finally done it. You’ve experienced the wonder and joy that comes from firing the favorite weapon of many self-proclaimed “crayon eaters.” Now you’re wondering how to get the Sweet Business Catalyst in Destiny 2. You must mold this very loud but very deadly Auto Rifle into its final form.

Getting the Sweet Business Catalyst is not a difficult endeavor by any means. It may require a bit of a time investment, but the hours you’ll spend getting it via this method are probably less than the old way. Just to give you some perspective, let’s talk about that old way for a moment. Then you’ll get the info you desire.
The Sweet Business Catalyst used to be obtained by pledging to New Monarchy

Remember Factions? Ah, the good old days. Guardians used to pledge their loyalty to a particular group inside The Last City. Said group would then shower those Guardians in branded awards.
That was before Lakshmi-2, the leader of the Future War Cult, went all crazy fascist. New Monarchy’s leader, Executor Hideo, has probably skipped down because of his role in trying to overthrow the Vanguard. Dead Orbit’s whole plan was to take off anyway. Maybe they’ve done that.
At any rate, we no longer have Faction Rallies or any way to pledge to Factions at all. So the old way of getting the Sweet Business is dead — just like Lakshmi-2.
Now the method for how to get the Sweet Business Catalyst in Destiny 2 is… to simply play

You probably wanted a very specific answer to this question, and you can’t be blamed for that. Some Exotic Catalysts come from certain activities only, such as Crucible or Strikes or Nightfalls. You were hoping the Sweet Business Catalyst was the same, as that would narrow your focus and hopefully get you to it a lot faster.
The method for how to get the Sweet Business Catalyst in Destiny 2, however, is to play pretty much any activity: whether it be Crucible, Strikes, Gambit, Dungeons, Raids or what have you. The Catalyst can be a random drop from an activity completion or a kill. Plenty of players — myself included — got it without even trying by just doing the stuff we were already doing. Then, all of the sudden, there it was. It appeared.
If you think about it, though, that’s actually great news. You can do the things you like and eventually the Catalyst will come to you. You don’t have to put your fun aside to go searching for it. You don’t have to grind a thing you don’t like endlessly until it drops. You can simply play the game.
Trust me, Serious Business makes it worthwhile
The biggest downside to Sweet Business is how insanely loud the thing is. If you shoot it, anyone with ears can pinpoint where you are. That means you’re going to have a lot of guns aiming your way. When those guns start shooting, you’ll be experiencing a lot of flinch.
Fortunately, the Serious Business perk — found on the Sweet Business Catalyst — has your back.
Serious Business reduces flinch when the gun is spun all the way up. When you’re at full “brrrrrrrrrrr” with Sweet Business, as they say, you’ll flinch less when being shot by others. That should help you keep your super-spinny weapon trained on those who wish you ill.
And that’s how to get the Catalyst
There you have it! Go out there, enjoy the game, and you’re bound to get this Catalyst to drop for you. Should the method for how to get the Sweet Business Catalyst in Destiny 2 change, we’ll update this article accordingly.