Konami wasn’t kidding when they said they would make a huge announcement for the future of the Silent Hill games. Just in, they’ve revealed a total of four SH games in the works, and here’s a look at all of them.

Here’s the trailer for Silent Hill: Ascension:
Silent Hill: Townfall:
Silent Hill f:
And finally, the remake of Silent Hill 2:
For the full Silent Hill reveal video, you can check it all out here, including video commentary from the producers and directors of the game.
Besides the games, the announcement also includes the reveal of sequel to the first Silent Hill movie, and it will be directed by Christophe Gans. The film will be called Return to Silent Hill, and it will be based on the events of Silent Hill 2, coincidentally, the game that’s also getting remade by the studio.
The Silent Hill franchise has been under a long hiatus ever since they cancelled Silent Hills back in 2015, but it looks like the studio has decided to overcompensate with the announcement of all these Silent Hill projects all of a sudden.
With Resident Evil currently dominating the survival horror genre right now, fans have been clamouring for Konami to bring back the Silent Hill franchise—especially since we haven’t gotten a new game since 2012.
No release dates have been announced for the upcoming Silent Hill titles, but hopefully we have a release sometime in 2023.