What exactly can you get if you purchase Spider-Man 2 before the October 20 launch?

It was 2018 when Insomniac Games launched its first Spider-Man title, and everyone has been excited about the release of the sequel, Spider-Man 2.
Like every other AAA game that comes out today, Spider-Man 2 also comes with a bunch of special editions and pre-order bonuses to ensure the game starts earning some money early, even way before it can launch.
Admittedly, none of the bonuses seriously affect gameplay, but they do come with a bunch of great cosmetics (like Spider-capes!), plus a little boost to save players that extra time grinding on the game’s first few hours.

Marve’s Spider-Man 2 Pre-Order Bonuses
Price: $69.99 MSRP
Pre-ordering the Standard Edition of Spider-Man 2 will get you some great stuff, mostly cosmetic. The pack includes two early unlock suits for Peter Parker (Arachknight Suit) and Miles Morales (Shadow-Spider Suit), each with 3 color variations.
As for gadgets, the pre-order bonus will give you the Web Grabber Gadget. The gadget lets you put a trap that pulls all the enemies surrounding it into one area. It’s the same gadget that Miles uses in the gameplay reveal footage from a few months ago:
Besides the eight alternate skins and the gadget, the game will also give the player three skill points, so they can start the game with more options on how to customize the skills of either Miles or Peter.

Spider-Man 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
Price: US $79.99 MSRP
If pre-ordering a game isn’t your bag, you can get the pre-order items in the Digital Deluxe Edition of the game. Besides receiving all the items that come with the standard edition pre-ordered, you’ll get access to 10 unique suits for Miles and Peter (5 each Spider-Man). The suits in this edition include:
– Tactical Suit
– Aurantia Suit
– 25th Century Suit
– Stone Monkey Suit
– Apunkalyptic Suit
– Agimat Suit
– Red Spectre Suit
– Encoded Suit
– Biomechanical Suit
– Tokusatsu Suit
It’s worth noting that each suit that came with the Digital Deluxe Edition was designed by guest artists which include Kris Anka, Julia Blattman, Sweeney Boo, Raf Grassetti, Jerad Marantz, Joel Mandish, Anthony Francisco, Victoria Ying, and Darren Quach.
Players will also get another 2 Skill Points, added with the pre-order bonus, which makes it a total of 5 points. This edition also promises some additional Photo Mode items—specifically extras like frames and stickers that will be exclusive to the pack.

Spider-Man 2 Collector’s Edition
Price: US $229.99/UK/EU MSRP
This will undoubtedly be the most expensive edition of the game, and it will include every item that comes from both of the previous packs and then some.
The Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man 2 will come with a steel book display case that includes artwork of Venom taking on Peter and Miles, and it will also come with the full digital PS5 version of Spider-Man 2.
Of course, the very centerpiece of this edition is a huge 19-inch statue of Venom fighting off Peter and Miles. The statue reveals went a bit viral last September because it was shared with the caption “Treat yourself to 19 inches of Venom” by the PlayStation UK account, and a lot of fans immediately caught on the wordplay:
All-in-all, the Collector’s Edition of Spider-Man 2 will get you a total of 18 unique skins, the Web Grabber Gadget, 5 Skill Points, a steel book display case, the digital edition of Spider-Man 2, and a sweet 19-inch statue of Peter, Miles, and Venom.
Related: All Confirmed Villains for Spider-Man 2 So Far
Fans should also expect some DLC down the line, like the first game’s The City That Never Sleeps, but for now, it looks like all the focus will just be on the release of this base edition of the game.
Get ready to swing back into New York City with Peter and Miles when Spider-Man 2 launches on Oct. 20 exclusively on the PS5.