Mass Effect Legendary Edition patch fixes Xbox crashes, among other things


Shawn Farner

Writer and Storywriter


A new Mass Effect Legendary Edition patch, which should be available now, takes care of a number of issues — including that nasty crashing over on Xbox.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition patch fixes Xbox crashes, among other things

According to the official patch notes, the update fixes “the main issue where the launcher would crash or become unresponsive on Xbox Series X when using a wireless headset.” However, it’s worth noting that there is still a headset-related concern here. EA warns that “if you enable/disable a headset in the launcher,” you might still be headed for crash town. Just bear that in mind.

Another important repair comes in the area of kill tracking. There are apparently some achievements and trophies in Mass Effect and Mass Effect 3 that were not tracking kills properly. The update should resolve this issue in both games.

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Everything else in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition patch seems pretty small by comparison; mostly “stability improvements” and visual tweaks. Still, we’ll take it. If a game has a patch notes list that doesn’t take you 10 minutes to read, that is a pretty solid win. It usually means the game wasn’t pushed out the door with a lot of problems.

I’ve been playing through Legendary Edition, and I’ve only encountered one bug during play: while trying to survey some materials on a planet in Mass Effect, the button prompt would not work. I had to save and reload in order to get things functional.

Otherwise, I would say the experience has been pretty smooth. Going back to the first game in the series has been a nostalgia trip, for sure. Hopefully the good times keep rolling as I wrap up the first entry and make my way through the other two.

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