Mobius Final Fantasy Card Augment Guide [Things You Should Know]




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Welcome to the Mobius FF card augmenting guide. We will give you a quick run down on how to power up your cards and make them better! Augmenting cards give you 2 vital benefits – better skills and fusion odds!

Mobius Final Fantasy Card Augment Guide [Things You Should Know]
GuideGold/Gem FarmingDeck Builder
Card FarmingSkills

Augmenting cards are important because the benefits of augmenting low level 1 and 2★ cards will benefit your high level 3-4★ cards. For example, if you augment a Treant from 2★ to its 3★ version, then any time you get a Treant again, it will be at 3★ instead of 2.

Even if you sell all of the 3★ Treant cards in your deck, you will always get your Treant cards at 3★. So you do not have to worry about wasting your time augmenting the same card again.

When it comes to augmenting the cards, you need various materials. Below is a chart that shows you what is needed. SS is short for skillseeds.

Card Rarity Gil Materials Needed Base SS Max SS Max Ability Lvl Attack Orb Cos Support Orb Cost
1★ 3,000 Gil Two 2★ 4 8 2 Normal + 1 3
2★ 9,000 Gil Five 2★/3★ 5 10 4 Normal 3
3★ 200,000 Gil Two Growstars(4★) 6 18 6 Normal 2
4★ N/A N/A 7 21 8 Normal – 1 2

Dust Ripper Wind 1 Star

Also keep in mind that 1 and 2★ cards will have lesser version skills compared to 3★ and higher cards. For example, Dust Ripper 1★ and 2★ has “lesser windfang” as their skill. Once you augment it to 3★, its skill will turn into Windfang, which you can use it to upgrade 3★ Griffin card with the ability Windfang (Ranger Skill) to higher levels. In turn, you will do more damage and unlock new special abilities!

Below are the places you can find where you can farm these materials required for each element.

Farming for Materials

Most materials can be gotten via traveling bosses from chapter 1 and 2. Molten Core is currently unavailable to farm for now but you can buy them at the magicite shop. The drop rates for 2★ and 3★ materials are about 1 every 4-5 battles or so against traveling bosses.

NameElementTier (PVE)Highlight SkillAttack Description
ArendelWaterSSDefensive TacticsReduces all damage for your entire team by 7%. At skill level 2, goes up to 15%.
ArendelWindSSWind SlashHits like a truck at lower levels (300 fixed with 50% DEF), but eventually fades due to poor scaling.
ArendelLightSSShield of ProtectionGives your entire team (3x3 hitbox) shields for 25% of Arendel's HP for 2 turns. Also makes them immune any and all debuffs.
EldinWindSSMana StormLong range (5 tiles) AoE with a 3x3 hitbox. Artillary ranged bomb that hits hard.
DeathmondWindSSDance of Death90% AoE with 60% healing reduction in a 3-range cross pattern centered on Deathmond. Shuts down the large majority of support tools, setting up kills for the rest of your team.
AzlarLightSSAxe Strike120% attack with 100% healing reduction. This skills is a death sentence unless the opponent has a cleanse or an immunity.
ZileanFireSSPhoenix180% magical attack with a 100% chance to burn 10% current HP for 2 turns. A tank buster and boss slayer. Zilean at her best.
FeriaWindSSProphecy of the GoddessGives any friendly target invincibility for 2 turns. Oh, it also gives their basic attacks 20% lifesteal. Easily the best support skill.
NazdanDarkSSApocalypseThe best melee AoE skill in the game. Has a range of 2 with a hitbox of 3x3. Almost impossible to escape.
GarredLightSSSavage StrikeNot only does this do 100% damage, but it has 60% chance to Stun a target for 2 turns. 100% chance at skill level 3. Truly savage.
GarredWindSSBloodbathInsane single target damage (130%), and hits 3 targets behind it as well. Sadly, no Garred has both this and Uncontrollable Rage.
EshiriteWaterSSIndomitable WillDEF is increased by 50% (100% at level 3) when HP drops below 50%. Truly indomitable, but only on Light and Water.
EldinFireSSpellstormThe sniper spell. 110% magical attack damage, that applies 40% slow for 2 turns. Due to Eldin's high attack stat, this hits like a truck.
EldinDarkSCommunion30% faster Action Charge Speed for the whole team regardless of their element. Noticable in long battles, and gives a small edge in PvP.
FeriaDarkSBlessing of the GoddessGreat healing that scales with magical attack stat. On average will heal about 50% of your health, both this turn, AND next turn.
AzlarDarkSBasic AttackLight and Dark Azlar actually have the highest scaling basic attack in the game. A whole whopping 150% attack damage.
EdgarFireSVoid Slash100% chance to stun for 1 turn, and deals 100% physical attack damage to boot. Also has a low cooldown.
NazdanFireSDeath's JudgmentA Dark Nazdan exclusive, and also one of the best AoE skills in the game. Range 1 with a 3x3 hitbox, but can add Silence.
NazdanLightSSoul Drain30% bonus physical attack once Nazdan gets off a kill. Since Nazdan is likely your main DPS, this triggers pretty often.
KindleFireSAimed ShotModerate damage at 100%, but has an incredible 8 range. Allows Kindle to poke engage, softening a target for follow up or forcing support skills.
KalitoLightSDebilitating ShoutMassive range debuff that cuts physical damage by 50% for 3 turns. With 4 movement range, provides incredible protection from heavy physical hitters, like Nazdan and Garred.
AlexandroFireSClawDeals damage equal to 10% total HP + 125 damage, with an 80% stun rate. A fairly reliable stun on a 3 second cooldown on unkillable wall is pretty good.
GarredDarkSDeath VortexSolid AoE that hits in a square around Garred. Not as good as Nazdan's AoE, but still pretty potent.
DeathmondDarkSAura of Death30% crit chance. Puts Deathmond at 35% crit chance, giving her large returns on aggressive crit/crit damage itemization.
GarredFireSUncontrollable rageThis skill enables Garred to oneshot some targets. Absolutely brutal in PvP, and very helpful against nightmare bosses in PvE.
LycianFireSJoy of the Hunt80% damage boost when making attacks from stealth. In most cases, particularly in PvP, this ensures a guaranteed kill.
LycianDarkSAttack from Behind140% nuke + makes you untargetable for 2 turns. The stealth mechanic is really strong by itself, but is devastating when combined with the Joy of the Hunt passive.
ZileanLightSEmberstrike180% magical attack with a 100% chance to burn 10% current HP for 2 turns. A tank buster and boss slayer. Zilean at her best.
SinWindSPoison Slash165% nuke with 70% healing reducton. The assassination skill. If it one shots the target, great. If it doesn't, they're still dead. Unless there's a certain Feria on the other team...
SinLightSNo Antidote10% dodge and 7% max health bonus damage on a poisoned target. Bumps Sin up to 15% total dodge, on top of making her stronger against tanks, and even more deadly to squishies.
EshiriteLightSSword of Elvens110% attack to front target, 60% to 3 spaces behind it. Has 6 skill levels, incredibly strong when maxed out.
KarinDarkSDebilitating Potion50% attack that debuffs enemy defense by 70% for 3 turns. Sets up kills like no other.
LyilisLightSPiercing Arrow65% AoE attack, unique to her Light version only. Only has a 4 turn cooldown, which is pretty short for an AoE skill.
ArinLightSPurifying Wave25% heal to all friendlies in range. Water's version removes 1 debuffs from each friendly, 2 debuffs at level 3.
ArinWaterSPrayer of DevotionRevives 1 dead ally at 20% HP, at the cost of 20% of Arin's HP. The revive amount gets up to 80% at level 3. Very important to level.
GarredWaterA+Rein of MaddnessThis passive turns Garred into a ticking timebomb, which also, unfortunately, turns him into a target. Still, a very strong skill.
CezarDarkA+Explosive Arrow155% nuke with a 4 turn cooldown, and a 2 turn 50% action speed reduction. Strong as is, even stronger with Superior Aim, as well as setting up Superior Aim for her other abilities.
DeathmondLightA+Chain Scythe95% attack that pulls a target. Use to punish mispositioned enemies to focus down.
SinDarkA+Poisonous Feast120% 2-range cross AoE centered around Sin. Poor man's apocalypse. Not bad, but not the best hero for the melee AoE role.
AzlarWater A+Open Season25% lifesteal on basic attack. Very good on a light or dark Azlar with max basic attack.
EldinLightAFocused MagicA potentially game changing support spell. Best used to get an ally's clutch spell back in rotation. Adds a lot of flexibility to your team.
FeriaLightAIncapacitate Remove all buffs and lowers physical attack by 50% for 2 turns. Nice. Slows down DPS monsters like Nazdan and Garred.
EdgarLightASunder EarthSolid AoE cooldown that hits for 90%, and also applies 200 action gauge slow to all targets hit.
EdgarDarkAWhirlwind SlashAoE is always nice, and this has a huge hitbox. Only problem is Edgar has lower attack, and this only does 70%.
NazdanWaterADecapitation110% attack with 4% total HP off the top, solid single target damage. Tends to do slightly more than Death Sentence.
EshiriteWindATriple SlashCompletely average on your generic Fire Eshirite, but note, Water's version has a 50-80% chance to stun for 2 turns.
KalitoFireATriumphant Roar65% action speed for 3 turns. A helpful buff with a large range. Can make a huge difference in arena.
EshiriteDarkASword ReleaseLine AoE with decent damage, 80%. Note that with this, Light Eshirite is one of the few characters in the game with two AoE skills.
KarinLightADefective Conction100% attack that guarantees a 2 turn polymorph. This is a ranged stun. This is also a 2 turn stun. This a 2 turn, ranged stun with decent damage. It's very good.
KarinFireASubstitution Effect500% of effect accuracy is added to magical attack. This passive on Karin, specifically, is godly. Effect accuracy helps ensure her crippling debuff effects, but also makes them pack a larger punch with this passive.
LyilisWindAStarquake60% AoE attack available on her Water and Light versions. Great range, does decent damage when combined with Whispering Spirit.
KindleDarkAKeen Senses80% increase criticial damage. Keystone to Kindle performing his role. Build crit chance on him and watch his damage numbers fly.
LyilisFireAFocused StrikeBoosts her physical attack by 50% (up to 100%) for 1 turn, 100% bonus action speed and 1 extra move range. Great for sniping in PvP.
AzlarFireAFeral Instincts40% defense penetration. More damage to squishies, much more damage to tanks.
LycianWindAMulti-Strike140% nuke + 7% max health. More or less comparable to Mark of Prey until you stack a lot of attack. Then Multi-strike only outperforms Mark of Prey on Health stacking units.
LycianLightALeader Skill[Element] 9% dodge and 15% attack increase. Dodge is silly.
LycianWaterAMark of Prey150% nuke + 2 turn 30% bleed. This skill could very easily be another hero's top skill. But Lycian's skills are just that good.
AzlarWindABattle CryMassive range debuff that cuts physical damage by 50% for 3 turns. With 4 movement range, provides incredible protection from Nazdan, etc.
LyilisWaterAWhispering SpiritAdds 50 fixed physical damage to every attack. Works with skils. Really stacks up when used with AoE attacks.
CezarLightASuperior Aim90% damage increase against debuffed targets. This is an absurd steroid, however it is limited to a couple types of debuffs.
CezarWaterARat Trap120% 2 turn immobilize and 100% increase to Cezar's charge speed. A pretty loaded skill. Aside from Superior Aim synergy, ranged immobilizes are effectively stuns for melee-only attackers
ZileanDarkAFlame ShockWhen Zilean attacks a burning target she deals 5% of the target's HP. Keeps her doing HP % damage all fight long.
ArinFireAMysterious LightRestores 20% of Arin's HP every turn. Useful for helping her stay alive, and so that she doesn't have to waste her heals on herself.
EldinWaterA-Mana ArrowA respectable 100% long range bomb that has 100% chance to add silence. Great for neutralizing and tenderizing key enemy units.
AlexandroDarkB+Paw StrikeDeals damage equal to 15% total HP + 150 damage. At 6667 health, this skill does 1150 damage. With thick skin, that's pretty easily achieveable.
AlexandroLightB+Thick Skin50% increased HP. Directly synergizes into Alexandro's health scaling on his abilities, allow them to pack a big punch.
SinFireB+Poison Spray90% 1-range ring AoE centered around Sin. AoE passive enabler.
ArendelFireBSonic DropCross AoE centered on Arendel. Short on both range and damage (150 fixed with 45% DEF), but it's his only AoE.
ArendelDarkBShield of Elvens15% increased block rate and blocked attacks reduce damage 10% further. More useful in PvE, since you can ignore him in PvP.
FeriaWaterBBlockGives Feria a 30% HP shield after she gets hit, protecting her from future attacks. Absolutely essential to her survival.
EdgarWindBSword of Heaven100% physical attack from a few spaces away, that also gives Edgar a 2 turn 250 damage shield. Great initiation move.
ZileanWaterBCombustion135% magical attack to single target, increases their cooldowns by 5 turns. Cute, but only works on skills already on cooldown.
AlexandroWindBHibernationHeals for 30% max health for two turns when brought under 30% HP. Pretty strong passive for PvE, unfortunately only activates once.
ZileanWindBBlessing of FireIncrease critical strike chance of all allies by 20%. If attacked, their action gauge +200. A fantastic support skill, misplaced on a DPS character.
KalitoWaterBMaster Strategist-250 action gauge on basic attack, which lets Kalito somewhat lock down a target he's in range of when not using his utility.
KalitoWindBUnwavering Will30% damage reduction. Makes Kalito tankier.
KindleWindBFinal Blow125% + 10% HP loss execute. Perfect follow up to Aimed Shot to two hit a squishy from absurd range.
KarinWindBVitality Potion65% HP increase, 75% defense increase for 3 turns. This is NOT a heal. It's a temporary health buff that is lost when the buff expires.
KarinWaterBCharged Elixir50% increase to acion charge speed after basic attacking. Consistent effect but only activates when basic attacking, which lowers its uptime considerably.
KalitoDarkBHeavy Blow150% nuke. Very powerful for tank, which allows Kalito to threaten squishies he can reach.
NazdanWindBCreeping Terror30% healing reduction sounds like a lot, but in most cases it tends to be negligable, since the best healers tend to overheal.
SinWaterBLeeching Poison40% max hp health restoration when attacking a poisoned target. Set-up dependent, lifesteal passive...on an assassin? It differs from Azlar's passive from the fact that it's not only restricted to basic attack
DeathmondWaterBChain Dance100% attack increase self-buff, 25% defense reduction self-debuff. Actually quite powerful with Arendel's debuff prevention. Problem is that you rely on Arendel's debuff prevention.
DeathmondFireBRazor-Sharp Mind45% bonus damage to her attacks on bleeding targets. This bonus damage actually outdamages baseline crit damage (+20%), but is dependent on her autoattacking first (and bleeding them).
TulkinWindBFire GDR-8685% 3-range cross patterned splash. Easily hits an entire team when used. Although lower numerically, with movement + splash radius, the GDR has a substantial effective range
ArinDarkBHealing TouchSingle target heal for 30% of target's HP. Rather generic heal, but Fire's version also removes 1 harmful effect.
TulkinLightB-Missile Strike140% nuke to main target, 60% splash in 2-range cross pattern. Tulkin's most powerful single target damage, actualy competitive with similar ranged abilities.
CezarFireB-Deep Breath600 additional damage on basic attack. Super powerful but forces you to choose between her powerful abilities and raw damage from basic attacks.
CezarWindB-Falling Arrow105% AoE.
FeriaFireCSacrificeGives your team all 30% HP shields when she dies. Nice, but kind of pointless, since you can just ignore the versions that have this.
KindleWaterCSurvival Instincts100% action charge speed beserk passive. Beserk passives are easy to play around and Kindle is too vulnerable to feasibly be damaged under 50% and not dead.
KindleLightCMulti-Shot105% attack with a 70%, 3 turn action charge buff. Powerful buff that synergizes with Survival Instincts and Smoke Bomb. But seems out of place for a sniper.
EdgarWaterCWill of the AncientsKind of bad. Here by default, since he's rarely in range for Magic-Devouring Blade. Still, this keeps him from getting blown up by mages.
EshiriteFireCDetermined StabSure, it looks awful at rank 1, doing 250 fixed damage with a 35% coefficient. But at max rank, that fixed damage goes up to 900.
LyilisDarkCStormwind ArrowLyilis' best single target damage, at 70%. Only slightly more damage than her AoE attacks, but can be used with Focused Strike
AlexandroWaterCRoar of the Guardian60% HP increase for 3 turns, health is lost one buff is dropped. Barely more HP than the Thick Skin passive, but can be used with Hibernation.
ArinWindCBenevolent AuraHeal for 15% of target's HP for 2 urns. Short 4 turn cooldown, can get down to 2 turns, providing constant heals.
TulkinDarkCSkilled Technician1 turn, 30% damage reduction after using a skill. Straightforward but effective. Will be more consistently helpful then Stay Back!
TulkinWaterCBuckshot100% 1-range cross splash, with 30% defense penetration. Basically the same skill as Mortar Blast, but will do more damage to tanky targets.
TulkinFireDStay Back!2 increased movement range beserk passive. Like all beserk passives, inconsistent but exceptionally powerful when they work out. No direct increase to combat efficiency, however.
Devina ArcherLightDEagle Eye25% crit increase. Pretty good but you end up doing less than Lyilis' flat damage bonus, unless you're absurdly powerful, and you don't wan't you Devnia Archer to be absurdly powerful.
Devina ArcherWater DEagle Eye25% crit increase. Pretty good but you end up doing less than Lyilis' flat damage bonus, unless you're absurdly powerful, and you don't wan't you Devnia Archer to be absurdly powerful.
Devina ArcherFireDRapid Shot125%
Devina ArcherDarkDSuperior Aim110.%
Devina ArcherWindDBasic Attack85%
Devina AssassinLightC
Devina AssassinWaterC
Devina AssassinFireC
Devina AssassinDarkC
Devina AssassinWindC
Devina MageLightCHigh Tolerance25% magic immunity increase. Eh. Wouldn't be awful on a good mage.
Devina MageWaterCHigh Tolerance25% magic immunity increase. Eh. Wouldn't be awful on a good mage.
Devina MageFireCBlue Blaze125%
Devina MageDarkCSuperior Aim110.%
Devina MageWindCBasic Attack85%
Devina OfficerLightS
Devina OfficerWaterS
Devina OfficerFireS
Devina OfficerDarkS
Devina OfficerWindS
Gravewatcher HorusLightA+Eagle Eye25% crit increase. Pretty good but you end up doing less than Lyilis' flat damage bonus, unless you're absurdly powerful, and you don't wan't you Devnia Archer to be absurdly powerful.
Gravewatcher HorusWaterA+Eagle Eye25% crit increase. Pretty good but you end up doing less than Lyilis' flat damage bonus, unless you're absurdly powerful, and you don't wan't you Devnia Archer to be absurdly powerful.
Gravewatcher HorusFireA+Rapid Shot125%
Gravewatcher HorusDarkA+Superior Aim110.%
Gravewatcher HorusWindA+Basic Attack85%
Gravewatcher SobekLightB
Gravewatcher SobekWaterB
Gravewatcher SobekFireB
Gravewatcher SobekDarkB
Gravewatcher SobekWindB
Gravewatcher AnubisLight CEagle Eye25% crit increase. Pretty good but you end up doing less than Lyilis' flat damage bonus, unless you're absurdly powerful, and you don't wan't you Devnia Archer to be absurdly powerfu
Gravewatcher AnubisWaterCEagle Eye25% crit increase. Pretty good but you end up doing less than Lyilis' flat damage bonus, unless you're absurdly powerful, and you don't wan't you Devnia Archer to be absurdly powerfu
Gravewatcher AnubisFireCRapid Shot125%
Gravewatcher AnubisDarkCSuperior Aim110.%
Gravewatcher AnubisWindCBasic Attack85%
Wild BoarLightC
Wild BoarWaterC
Wild BoarFireC
Wild BoarDarkC
Wild BoarWindC
FairyLightSSEagle Eye25% crit increase. Pretty good but you end up doing less than Lyilis' flat damage bonus, unless you're absurdly powerful, and you don't wan't you Devnia Archer to be absurdly powerful.
FairyWaterSSEagle Eye25% crit increase. Pretty good but you end up doing less than Lyilis' flat damage bonus, unless you're absurdly powerful, and you don't wan't you Devnia Archer to be absurdly powerful.
FairyFireSSRapid Shot125%
FairyDarkSSSuperior Aim110.%
FairyWindSSBasic Attack85%
Yggdrasil Monkey ElderLightB
Yggdrasil Monkey ElderWaterB
Yggdrasil Monkey ElderFireB
Yggdrasil Monkey ElderDarkB
Yggdrasil Monkey ElderWindB
Reptilian WarriorLightB
Reptilian WarriorWaterB
Reptilian WarriorFireB
Reptilian WarriorDarkB
Reptilian WarriorWindB
Reptilian ArcherLightD
Reptilian ArcherWaterD
Reptilian ArcherFireD
Reptilian ArcherDarkD
Reptilian ArcherWindD
Gnoll Razorclaw HunterLightD
Gnoll Razorclaw HunterWaterD
Gnoll Razorclaw HunterFireD
Gnoll Razorclaw HunterDarkD
Gnoll Razorclaw HunterWindD
Gnoll Razorclaw ShamanLightC
Gnoll Razorclaw ShamanWaterC
Gnoll Razorclaw ShamanFireC
Gnoll Razorclaw ShamanDarkC
Gnoll Razorclaw ShamanWindC
Gnoll Razorclaw WarriorLightD
Gnoll Razorclaw WarriorWaterD
Gnoll Razorclaw WarriorFireD
Gnoll Razorclaw WarriorDarkD
Gnoll Razorclaw WarriorWindD

Material Shop

And of course, if you got a fat wallet, you can buy all the items with magicite.

  • 2★ materials – 150 Magicite
  • 3★ materials – 500 Magicite
  • One 4★ Growstar – 1500 Magicite
  • Four 4★ Growstar – 4000 Magicite
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