Paradise Bay Tips and Tricks for Beginners Wiki




Writer and Storywriter

Welcome to the Paradise Bay guide for beginners! This game is developed and published by Kings games. We will be going over some tips and tricks on how to progress faster in the game!

Paradise Bay Tips and Tricks for Beginners Wiki

Crafting List | Plants and Animals

Trading Post

Trade Offer Docks

So at the beginning of the game, you will be taught how to use the trading post. The trading post serves a few things. It allows you to trade with NPC characters that will give you coins, experience and relationship points.

When you are level 1 to 8, the majority of your income will come from trading in the trading post. Make all ingredients and items that the characters request.

Each time you trade with them successfully, you will gain bonus relationship points with them. Increasing their relationship level will allow you to get bonus coins, experience and items.

When your relationship level with characters reach a certain level(usually 7-8), you will unlock the required secret recipes in Bazaar.


Paradise Bay Guide

The fields are your bread and butter for harvesting crops. Each time you harvest a crop, you get an extra crop. If you harvest 2 bamboos, you will get 4 bamboos in return.

Windmill Storage

This is where you store all your crops. You can upgrade your storage if you can find the necessary items. They are gear, pulley and support beams. You can find them by either from the treasure chests in your island or through trading with characters from the dock.

Treehouse Storage

This stores goods. Any goods or items made will be in here. Similar to the windmill storage, you can find them via trading with characters from the dock or through treasure chests. The upgrade items needed are crates, treehouse stilt and treehouse stairs.

General Tips

Always Save Your Pearls – DO NOT TRADE THEM AWAY

You can get pearls randomly by catching sea creatures with your turtle. These pearls are used to unlock special recipes from the Bazaar later on in the game(around level 15). The recipes will unlock new items to craft or make. So make sure to not trade the pearls away like I did.

Rush Items/Crops

Once your crop or item reaches 30 seconds or less before it is produce, you can rush it to get it instantly for free. Use this to speed up items you want quickly such as wheat and bamboos. This applies to all items, so use it as long as you are active!

Wesley Exports

Paradise Bay Wesley Export

This is the place that is unlocked at level 8. You can then start trading with other players. I suggest you start selling the cheap to make items like fishes and shrimps. They get sold quickly and you will be able to earn coins quicker than just trading using the trading post.

Keep the more expensive items that take longer to make as they will come in handy when you can start trading with dock characters.

The Docks

This is where other NPC characters come and trade with you. Try to upgrade this as soon as you can to allow more ships to trade with you. You are able to get axes, shears, sledgehammers from these traders. This allows you to trim down trees and stones blocking your island.

Expanding Your Land

Only expand the required land to unlock the Docks and Bazaar. These are vital to your progress in the game. If you have followed my advice of not trading your pearls away, you will be able to get the secret recipes such as Sail and Bamboo Raft. These are often requested items in the trading post.

Always Keep Harder To Make Items In Stock

The big reason for this is because sometimes you will need them for dock trading and it requires you to be fulfilled within a few hours. If you sold all of them away, then sometimes you will not be able to meet the quota.

The important characters to trade with are those that offer the axes, shears, treasure maps and jades. These are limited items and are used for either clearing your island or unlock new recipes at the Bazaar.

Don’t Forget To Grab Treasure Chests Daily

Paradise Bay Storage Items

It can give you bonus axes, sledgehammers and shears needed! Also try not to waste money on decoration items unless you have extra money to blow. Decorations does not help with production or anything useful and is just for looks.

Secret Islands

Angler Island Map Guide

Once you are able to collect enough treasure map pieces, you can unlock new islands. These new islands allow you to buy items at a cheap price and also provide with you with special items only available for a specific island. There are currently 5 islands you can unlock.

Angler Island is the first one you can unlock. It allows you to buy the goldfish, but you need to build your relationship with the owner to level 5 before you can buy the goldfish. Goldfishes are rare items which can be bought and sold for a profit or used as a trading item in the docks.

Any island you unlock will each also have these special items. Keep that in mind.

Seal House

The seal house allows seals to dive deep in the river for bonus treasure items. You can get rare items like platinum, gems, axes, shears, upgrade items and more. This can only be done when an event is available. You can also help your friends with their seal diving and earn karma, which I will explain below.


Karma is a new currency for you to buy axes, shears and sledgehammer in the Bazaar. You can get karma by tapping your friend’s wild life or help them with seal diving. You need 100 karma to exchange for any of the items.


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