How to Play Fortnite Day of Doom LTM in Chapter 5 Season 4



Luqman Abdulkabir

Writer and Storywriter

Luqman is an adept gaming writer with over 3 years of experience. He has contributed to several gaming publications, focusing on game reviews, industry news, and in-depth guides. Luqman stays ahead of the curve, delivering insights on the latest gaming trends and technologies. In his leisure time, he enjoys playing Call of Duty and exploring new games.

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Are you excited about the new Fortnite LTM? Learn all the details on how to play and win in Fortnite’s Day of Doom in this piece!

How to Play Fortnite Day of Doom LTM in Chapter 5 Season 4

On September 18, Epic Games rolled out the Battle Royale v31.20 update for Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 4, featuring the all-new Day of Doom LTM and fresh content like the Iron Man MK 45 Bundle. This Limited-Time Mode, inspired by the Endgame event from Chapter 1, Season 8, adds a new Marvel-themed twist to the season, centering around the iconic supervillain, Doctor Doom.

As this LTM seems to be a hit with its hero vs. villain gameplay, we’ll guide you through it’s gameplay in this piece. We’ll also cover other important details you should know about the mode. Keep reading!

What You Should Know About Fortnite Day of Doom LTM

Day of Doom Artifacts

With Doctor Doom taking center stage as the main boss of Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5, Season 4, the Day of Doom mode brings an epic showdown between the Avengers and Doom’s Henchmen. This mode allows up to 32 players, split into two teams: Allies of the Avengers and Doom’s Henchmen.

Since it’s a Limited-Time Mode (LTM), it’s only available until October 4 at 9 AM ET. This gives you less than a month to jump into the action. Here’s how to play the latest game mode in Fortnite.

How to Play Fortnite Day of Doom LTM

You’ll find the Day of Doom mode in the Discover section, where you can choose to play as either Doctor Doom’s henchmen or an ally of the Avengers.

Playing as an ally of the Avengers

Day of Doom Avengers

If you’re on the Avengers’ side, your goal is to stop Doom’s henchmen from collecting all 6 Arcane Artifacts scattered across the island. You’ll win the battle if you and your fellow Avengers can kill all the henchmen—who have numerous but limited respawns—before they collect the Artifacts. It might sound easy, but it actually demands serious grinding.

On the plus side, Avengers in this new mode have unlimited respawns. But once Doom’s henchmen collect all six Artifacts, you and the other Avengers’ allies won’t be able to respawn, so you’ll lose. The mode also offers up to four different loadouts based on various Avengers, with one randomly assigned to you each time you respawn.

Playing as a Doom’s henchman

Day of Doom Henchmen

On the other hand, you can play as one of Doom’s Henchmen, with the goal of collecting all six Artifacts while managing your respawns. Once you have all the Artifacts, the Avengers won’t be able to respawn, so you’ll just need to take them out one last time to secure the win.

An important tip you can use to win this game is to be the first Doom henchman to collect an Artifact, as this makes you Doom’s Chosen. This unlocks Doom’s armor and powerful abilities like the Mystical Gigabomb and Scorch Beam, making you a nearly unstoppable force in the game.

All Loadouts in Day of Doom

Day of Doom features a single loadout for Doom’s henchmen, who gain full access to all items after collecting a certain number of artifacts. Avengers, on the other hand, have access to up to four different loadouts, each randomly assigned to players on respawn. Here are the loadouts you can match with in Day of Doom:

Doom’s Henchmen Loadout

  • Doctor Doom’s Arcane Gauntlets
  • Combat Assault Rifle – Mythic-rarity
  • Monarch Pistol – unlocked only after the first artifact has been acquired; Mythic-rarity
  • Sovereign Shotgun – unlocked only after the second artifact has been acquired; Mythic-rarity)
  • Shockwave Grenade – unlimited use

The First Avenger: Captain America Loadout

  • Captain America’s Shield  
  • Striker Burst Assault Rifle – Legendary-rarity
  • Super Slap Splashes – 5x 
  • Shield Bubble Jr. – 3x
  • Dual Micro SMGs

A One-Man Weapons Depot: War Machine Loadout

  • War Machine’s Arsenal
  • War Machine’s Auto Turret
  • War Machine’s Hover Jets
  • Stark Industries Energy Rifle – Legendary-rarity
  • Chug Splashes – 4x

Genius Inventor and Billionaire: Iron Man Loadout

  • Iron Man’s Combat Kit
  • Iron Man’s Flight Kit
  • Stark Industries Energy Rifle – Legendary-rarity
  • Hyper SMG – Legendary-rarity
  • Chug Splashes – 4x

Princess of Wakanda: Black Panther Loadout

  • Shuri’s Black Panther Claws
  • Striker Assault Rifle – Legendary-rarity
  • Ranger Pistol – Legendary-rarity
  • Rift-To-Gos – 2x
  • Chug Splashes – 4x

Fortnite Day of Doom Quests and Rewards

As of now, Day of Doom features 6 quests, but you’ll need to complete a total of 8 quests to earn rewards at the end. Epic Games is likely to add the remaining quests before the game mode ends. Here are the quests currently available in Fortnite Day of Doom:

  • Stop Doctor Doom from collecting all six Arcane Artifacts
  • Damage opponents with Hero Items (1,500 times)
  • Use Chug Splash or Slap Splash on allies (10 times)
  • Help Doctor Doom collect all six Arcane Artifacts
  • Damage opponents with Doctor Doom’s Arcane Gauntlets (1,500 times)
  • Hit players with Shockwave Grenades (20 times)

Basically, these quests require you to play and win as both a hero and a villain, which adds an interesting twist to the gameplay. Each quest earns you 20k XP, and completing all the 8 quests will also reward you with the Nanamantium Fury Loading Screen.

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