Those hoping to see the latest and greatest from id Software will sadly have to do so from home. According to the event’s official Twitter account, QuakeCon 2021 — a show focused on all things id — will be a digital-only affair when it takes place Aug. 19 through Aug. 21.

The good news? Bethesda has some practice under its belt from last year. QuakeCon 2020 was also a digital-only event thanks to COVID-19. That show seemed to be well received given the circumstances, which could be why id and Bethesda feel comfortable going back to this format (for hopefully the last time).
Both id and Bethesda at large have experienced some big changes since last year’s digital gathering. Bethesda and all of its studios are now owned by Microsoft, which means Doom Guy and Master Chief are part of the same team. A few Xbox folks could pop up during the show as a result.
Outside of that, it’s unclear what might be shown off at QuakeCon 2021. Will there be some new games announced? Will we finally get 2016’s Doom as part of Xbox Game Pass? Who knows. We’ll definitely have our ears to the ground, though, and will let you know if we hear anything about id’s plans for the event.