![Seven Knights Hero Skill List [6 Stars]](https://playerassist.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Kris.png)
Name | Origin | TM Reward | Description |
Rain | FF BE | - | - |
Lasswell | FF BE | - | - |
Fina | FF BE | - | - |
Rizer | FF BE | HP +10% | - |
Leah | FF BE | Banish | Light magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy |
Tronn | FF BE | Fira | Fire magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies |
Eldin | FF BE | Pilfer | Steal gil from one enemy |
Baurg | FF BE | Store | Physical damage (+0.8x per usage, 1.6x max) to one enemy and increase damage taken (50%) to caster |
Gimlee | FF BE | Aim | Physical damage (1.2x) to one enemy |
Maxell | FF BE | Power Shot | Physical damage (1.2x) to one enemy |
Liza | FF BE | Lullaby | Sleep (30%) to all enemies |
Wedge | FF 6 | Fire Beam | Fire magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy |
Biggs | FF 6 | Blizzard Beam | Ice magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy |
Paul | FF 2 | Escape | Escape battle |
Anastasis | FF 12 | Regen | Heal (400HP, 2x) for 3 turns to one ally |
Sarah | FF 1 | Paean | Heal while singing for 3 turns to all allies |
King Giott | FF 4 | Stone Killer | Increase damage against stone monsters (50%) |
Shiki | FF BE | Tranquility | Physical damage (1.2x) to one enemy |
Mizell | FF BE | Deprotect | Decrease DEF (20%) for 3 turns to one enemy |
Ronaldo | FF BE | Drain Blade | Hybrid damage (1.4x) and physical damage (0.8x) with HP drain (30%) to one enemy |
Mel | FF BE | Drink | Allows use of drinkable items. |
Vivi | FF 9 | Firaga | Fire magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies |
Penelo | FF 12 | Equip S Sword | Allow use of short swords |
Maria | FF 2 | Esuna | Cure all status effects to one ally |
Sabin | FF 6 | Counter | Counter physical attacks (30%) |
Shadow | FF 6 | Throw | Allow use of throwable items |
Krile | FF 5 | Thundaga | Lightning magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies |
Kain | FF 4 | Gungnir | Spear - Atk +90 |
Edgar | FF 6 | Machine Killer | Increase damage against mechanical monsters (50%) |
Fran | FF 12 | Cleanse | Cure disease to one ally |
Shantotto | FF 11 | MAG +30% | - |
Rydia | FF 4 | Blizzaga | Ice magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies |
Cyan | FF 6 | Evade | Chance to negate physical damage taken (10%) |
Clyne | FF BE | Cover | Chance to take physical damage for ally (5%) |
Anzelm | FF BE | Drain | Magic damage (0.8x) with HP drain (30%) to one enemy |
Luna | FF BE | Barrage | Four physical damage (3.2x) to random enemies |
Bedile | FF BE | Thundaga Blade | Lightning hybrid damage (1.8x) to one enemy |
Garland | FF 1 | Equip L Sword | Allow use of long swords |
Exdeath | FF 5 | Holy | Light magic damage (2.3x) to one enemy |
Kuja | FF 9 | Flare | Magic damage (2.3x) and decrease water resistance (30%) for 3 turns to one enemy |
Cloud of Darkness | FF 3 | Auto-Limit | Increase LB gauge (1) each turn |
Cecil | FF 4 | Excalibur | Long Sword - Atk+120 and Light Element |
Terra | FF 6 | Ultima | Magic damage (2.8x) with ignore SPR (25%) to all enemies |
Magitek Armor Terra | FF 6 | - | - |
Bartz | FF 5 | Doublehand | Increase equipment ATK (50%) when single wielding sword, katana, axe, or hammer |
Firion | FF 2 | Equip H Armor | Allow use of heavy armors |
Zidane | FF 9 | Dual Wield | Allow use of weapons in both hands |
Vaan | FF 12 | Maximilian | - |
Duane | FF BE | Bioga Blade | Dark hybrid damage (1.8x) and poison (40%) to one enemy |
Cerius | FF BE | Miracle Shoes | Accessory - Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Regen |
Roselia | FF BE | Equip Staff | Allow use of staves |
Medius | FF BE | Growth Egg | Increase experience (50%) |
Sarai | FF BE | Silence Dance | Hybrid damage (1.2x) and silence (30%) to one enemy |
Paula | FF BE | Stonra | Earth magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies |
Kenyu | FF BE | Raging Fist | Physical damage (1.2x) with ignore DEF (25%) to one enemy |
Ollie | FF BE | Aquan Killer | Increase damage against aquatic monsters (50%) |
Carrie | FF BE | Sunbeam | Magic damage (1.2x) and blind (30%) to all enemies |
Skaha | FF BE | Dragon Killer | Increase damage against dragons (50%) |
Montana | FF BE | Camouflage | Decrease likeliness of being targeted (50%) |
Russell | FF BE | Bladeblitz | Physical damage (1.4x) to all enemies |
Miyuki | FF BE | Sakurafubuki | Katana - Atk +98 |
Golbez | FF 4 | Meteor | Magic damage (2.5x) with ignore SPR (25%) to all enemies |
Galuf | FF 5 | Comet | Magic damage (1.6x) with consecutive damage increase (0.1x) to one enemy |
Xiao | FF BE | Kaiser Knuckles | Fist - Atk +101 |
Artemios | FF BE | Equip Bow | Allow use of bows |
Locke | FF 6 | Rising Sun | Throwing - Atk +107 |
Leo | FF 6 | Aegis Shield | Heavy Shield - Def+53, Spr+25 |
Gilbert | FF BE | Dream Harp | Music Instrument - Atk+76, Mag+41 |
Celes | FF 6 | Minerva Bustier | Armor - Def+47, Spr+45, Resistance: Fire (+30%), Ice (+30%), Lightning (+30%), Wind (+30%) |
Kefka | FF 6 | Ribbon | Accessory - Mag+5, Spr+5, Nullify all status ailments |
Rakshasa | FF BE | Holy Blade | - |
Below are all the skills of your favorite hero in Seven Knights. Some of them are super useful and use this to determine who your 6 star hero selectors will be.
I will be adding more as I am able to get more data. Keep in mind that this is taken from the Korean version, so some may differ slightly.
Number | Pokemon | Quick Move | Charge Move | Defense Score |
#143 | Snorlax | Zen Headbutt | Earthquake | 100 |
#131 | Lapras | Frost Breath | Ice Beam | 99.38 |
#065 | Alakazam | Psycho Cut | Psychic | 96.88 |
#080 | Slowbro | Confusion | Ice Beam | 88.72 |
#149 | Dragonite | Steel Wing | Dragon Pulse | 82.35 |
#103 | Exeggutor | Zen Headbutt | Psychic | 81.57 |
#134 | Vaporeon | Water Gun | Aqua Tail | 80.44 |
#055 | Golduck | Confusion | Ice Beam | 77.98 |
#036 | Clefable | Zen Headbutt | Psychic | 76.88 |
#087 | Dewgong | Bubble | Aqua Tail | 73.37 |
#110 | Weezing | Tackle | Dark Pulse | 72.78 |
#113 | Chansey | Zen Headbutt | Psychic | 71.5 |
#097 | Hypno | Zen Headbutt | Psychic | 70.21 |
#062 | Poliwrath | Bubble | Ice Punch | 69.93 |
#064 | Kadabra | Psycho Cut | Psybeam | 69.93 |
#038 | Ninetales | Feint Attack | Flamethrower | 69.07 |
#009 | Blastoise | Water Gun | Flash Cannon | 67.55 |
#121 | Starmie | Water Gun | Power Gem | 67.24 |
#128 | Tauros | Zen Headbutt | Earthquake | 65.83 |
#059 | Arcanine | Fire Fang | Bulldoze | 65.01 |
#079 | Slowpoke | Confusion | Psychic | 63.69 |
#073 | Tentacruel | Poison Jab | Blizzard | 63.41 |
#139 | Omastar | Rock Throw | Rock Slide | 63.22 |
#089 | Muk | Poison Jab | Sludge Wave | 63.18 |
#068 | Machamp | Bullet Punch | Stone Edge | 62.91 |
#071 | Victreebel | Razor Leaf | Sludge Bomb | 62.55 |
#136 | Flareon | Ember | Flamethrower | 62.51 |
#026 | Raichu | Spark | Thunder Punch | 62.2 |
#133 | Eevee | Tackle | Dig | 61.34 |
#006 | Charizard | Wing Attack | Ancient Power | 60.52 |
#142 | Aerodactyl | Steel Wing | Ancient Power | 59.9 |
#078 | Rapidash | Ember | Drill Run | 59.2 |
#008 | Wartortle | Water Gun | Ice Beam | 59.04 |
#119 | Seaking | Poison Jab | Drill Run | 58.84 |
#091 | Cloyster | Frost Breath | Blizzard | 58.61 |
#125 | Electabuzz | Thunder Shock | Thunderbolt | 58.57 |
#135 | Jolteon | Thunder Shock | Thunderbolt | 58.57 |
#130 | Gyarados | Bite | Dragon Pulse | 58.49 |
#040 | Wigglytuff | Feint Attack | Dazzling Gleam | 57.99 |
#094 | Gengar | Shadow Claw | Dark Pulse | 57.91 |
#061 | Poliwhirl | Bubble | Scald | 57.83 |
#031 | Nidoqueen | Poison Jab | Stone Edge | 57.13 |
#054 | Psyduck | Zen Headbutt | Psybeam | 56.66 |
#063 | Abra | Zen Headbutt | Psyshock | 56.46 |
#033 | Nidorino | Poison Jab | Dig | 55.88 |
#148 | Dragonair | Dragon Breath | Aqua Tail | 55.88 |
#025 | Pikachu | Quick Attack | Thunderbolt | 55.37 |
#115 | Kangaskhan | Mud Slap | Brick Break | 55.06 |
#099 | Kingler | Mud Shot | Water Pulse | 54.74 |
#058 | Growlithe | Ember | Flamethrower | 54.31 |
#126 | Magmar | Ember | Flamethrower | 54.31 |
#108 | Likitung | Zen Headbutt | Hyper Beam | 54.16 |
#003 | Venusaur | Razor Leaf | Petal Blizzard | 53.89 |
#045 | Vileplume | Razor Leaf | Petal Blizzard | 53.89 |
#053 | Persian | Feint Attack | Power Gem | 53.77 |
#018 | Pidgeot | Steel Wing | Hurricane | 53.46 |
#034 | Nidoking | Poison Jab | Earthquake | 53.22 |
#109 | Koffing | Tackle | Dark Pulse | 52.67 |
#122 | Mr. Mime | Zen Headbutt | Psychic | 52.56 |
#085 | Dodrio | Steel Wing | Drill Peck | 51 |
#137 | Porygon | Tackle | Psybeam | 50.84 |
#102 | Exeggcute | Confusion | Ancient Power | 50.02 |
#007 | Squirtle | Bubble | Aqua Tail | 49.94 |
#020 | Raticate | Quick Attack | Dig | 49.04 |
#049 | Venomoth | Confusion | Psychic | 48.54 |
#076 | Golem | Rock Throw | Ancient Power | 48.46 |
#147 | Dratini | Dragon Breath | Aqua Tail | 48.42 |
#060 | Poliwag | Bubble | Body Slam | 48.26 |
#120 | Staryu | Water Gun | Power Gem | 48.18 |
#101 | Electrode | Tackle | Thunderbolt | 48.07 |
#022 | Fearow | Steel Wing | Drill Run | 47.95 |
#124 | Jynx | Frost Breath | Ice Punch | 47.64 |
#086 | Seel | Ice Shard | Aqua Tail | 47.33 |
#030 | Nidorina | Bite | Dig | 46.43 |
#093 | Haunter | Shadow Claw | Dark Pulse | 46.11 |
#005 | Charmeleon | Ember | Flamethrower | 46.08 |
#037 | Vulpix | Ember | Flamethrower | 46.08 |
#035 | Clefairy | Zen Headbutt | Body Slam | 45.92 |
#117 | Seadra | Water Gun | Blizzard | 45.53 |
#072 | Tentacool | Bubble | Water Pulse | 45.41 |
#044 | Gloom | Razor Leaf | Petal Blizzard | 44.63 |
#042 | Golbat | Wing Attack | Air Cutter | 44.51 |
#002 | Ivysaur | Razor Leaf | Sludge Bomb | 44.24 |
#070 | Weepinbell | Razor Leaf | Sludge Bomb | 44.24 |
#082 | Magneton | Spark | Flash Cannon | 44.01 |
#105 | Marowak | Mud Slap | Dig | 43.23 |
#088 | Grimer | Acid | Sludge Bomb | 42.72 |
#017 | Pidgeotto | Steel Wing | Aerial Ace | 41.66 |
#051 | Dugtrio | Mud Shot | Stone Edge | 41.16 |
#116 | Horsea | Bubble | Flash Cannon | 41.12 |
#019 | Rattata | Tackle | Dig | 40.8 |
#096 | Drowzee | Confusion | Psychic | 40.77 |
#075 | Graveler | Rock Throw | Rock Slide | 40.65 |
#107 | Hitmonchan | Bullet Punch | Ice Punch | 40.45 |
#024 | Arbok | Acid | Dark Pulse | 39.98 |
#028 | Sandslash | Mud Shot | Rock Tomb | 39.67 |
#123 | Scyther | Steel Wing | Bug Buzz | 39.55 |
#039 | Jigglypuff | Feint Attack | Body Slam | 39.48 |
#077 | Ponyta | Tackle | Flame Wheel | 39.36 |
#032 | Nidoran M | Peck | Body Slam | 38.62 |
#052 | Meowth | Scratch | Dark Pulse | 38.31 |
#100 | Voltorb | Tackle | Thunderbolt | 38.07 |
#004 | Charmander | Ember | Flamethrower | 37.84 |
#118 | Goldeen | Mud Shot | Aqua Tail | 37.6 |
#098 | Krabby | Bubble | Water Pulse | 37.45 |
#141 | Kabutops | Fury Cutter | Ancient Power | 37.41 |
#012 | Butterfree | Confusion | Psychic | 37.29 |
#138 | Omanyte | Mud Shot | Ancient Power | 37.06 |
#140 | Kabuto | Mud Shot | Ancient Power | 37.06 |
#114 | Tangela | Vine Whip | Sludge Bomb | 36.59 |
#090 | Shellder | Ice Shard | Water Pulse | 35.69 |
#043 | Oddish | Razor Leaf | Sludge Bomb | 35.06 |
#015 | Beedrill | Poison Jab | Sludge Bomb | 34.4 |
#027 | Sandshrew | Mud Shot | Rock Slide | 34.09 |
#029 | Nidoran F | Bite | Body Slam | 33.66 |
#001 | Bulbasaur | Tackle | Sludge Bomb | 32.96 |
#057 | Primeape | Karate Chop | Night Slash | 31.82 |
#050 | Diglett | Mud Shot | Dig | 31.71 |
#127 | Pinsir | Rock Smash | Submission | 31.63 |
#021 | Spearow | Peck | Drill Peck | 31.28 |
#084 | Doduo | Peck | Drill Peck | 31.28 |
#016 | Pidgey | Tackle | Aerial Ace | 31.16 |
#106 | Hitmonlee | Low Kick | Stone Edge | 30.69 |
#067 | Machoke | Karate Chop | Cross Chop | 30.38 |
#069 | Bellsprout | Vine Whip | Sludge Bomb | 30.3 |
#092 | Gastly | Lick | Dark Pulse | 29.99 |
#074 | Geodude | Rock Throw | Rock Slide | 28.47 |
#048 | Venonat | Confusion | Psybeam | 27.68 |
#023 | Ekans | Acid | Sludge Bomb | 27.61 |
#104 | Cubone | Mud Slap | Dig | 27.29 |
#081 | Magnemite | Spark | Thunderbolt | 26.36 |
#041 | Zubat | Quick Attack | Sludge Bomb | 26.12 |
#066 | Machop | Karate Chop | Cross Chop | 24.99 |
#010 | Caterpie | Tackle | Struggle | 24.29 |
#011 | Metapod | Tackle | Struggle | 24.29 |
#056 | Mankey | Scratch | Cross Chop | 22.65 |
#112 | Rhydon | Mud Slap | Stone Edge | 21.71 |
#129 | Magikarp | Splash | Struggle | 21.71 |
#095 | Onix | Rock Throw | Rock Slide | 16.28 |
#013 | Weedle | Poison Sting | Struggle | 15.27 |
#014 | Kakuna | Poison Sting | Struggle | 15.27 |
#047 | Parasect | Bug Bite | Solar Beam | 9.02 |
#111 | Rhyhorn | Mud Slap | Bulldoze | 5.47 |
#046 | Paras | Scratch | Seed Bomb | 5.27 |
Seven Knights
Rudy (Universal)
Skill 1: Target 1 enemy with triple 90% physical damage, additionally stun target for 2 turns & reduces buff timer by 6 turns. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 270% physical damage) [CD: 64 secs]
Skill 2: Reduce incoming damage by 80% to himself for 2 turns, additionally reflect status ailment inflicted to him for 3 times. [CD: 74 secs]
1. Increase allies total defense by 60%.
2. 100% block chance to himself.
Spike (Universal)
Skill 1: Target 1 enemy with triple 140% physical damage, additionally applies freeze for 2 turns. (Deal extra 200% physical damage after freeze ends & accumulated damage inflicted equals to 420% physical damage) [CD: 64 secs]
Skill 2: Target all enemies with double 70% physical damage, additionally chance to freeze 2 turns. (Deal extra 140% physical damage after freeze ends & accumulated damage inflicted equals to 140% physical damage) [CD: 76 secs]
1. All allies immune to debuffs for 3 turns.
2. Increase his physical attack & critical chance by 80%.
3. Survives with 1 HP when attacked over its own HP.
Eileen (Universal)
Skill 1: Target 1 enemy with triple 140% physical damage, additionally penetrate through damage immunity, defense buff & applies shock for 2 turns. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 420% physical damage) [CD: 80 secs]
Skill 2: Target all enemies with double 70% physical damage, additionally high chance to shock for 2 turns. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 140% physical damage) [CD: 80 secs]
1. Increase allies physical attack by 60%.
2. Revive once with 100% HP.
Kris (Universal)
Skill 1: Target 1 enemy with 300% physical damage & applies instant death debuff for 2 turns, additionally chance to inflict another death debuff. Death debuff on turn 1 will decrease target HP by 50% and turn 2 will decrease target HP by 100% (If targeted enemy is immune to debuffs, targeted enemy will receive extra 100% physical damage) [CD: 64 secs]
Skill 2: Target all enemies with 160% physical damage, additionally chance to apply instant death debuff for 2 turns. Death debuff on turn 1 will decrease target HP by 50% and turn 2 will decrease target HP by 100% (If enemies is immune to debuffs, enemy will receive extra 100% physical damage) [CD: 76 secs]
1. Recover allies HP by 30% when an enemy dies.
2. Revive once with undead effect for 3 turns.
3. Chance to applies death debuff for 2 turns on Swift/Counter attack.
4. Apply speed attack on his every move while on undead effect.
Rachel (Universal)
Skill 1: Target 1 enemy with 400% physical damage, additionally inflict burn with 300% physical damage for 2 turns. (Deal 500% physical damage on revived state & inflict burn with 400% physical damage for 2 turns) [CD: 80 secs]
Skill 2: Target 3 enemies with 160% physical damage, additionally reduces targets total damage and defense by 80% for 2 turns. (Deal 320% physical damage to all enemies on revived state & debuff stays for 3 turns) [CD: 70 secs]
1. Increase allies counterattack chance by 50%.
2. Revive once with 100% HP & her skills are enhanced for 3 turns.
3. Self immune to debuffs for 3 turns while on revive state.
Jeiv (Universal)
Skill 1: Target all enemies with triple 50% physical damage. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 150% physical damage) [CD: 70 secs]
Skill 2: Target all enemies with 100% physical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & ignore defense. [CD: 70 secs]
1. Reduces his damage taken by 50% and reflects the reduced damage into the attacker.
2. Self immune to debuffs for 3 turns.
Delonse (Offensive)
Skill 1: Target 1 enemy with triple 200% physical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity, defense buff & always critical. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 600% physical damage) [CD: 80 secs]
Skill 2: Target 4 enemies with double 80% physical damage, additionally high chance to silence for 2 turns. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 160% physical damage) [CD: 74 secs]
1. Increase allies total damage by 50%.
2. Immune to all kind of damage for 4 hits.(Ignore penetration skill)
3. Reduce his skill cooldown by 10 seconds on speed/counter attack.
Ace (Universal)
Skill 1: Target 1 enemy with quadruple 100% physical damage, additionally penetrates & increase damage taken by 80% for 2 turns. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 400% physical damage) [CD: 80 secs]
Skill 2: Target all enemies with 140% damage, additionally reduce enemies heal recovery by 80% for 2 turns & reduce buff duration by 2 turns. [CD: 120 secs]
1. Reduce all enemies defense by 50%.
2. Increase enemies damage taken by 50%..
3. Survives with 1 HP when attacked over its own HP.
Yeopo (Universal)
Skill 1: Target 4 enemies with 180% physical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & defense buff. [CD: 95 secs]
Skill 2: Target 4 enemies with 110% physical damage, additionally reduces buff timer by 3 turns & ignore defense. [CD: 115 secs]
1.Void Shield from any kind of damage for 6 hits.
2. Increase his physical damage by 50%
3. Increase his weakness attack by 50%
Wukong (Universal)
Skill 1: Target 2 enemies with double 150% magical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & defense buff. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 300% magical damage) [CD: 80 secs]
Skill 2: Target 3 enemies with double 100% magical damage, additionally ignore defense. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 200% magical damage) [CD: 80 secs]
1. Increase his magical attack by 50%.
2. Self Immunity from damage reflections.
3. Revive once with 100% HP along with dead allies as a clones. (Summon up to 4 clones & last for 3 turns with 90% power)
Lin (Magic)
Skill 1: Target 3 enemies with triple 50% magical damage, additionally always critical. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 150% magical damage) [CD: 80 secs]
Skill 2: Target all enemies with 80% magical damage, additionally penetrates & randomly shuffle enemies formation. (If less number of enemies to attack critical & total damage will increase by 30%) [CD: 85 secs]
1. Immune to all kind of damage for 12 hits (Her hits immunity will be deducted by the number of strikes that she received).
2. High chance to apply blindness for 2 turns on speed/counter attack.
3. Grant magical attack by 50% in a row.
Legendary Emperors
Teo (Offensive)
Skill 1: Target all enemies with 100% physical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & always critical. [CD: 70 secs]
Skill 2: Target all enemies with 140% physical damage, additionally reduces buff timer by 2 turns. (If less number of enemies to attack critical & total damage will increase by 30%) [CD: 110 secs]
1. Self immunity from damage for 3 turns.
2. Grant immunity from damage reflection in a row.
3. Revive with undead effect for 3 turns, additionally immune to debuffs for 3 turns.
4. His swift/counter attack will always critical & ignore defenses while on undead effect.
Karma (Universal)
Skill 1: Target all enemies with double 70% magical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & defense buff (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 140% magical damage). [CD: 84 secs]
Skill 2: Target 4 enemies with 140% magical damage, additionally reduces buff timer by 3 turns. [CD: 110 secs]
1. Void Shield from any kind of damage for 6 hits.
(His Void Shield will be deducted by the number of strikes that he received).
2. 100% block chance to himself.
3. Increase allies total damage by 50%.
Kyle (Offensive)
Skill 1: Target 4 enemies with triple 50% physical damage, additionally ignore defense. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 150% physical damage) [CD: 85 secs]
Skill 2: Target 4 enemies with triple 50% physical damage, additionally penetrates through damage immunity & defense buff. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 150% physical damage) [CD: 85 secs]
1. Immune to all kind of damage for 12 hits (His hits immunity will be deducted by the number of strikes that he received).
2. Every 3 attack deals 150% physical damage additionally remove active buffs to all enemies.
Yeonhee (Magic)
Skill 1: Target 3 enemies with triple 70% magical damage, additionally penetrates & deal extra 30% magical damage of targets max HP. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 210% magical damage + 30% magical damage of targets max HP.) [CD: 70 secs]
Skill 2: Target 4 enemies with double 100% magical damage, additionally high chance to sleep for 2 turns. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 200% magical damage) [CD: 95 secs]
1. Void Shield from any kind of damage for 7 hits & Amplify her magical damage by 50% if team have atleast 3 Magic Hero Type.
2. Her normal attack (speed/counter) targets 2 enemies.
3. High chance to apply sleep for 2 turns on speed/counter attack.
Luminous Revolution Group
Alicia (Universal)
Skill 1: Target all enemies with double 50% physical damage, additonally reduces buff timer by 2 turns. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 100% physical damage) [CD: 105 secs]
Skill 2: Target 4 enemies with 60% physical damage, additionally deals extra 2500 fixed damage. [CD: 90 secs]
1. Allies normal (Speed & Counter) attacks ignore defense.
2. Self immunity from damage for 3 turns.
Kiriel (Magic)
Skill 1: Target 4 enemies with 100% magical damage, additonally high chances to stun for 2 turns. [CD: 80 secs]
Skill 2: Target all enemies with 100% magical damage, additionally reduce buff duration by 2 turns & penetrates. [CD: 120 secs]
1. Void Shield from any kind of damage for 4 hits.
2. Reduce enemies block chance by 40%.
Ryan (Offensive)
Skill 1: Targets 1 enemy (highest attack) with quadruple 120% physical damage, additionally penetrates, always critical. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 480% physical damage) [CD: 110 secs]
Skill 2: Targets all enemies with double 40% physical damage, additionally penetrates & deal extra 30% physical damage of targets max HP. (Accumulated damage inflicted equals to 80% physical damage + 30% physical damage of targets max HP.) [CD: 90 secs]
1. Self immunity from damage for 2 turns.
2. Chance to dodge incoming attacks.
3. Grant weakness & critical chance of allies by 30% on the back row of a formation.