15 Beautiful Sona Artworks[Fan Art] By Creative DeviantArt Artists




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15 Awesome Sona Artwork Thumbnail - League of Legends

15 Beautiful Sona Artworks[Fan Art] By Creative DeviantArt Artists

If you are a Sona main in LoL and you are looking for some incredibly well done fan art or pictures of Sona, we present you 15 awesome artwork that makes you go wow!

1) Kyurin

sona by kyuriin d6a64ud

Source via Deviant Art

The background looks excellent and I really like the anime style Sona here. Sona seems to be quite shy as well.

2) ofSkySociety

sona league of legends by ofskysociety d7kdjmj
Source via Deviant Art

Sona looks absoulute gorgeous her! The art style is modern.

3) DahlLange

sona by dahllange d75bj0g

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A painting style artwork of Sona. Quite magnificent and I love the details that Dahlunge puts in.

4) ZombieGerbil

dj sona by zombiegerbil d8jy8i0

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Quite a different DJ Sona that is worthy of a mention. Props man!

5) Tropic02

guqin sona league of legends by tropic02

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A Guqin Sona special from Tropic02. Beautiful background…

6) plasmoduck

sona by plasmoduck d5aoq4p

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A more serious side of Sona. This is digital painting at its finest.

7) Suihara

arcade sona by suihara d6lhfcl

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Arcade Sona inspired by Hatsune Miku.

8) dakun87

silent night sona by dakun87 d5ozri2

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O_O. Captures the night lights with the background. Magnificent.

9) NunNoRi

pentakill sona by nunnori d6cnej4

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How about a Pentakill concert Sona?

10) ippus

lol arcade sona by ippus d67jwht

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A more melodic and serious arcade Sona.

11) Lighane

dj sona chibi by lighane d8gnhhz

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Talking about dedication and the love for traditional drawing and coloring!

12) dakun87

sona by dakun87 d5w27ko

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Church Sona??? Quite a creative piece of artwork and it looks gorgeous.

13) serafleur

dj sona ethereal by serafleur

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Loving the colors and how DJ Sona is portrayed here.

14) KailiStark

commission chibi silent night sona by kailistark d75wsk6

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A chibi silent night Sona.

15) Tropic02

muse sona by tropic02 d7knd65

Source via Deviant Art

Tropic02 makes the list again with this beautiful Muse Sona!

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