Bad news for anyone waiting for Crystal Dynamics’ Avengers to get back on its feet.

In recent announcement from CD, they’ve revealed that they are stopping live-service for the game later this year, and fans won’t be able to purchase Avengers: A-Day after September 30, 2023. The developers said this in a statement:
We know this is disappointing news as everyone in our community has such a connection to these characters and their stories. We’re so, so grateful that you came on this adventure with us. Your excitement for Marvel’s Avengers – from your epic Photo Mode shots, to your threads theorizing who our next Heroes would be, to your Twitch streams – has played a large part in bringing this game to life.
Though fans won’t be expecting any new stories and updates to come in the future, the developers did leave a gift in the form of the cosmetic content, which will all be free by the time the live-service ends. Any other in-game currency that fans have will be converted into in-game resources that will help with gameplay.
If anything, the campaign will still be fully playable when live-service ends, and you will still be able to connect with friends; but the team won’t be able to address any new, unexpected issues that could arise. The game also won’t be available for digital, but you can buy physical copies while supplies last.
It truly was a shame that Avengers never managed to be the huge hit it was gearing up to be, but even if it was a stumble, the future of Marvel games looks bright—just look at the positive reception of Guardians of the Galaxy.
For more details on the ending live service, check here.
For now, Avengers: A-Day is playable for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 4|5.