Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Storm Trooper Han Review




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SWGOH Storm Trooper Han Review S

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Storm Trooper Han Review

IchigoPowerElement PowerHard Mode - 1-26, 2-30 to 2-36, 2-50, 2-54
IkakkuPowerElement PowerHard Mode - 2-39 to 2-47
ShinsuiPowerElement PowerHard Mode - 2-55 to 2-58, 3-107, 3-108, 3-110
RenjiPowerElement PowerHard Mode - 1-21 to 1-24, 2-49 to 2-58
KenpachiPowerElement PowerHard Mode - 2-49, Special Event Gotei 13
SajinPowerElement PowerHard Mode - 3-74 to 3-80, Special Event Gotei 13
HaienPowerElement PowerNormal Mode - 6-184, 6-186, 6-192 to 6-196, 6-200
UkitakeTechniqueElement TechniqueHard Mode - 3-107, 3-108, 3-110, Special Event Gotei 13
YumichikaTechniqueElement TechniqueHard Mode - 2-39 to 2-47
MayuriTechniqueElement TechniqueHard Mode - 3-68 to 3-73, Special Event Gotei 13
MomoTechniqueElement TechniqueHard Mode - 2-40, 2-46, 3-88 to 3-91
OrihimeTechniqueElement TechniqueHard Mode - 1-8, 1-10 to 1-12
IzuruTechniqueElement TechniqueHard Mode - 3-101, 3-103
RangikuTechniqueElement TechniqueHard Mode - 3-101, 3-103, 3-104
ShinjiTechniqueElement TechniqueHard Mode - 4-113 to 4-116, 4-131 to 4-133
UryuSpeedElement SpeedHard Mode - 1-17 to 1-19
RukiaSpeedElement SpeedHard Mode - 1-3, 1-6
ByakuyaSpeedElement SpeedHard Mode - 2-62, 3-82, 3-83, 3-92, 3-93, 3-95, Special Event Gotei 13
TosenSpeedElement SpeedHard Mode - 3-74 to 3-80
YoruichiSpeedElement SpeedHard Mode - 2-61 to 2-65
SoifonSpeedElement SpeedHard Mode - 3-98 to 3-100
GinSpeedElement SpeedHard Mode - 3-88 to 3-91, Special Event Gotei 13
IzuruMindElement MindHard Mode - 3-101
MomoMindElement MindHard Mode - 2-90
UryuMindElement MindHard Mode - 1-17, 1-18, 5-163 to 5-166, 5-179
TosenMindElement MindHard Mode - 3-78, 3-80
UkitakeMindElement MindHard Mode - 3-107, 3-108
ShunsuiMindElement MindHard Mode - 2-55, 3-107, 3-108, 3-110
HitsugayaMindElement MindHard Mode - 4-130 to 4-133, 4-140, 4-141, 4-144, 4-146, Special Event Gotei 13
GinMindElement MindHard Mode - 3-88
ByakuyaMindElement MindHard Mode - 2-61 to 2-66, 3-68, 3-82 to 3-85, 3-92 to 3-95, 3-97
MayuriMindElement MindHard Mode - 2-70, 2-71
RangikuMindElement MindHard Mode - 3-101, 3-103, 3-129, 3-131, 3-133, 4-146, 4-150
UraharaMindElement MindNormal Mode- 5-170 to 5-178, Hard Mode - 4-149, 4-150, 4-157, 5-157, 5-160, 5-161, 5-178
RenjiHeartElement HeartHard Mode - 2-55, 5-170 to 5-176
IchigoHeartElement HeartNormal Mode - 4-118, 4-119, 5-158 to 5-166, 5-170 to 179, Hard Mode - 2-30, 4-117 to 4-121, 5-157 to 5-161, 5-178, 5-179, 6-200, Kon Calamity Event
SajinHeartElement HeartHard Mode - 3-74, 3-75, 3-78
YoruichiHeartElement HeartHard Mode - 2-62, 4-149, 4-150, 4-153
Soi FonHeartElement HeartHard Mode - 3-98, 3-100, 3-110
IkkakuHeartElement HeartNormal Mode- 4-122, 4-123, 4-125Hard Mode - 1-41, 1-44, 4-122, 4-123
RukiaHeartElement HeartNormal Mode - 4-140, 5-172, 5-174 to 5-176, 6-182, 6-186, 6-195, 6-196, 6-200, Kon Calamity Event
ChadHeartElement HeartNormal Mode - 4-122, 4-123, 5-179, Hard Mode - 4-122, 4-123, 5-163, 5-165, 5-166, 5-168, 5-179
YumichikaHeartElement HeartHard Mode - 1-41

Storm Trooper Han is a turn meter controller. Let’s look at this brief guide to see what he has to offer to your team.

Type: Tank, Rebel

Side: Light

Synergy: Speed, Offense, Slow, Taunt, Defense, Turn Meter Increase

How to Get[Shards]: Data Cards, Squad Arena Shipments

[easytable]Pros, Cons

Grants teammates turn meter increase during taunt when damaged, Low health pool for a tank

Allows teammates to get more turns and decrease enemy turns, No self heal

Leader skill gives offense or defense depending on his health, Low damage [/easytable]

Skills and Abilities

Note: All skill descriptions are based at max level. The bracket denotes the level required to upgrade that skill.

Basic Skill: Wary Shot – Deal Physical Damage to target enemy with a 40% chance to gain 35% Turn Meter. This attack has high damage variance.

  • LvL 2: +10% Max Damage(16)
  • LvL 3: +15% Turn Meter Gain Chance(26)
  • LvL 4: +10% Max Damage(36)
  • LvL 5: +15% Turn Meter Gain(46)
  • LvL 6: +10% Max Damage(56)
  • LvL 7: +10% Max Damage(66)
  • LvL 8: +15% Turn Meter Gain Chance(76)

Special Ability: Draw Fire – Han taunts for 3 turns, and all other allies gain 30% Turn Meter. In addition, all other allies gain 20% Turn Meter when Han is damaged. (6 Turn CD)

  • LvL 2: +2.5% Turn Meter Gain(18)
  • LvL 3: Add all other allies gain 20% Turn Meter when Han is damaged(28)
  • LvL 4: +2.5% Turn Meter Gain(38)
  • LvL 5: +1 Taunt Duration(48)
  • LvL 6: +2.5% Turn Meter Gain(58)
  • LvL 7: +2.5% Turn Meter Gain(68)
  • LvL 8: Cooldown -1(78)

Unique Ability: Bluff – Han has a 25% chance to remove 30% Turn Meter from each enemy at the start of each of his turns. In addition, Han has a 25% chance to remove 10% Turn Meter from each enemy when he is damaged.

  • LvL 2: +5% Turn Meter Reduction(22)
  • LvL 3: +5% Turn Meter Reduction(32)
  • LvL 4: Add 25% chance to remove 5% Turn Meter from each enemy when Han is damaged(42)
  • LvL 5: +5% Turn Meter Reduction(52)
  • LvL 6: +5% Turn Meter Reduction when Han is damaged(62)
  • LvL 7: +5% Turn Meter Reduction(72)
  • LvL 8: +5% Turn Meter Reduction when Han is damaged(82)

Leader Skill: Plan B – All allies gain 35 Defense while above 50% Health and 35% Offense while below 50% health.

  • LvL 2: +5% Defense(22)
  • LvL 3: +5% Offense(32)
  • LvL 4: +5 Defense(42)
  • LvL 5: +5% Offense(52)
  • LvL 6: +5 Defense(62)
  • LvL 7: +5% Offense(72)
  • LvL 8: +5% Offense & +5% Defense(82)

Stat Growth/Increase Per Level Table

[easytable] Star Grade, 1★, 2★, 3★, 4★, 5★, 6★, 7★

Strength, 1.3, N/A, 2.7, 3.3, 4, 4.7, 5.4

Agility, 1.8, N/A, 3.6, 4.5, 5.4, 6.3, 7.2

Intelligence, 1.3, N/A, 2.7, 3.3, 4, 4.7, 5.4[/easytable]

Base and Max Stats

[easytable] Stat, Base, Max

STR, 16, 513

AGI, 16, 719

INT, 16, 536

Health, 438, 11164

Speed, 85, 121

Physical Damage, 33, 1352

Physical Critical, 6, 449

Armor, 3, 188

Armor Penetration, 0, 26

Dodge, 0, 0

Special Damage, 38, 1437

Special Critical Rate, 0, 20

Resist, 1, 81

Resist Penetration, 0, 0

Deflect Rating, 0, 0

Critical Damage, 150%, 150%

Potency, 0, 27%

Tenacity, 15%, 37%

Hp Steal, 0, 0.15[/easytable]


Han Solo is the only character with a 3 turn taunt. That is more than enough to get the entire enemy team to focus him down and knock him out easily. However, if you build your team around him, he is extremely useful.

You are going to need at least 2 healers to keep him alive. The other 2 can be any damage dealer. The key is to taunt enemies in big fights. Once he gets focused, your teammates will start gaining more turns. This will be enough to get the damage in on priority targets and the heals will keep him alive.

He needs to be decently geared to do well. So focus on that.

The only thing about him being a tank is that he is WAY TOO fragile as one. He has no self heal, so he will not work if you don’t like to run too many healers in your team.


[usrlist “Campaign Map:4” “Arena: 4” “Galactic War:3”]

Verdict: Build him if you have 2 good healers(Luminara/Barris/Jedi Consular)

References: SWGOH

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