Ultimate Mobile Strike Commander Guide



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Commander Captured

Ultimate Mobile Strike Commander Guide

Still stuck on how to go about capturing and executing a commander? Is your commander captured and you want to free him? Well, this is you lucky day. This page contains the best Mobile Strike Commander Guide for both newbies and casual players.

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Who is the Commander? How Important is He?

The commander is the heart of your headquarters. He is the hero. Can a car’s parts function well with a faulty or dead engine? This is exactly why you need not only a strong commander but a skilled one too. You need to gear up your hero and max him out with upgrades. In doing so, your economy will improve and the troops’ power will be unstoppable.

General Information

To begin with, the commander gains XP points after completing various missions and tasks in the game. For instance, he will earn EXP when a player carries out research or builds and upgrade. The skill points gained by commanders can be used to increase resource production, improve the economy and upgrade your troops’ combat abilities.

The commander allows you to manufacture or produce weapons/gears from the armory. With the right weapons, your gaming experience such as completing challenges will greatly improve.

It should also be noted that capturing and executing a commander is easier said than done. Here are some facts:

  • Commanders can only be captured when your HQ is at level 10 or higher.
  • Enemies can kill your commander when your HQ is at least level 15.
  • You can only execute another player’s commander if your HQ is level 15 or more via Death Row Built.
  • You can capture a commander if your HQ is at level 10 and contains a prison.

Until your HQ attains level 10, you don’t have to worry about getting your hero captured. Also, your commander will not gain any EXP when captured.

Commander’s Boosts and Activation

There are different types of commander’s boosts which can be activated at different points in the game. Therefore, you should know what each boost does and when to activate it.

Commander’s Timer Boosts

As the hero, he/she comes with gear boosts and skills which reduce the timer for construction, research and troop training. Keep in mind, the faster you complete your tasks, the better the rewards.

However, these boosts are only essential during these tasks. This means that you should only activate them when starting a time consuming task and deactivate them when you are in combat mode.

Commander’s Troop Power Boosts

These boosts will improve the defense, attack and health of your elite troops. They are only applicable if the commander is present with the troops. For instance, if he/she is marching, the power boost will have an effect on only that march.

You should also know that during War and Rally, the commander of the Rally’s starter is the only one which will count towards the boost. You cannot put your hero in Rally.

Commander’s Resource Production Boost

As long as your commander is not captured, you will receive resource production boosts from gears and skills in your base.

Commander’s Resource Gathering Boost

This boosts is only applicable to the tile occupied by your commander. Players should take advantage of this boosts when their Headquarter level is between 1 and 9 as the commander can neither be captured nor killed.

If your HQ level is 11-14, always keep an eye on your commander when gathering resources. Once your HQ level is over 15, you should not take your commander to gathering skills as they can be captured and killed.

Capturing Commanders

As stated earlier, a commander can only be captured is the target headquarter is at level 10 or higher. However, for you to capture a commander, your HQ must have a prison. To build any prison, you must be at level 10 or higher. The higher your HQ level, the shorter the waiting period before executing a commander. At level 21, you will gain attack bonuses for holding enemy commanders.

In addition, for a commander to be captured, the commander must be present at the time of attack and enemy’s defense force must be close to being or completely wiped out. Therefore, make sure that the hero is at the enemy’s base before making any move.

To prevent your commander from being captured, you should consider shielding your base or sending out a Fake Rally. A peace shield doesn’t prevent your commander from being captured when gathering resources outside the base.

Escape of a Captured Commander

The prison level dictates that amount of time to hold a commander. The higher the prison level, the longer the holding time. On the other hand, if a commander’s level is at highest, the shorter the holding time. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • 2-3 days for level 20 hero and prison level 21.
  • 10-12 hours for level 50 hero and prison level 21.
  • 7-8 hours for level 40 hero and prison level 15.

As seen, prison level outweighs commander’s levels.

Executing and Killing a Captured Commander

You can only kill a captured commander if you have a Death Row and his HQ level is at least 15. Players must also wait for the execution timer to gain a green light to kill the commander. After execution, you will receive various stats boosts depending on your Death Row level.

Prison holding time may outweigh execution time hence you can hold a commander without killing him. The vice-versa can also be applicable.

What to do when your Commander is Captured

If a commander is captured, there are only three things that can free him/her:

  • A release from the enemy’s prison.
  • Escape by themselves after holding time expires.
  • The holding HQ base gets attacked and losses.

The most effective method to free your commander is by asking for alliances. You might consider placing a bounty on the enemy or making a plea to the enemy player via a message hoping your hero will be released.

What to do if your Commander is Executed

When the worst happens, you will have two options. First, you can restore your commander with a Medical Kit from Store for 6K Gold or Alliance Store for 500k funds. Any resurrected commander will come back to life, all experience points restored. However, this must be done before the 7-day resurrection timer expires.

Alternatively, you can rehire another commander if your hero dies. Here, all experience points will be lost if you don’t have a Hall of Heroes in your base. A high level Hall of Heroes stores more experience points. However, if your commander losses levels during execution, you will have less skill points.

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