Marvel’s Midnight Suns is getting closer to launch, and while it’s trying its best to hype itself up, Marvel has decided to do some cross-promotion with another game featuring their IP—Marvel Strike Force.

Watch the announcement here:
The collaboration means that you can get goods for both games. By adding Magik to your Strike Force squad, you can unlock her Midnight Suns costume. As for Midnight Suns, you can unlock Iron Man’s Bleeding Edge costume in the game, but since it hasn’t launched yet, the event is holding back on the instructions on how to unlock it.
Despite Marvel being a huge IP in the box office, the property admittedly hasn’t been able to shine when it comes to the game front. Square Enix did attempt a AAA game with Avengers: A-Day, but it fell flat on release.
On the other hand, there was some great buzz when it came to the Guardians of the Galaxy game; plus the Spider-Man games have also been doing pretty well on the market as well. So maybe with just a bit more digging, studios will find out that magic formula they need to make a hit Marvel title.
If you ask me, I would make an Overwatch clone team shooter featuring Marvel characters. I mean, you already have a multitude of heroes to choose from, and you don’t have to provide a complex narrative. Someone get in on this already please.
Midnight Suns is set to launch for all major consoles this coming Dec. 2. Marvel Strike Force is now available to play on Android and iOS.