Learn the best Viper Wall Setups on Lotus in Valorant!

VALORANT fans knew it was only a matter of time before Riot Games added another map with more than the typical two-bombsite setup found in maps such as Ascent, Bind, Split, and Fracture. If Haven was anything to go by, VALORANT’s Agents and their abilities could easily play on a map with more than two bomb sites. All it took was more creativity, teamwork, and careful agent selection.
The unsung heroes of maps, such as Haven, were Sentinels, such as Sage and Chamber. They can single-handedly hold an entire bombsite easily, making it easy for the rest of the team to rotate and fortify defense on the other bombsites as necessary. For Lotus, Sentinels will play a crucial role in ensuring all the right spots are covered on the map.
Everyone’s favorite Controller/Sentinel hybrid in Viper should easily find her place in Lotus, thanks to her versatile kit. Viper’s Toxic Screen should be exceptionally great on Lotus with its ability to cover multiple entryways across two bombsites on the map.
We have featured some of the best Viper Wall setups on Lotus that you can use for attacking and Defending on the map.
Viper Wall Setups on Lotus
Viper’s Toxic Screen peaked back in Patch 2.06 when the devs decided to bump up the contact decay damage for crossing Toxic Screen to 50 decay damage. This change alone made Viper’s Toxic Screen the deadliest and most cost-effective smoke ability in VALORANT.
After Patch 2.06 dropped, Viper slowly ruled the VALORANT meta thanks to her reusable smoke cover in Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud. The buffs given to Viper in Episode 2 made her a must-pick on maps such as Icebox and Bind, where she can play as an effective Sentinel-like anchor on Defense or resume her typical Controller duties on Attack.
However, Viper’s reign was cut short when Patch 4.04 dropped a year later. Viper would receive crippling nerfs that would push her back from the top of the Controller tier list and help make other Controllers like Brimstone and Omen more relevant.
Right now, Viper’s Toxic Screen doesn’t last as long as it used to because of the changes the devs made with Viper’s Fuel. Whenever Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud are active simultaneously, Viper’s Fuel bar will drain 50% faster, limiting Viper’s ability to cover multiple spots simultaneously.
Toxic Screen, Poison Cloud, and Viper’s Pit now deal less initial decay damage as well (50 >>> 30), making them less deadly than they were a few patches ago.
Overall, Viper remains a decent pick on most maps in VALORANT. Her Toxic Screen can still cover space as no other Agent can. Still, Viper players must be mindful of the increased Fuel consumption and overall reduced duration when executing offensive and defensive plays in VALORANT.
Lotus A-site Viper Wall
A-Main will likely be the most contested area on the A-site area. The Defending team will want to keep the Attackers at bay or risk losing other connecting lanes toward the B-site or A-site.
On the other hand, the Attacking team will want to cover as many angles as possible to ensure site entry is as easy as possible.
Luckily, there’s a Viper Wall for both occasions, so you can easily pick Viper on Lotus and bring immediate Defensive or Offensive impact on the team.
A-site Viper Wall Attacking
- Stand on this spot in A-Lobby at the round start:

2. As soon as the barrier drops, run to the bottom left corner of A-Root:

3. Aim high and make sure to cover A-Stairs and A-Top:

4. This Viper Wall setup should cover A-Stairs and A-Root and help cut down the Defenders’ angles toward A-Main.

A-site Viper Wall for Defending
- Stand against the wall and between these two pillars in A-Link:

2. Aim along the gaps on the tiles. Make sure to cover the spots indicated below.

This Viper Wall will cover B-Main and the Orb.

This Viper Wall also covers the c-Lobby.

Lotus B-site Viper Wall
B-site’s layout is one of the most unique setups you will ever see in a VALORANT bombsite. There is a good mix of angles, elevation, corners, and lanes.
Through Viper’s Wall, you can split up half of B-site on Lotus, making Spike Plant much easier for the Attacking team.
Lotus B-site Viper Wall (Attacking)
- Stand in this corner in A-Lobby:

2. Position Viper’s Wall so it covers these points:

3. When done correctly, Viper’s Wall should cover half of B-site, including C-Link:

Lotus C-site Viper Wall
C-site is arguably the most claustrophobia-inducing bombsite on Lotus because of the steep elevation toward the bombsite proper and the multiple tight corners leading to C-Hall and C-Waterfall.
With that said, You can easily set up a Viper Wall covering half of the C-Bombsite to plant the Spike without too much resistance on the C-site.
For Defending, you can set up a Viper Wall covering the B-Main area before the orb and the A-Lobby Entrance leading to A-Main.
C-site Viper Wall (Attacking)
- Stand on top of the jar on C-Mound:

2. Aim for the eye of the elephant:

3. Make sure to cover these points on the C-site:

4. You can cut off C-Hall and C-Waterfall with this Viper Wall setup:

C-site to B-site Viper Wall for Defending
- Stand in this corner in C-Waterfall:

2. Aim along this pillar. Make sure to cover the points below when setting up Viper’s Wall:

This Viper Wall should cover B-Main and the Orb.

This Viper Wall also covers the A-Lobby Entrance to A-Main.

Hitting Two Birds With One Stone
Viper’s Wall can easily be set up to bring a huge competitive advantage for both the Attacking and Defending sides on Lotus. Defense is where Viper shines on the map, with her ability to cover multiple lanes and angles with Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud.
Nevertheless, through the setups featured in this guide, you should be able to bring value to your team no matter which side you are playing with, Viper.