VALORANT: Brimstone Molly Lineups on Pearl (Post-plant)



John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.

Brimstone’s Molly can help secure your team’s post-plant efforts on Pearl.

VALORANT: Brimstone Molly Lineups on Pearl (Post-plant)

A quick look at every molly ability in VALORANT will tell you that Brimstone’s Incendiary Grenade deals the most damage per second of any molly-type ability.

Sure, Viper and Killjoy can carry two of their molly charges to deal even more damage at a longer duration. But at 60 damage per second and with a duration of at least 7 seconds, Brimstone’s Molly can be a very devastating ability for clearing corners or delaying the Spike defuse.

Since Brimstone only carries one charge of his powerful Molly, it might be best to save it for post-plant situations. We have listed a few Brimstone Molly Lineups that you can use to delay the Spike defuse on Pearl.

Brimstone Molly Lineups on Pearl A-site Attacking (Post-plant)

When playing Brimstone on the Attackers’ side, it might be best to save his single-charge molly ability for post-plant situations, as this poses the best use case for the ability with its high-DPS and relatively long duration.

With that in mind, here are some useful post-plant Brimstone Molly Lineups that you can use around Pearl.

Pearl A-Default Post-plant Molly Lineup from A-Main

Default plant spots prioritize the planting player’s safety while planting the Spike, making Pearl’s A-Default one of those rare Default plant spots that also work well for post-plant play.

  1. Stand in this corner at A-Main:
image 285

2. Take note of this spot on the pillar:

1 10

3. Place the crosshair on Brimstone’s molly mouse click indicator on the same spot:

2 7
image 286

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

image 287

When done properly, Brimstone’s Molly should land at A-Default:

image 288

Pearl A-Default Post-plant Molly Lineup from A-Link

Pearl’s middle lane will be the most contested area on the map because it provides additional attacking lanes for the Attacking team.

You might find yourself playing post-plant from A-Link, so here is a quick post-plant Molly lineup for A-Default from A-Link.

  1. Stand in this corner at A-Link:
image 289

2. Place the upper left corner of Brimstone’s Molly mouse click indicator on this corner on the roof:

3 7

3. Remember to leave a small gap between the corner of the roof and the upper left corner of the mouse click indicator box:

4 6

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

image 290

When done properly, Brimstone’s Molly should land at A-Default:

image 291

Pearl A-Camp Spike Plant Post-plant Molly Lineup from A-Main

There will be some instances where planting at the A-Default spot is not an option. In this case, planting in the leftmost corner of A-Camp might be the best alternative.

Try this A-Camp post-plant molly lineup from A-Main.

  1. Stand in this corner at A-Restaurant:
image 292

2. Place this small line on the HP HUD line on the corner of this roof:

6 6
5 6

3. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

image 294

When done properly, Brimstone’s Molly should land in A-Camp:

image 295

Brimstone Molly Lineups on Pearl B-site Attacking (Post-plant)

Pearl B-Default Post-plant Molly Lineup from B-Ramp

If you are planting the Spike, please do your team a favor and plant on Pearl at B-Default as often as possible. B-Default will provide the best post-plant angles for your teammates playing at B-Main and set you up for some easy post-plant molly lineups.

  1. Stand in this corner on B-Ramp:
image 296

2. Take note of this third tile from the right:

image 297

3. Place the top dot of Brimstone’s Sky Smoke icon on the tip of the third tile:

7 5
8 3

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

image 298

When done properly, Brimstone’s Molly should land at B-Default:

image 299

Pearl Safe Spike Plant Post-plant Molly Lineup from B-Link

Of course, there will be instances where planting at B-Default won’t be possible. Rather than forcing the issue and risking life and limb to plant at the ideal post-plant spot on B-site, you can plant the Spike at the safe spot just around the corner from B-Main.

  1. Stand in this corner at B-Link:
image 300

2. Aim in the middle of the orange light strip between the two lines on the wall:

9 3
image 301

3. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

image 302

When done properly, Brimstone’s Molly should land in the corner of the generator on B-site:

image 303

Fires Out

Pearl’s tall skybox, relatively open lanes, and bombsites make lineups easy around the map. If you’re playing as Brimstone on Pearl (which you should, by the way, as Brimstone’s triple Sky Smoke work wonders on the map), knowing a few lineups for common Spike plant spots can help you delay and defend the Spike post-plant for at least 7-seconds.

With that said, we hope that you found these lineups useful for playing post-plant on Pearl with Brimstone.

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