You’re here, so you know who Ninja is. You’ve probably seen him playing Fortnite on Twitch. Perhaps you even caught him on that episode of The Masked Singer. If you’re someone who is more generally aware of the streamer, you know the basics. What you may not know, however, are the weird Ninja facts. The stuff that tends to fly under the radar.

Fortunately for you, we’ve decided to compile all the lesser-known things we know about this Twitch star and list them out.
Whether you’re a fan who wants to know more about Ninja, or you’re simply looking for a bit of trivia to awkwardly bring up at gatherings, these Ninja facts will hopefully deliver for you. Better yet: as we learn more of them, we’ll keep adding them on. So keep checking back for the latest.
With that, here are some of the stranger things about Ninja you may not know.
He’s been on Family Feud… twice
It would be strange enough to learn that Ninja was on Family Feud, but he was! Back before he was a household name — and the world knew him by his stealthier moniker — Tyler Blevins appeared with his family on a 2015 episode of the game show. Reports suggest he and his crew did pretty well for themselves. And what is that — normal hair? A bowtie? Who is this person?
Of course, Ninja’s situation changed quite a bit in the years following that appearance. He blew up in the streaming world, make an outrageous amount of money, and became a bit of an internet celebrity. His second appearance on the Feud came in that context, as it was an episode that featured celebrity families. And the Ninja that showed up in 2019 looked a lot more like the Ninja we know today.
Some can only dream to one day meet Steve Harvey and be targeted by one of his trademark facial expressions. Ninja got to do it twice. That’s pretty awesome.
Back before he was famous, he worked in food service
It’s sometimes hard to imagine celebrities not being celebrities, but this is indeed a period in the lives of the rich and famous that occurs. Ninja was not born with a keyboard and mouse in hand and a camera on him. He was pretty much normal, right up until he realized he could make some serious dough playing video games.

That normal included working at a restaurant called Noodles & Company. And yes, as the name implies, this is a place that is all about noodles.
According to an interview Ninja did with CNBC, the streaming star held down that job at Noodles & Company while he was attending college. He also played soccer during this time, which made finding time for video games a real balancing act.
However, the video games eventually won out — especially when Ninja discovered he could turn playing them into an actual job. It doesn’t seem like there are any hard feelings from Noodles & Company, however. In fact, Ninja’s former employer seems pretty thrilled that he’s made it as big as he has.
Ninja is part of a family of streamers
One of the Ninja facts that may surprise those who don’t know every detail about him is this: he has two older brothers. One, Jonathan, is involved in the Catholic church. The other, Chris, is a teacher. And both of them stream. Here is Jonathan’s channel. Here is Chris’ channel.

Now, this particular tidbit does come with a caveat, in that it appears Chris has fallen off of the streaming a little bit. It’s been a long while since he’s done a stream — at least one that’s been saved — so perhaps real life has gotten in the way. The past year has certainly been a stressful one for so many, especially those who’ve had to figure out how to teach kids remotely.
Jonathan, though? Yeah, he’s still at it. And he’s even figured out how to work some of his evangelism into his broadcasts in order to reach more people, which is pretty neat.