In Destiny 2, the Monument to Lost Lights gives you the ability to purchase some older Exotic weapons from past Seasons and DLCs. There’s something special you’ll need to buy them, though — a unique kind of in-game currency: the Exotic Cipher. Today, we’re going to tell you where to get an Exotic Cipher in Destiny 2. If you’re a new player, especially, you’ll want to pay very close attention.

There are two ways to get an Exotic Cipher
You have two paths available to you if you’re on the hunt for an Exotic Cipher in Destiny 2. The first is pretty simple: just play. By doing so, you’ll level up your Season Pass, which contains one of the Ciphers in its free tier. In Season of the Splicer, you’ll find one sitting at Tier 55, so it may take you a bit to grind your way up to that level. Just make sure you’re grabbing all the Bounties you can every single day, and you’re taking any opportunities for XP that arise. XP moves the Season Pass. Getting to Tier 55 will net you your Cipher.

Your other option is to buy what’s called an Exotic Cipher Quest from Xur, who shows up on Fridays and leaves on Tuesdays. These Quests usually ask you to perform a certain task a number of times, like, play “x” number of Crucible matches. Once you meet the Quest requirements, you’ll get a Cipher for your troubles. You can then spend it at the Monument to Lost Lights on the Exotic of your choice (Raid Exotics will require Spoils of Conquests and Ascendant Shards, as well).
And there you have it! With the information provided above, you should now know where to get an Exotic Cipher in Destiny 2, and what you should expect when trying to get it.