In Minecraft, updates occasionally include new changes to the biomes in the game. An example is the Minecraft 1.16 update, where Mojang completely revamped the Nether dimension and each of the biomes in it. Aside from that, many of Minecraft’s updates add more items, mobs, and more—giving life to each biome and creating an ambiance that players are sure to enjoy exploring. However, over the years, some biomes have been left untouched, and players want new content. Here are the top 5 biomes that need new updates in the game.

5. Swamp Biome

A Swamp is a biome commonly found in a Minecraft world. Swamps consist of shallow bodies of discolored water filled with lily pads, discolored grass, and oak trees covered in vines. This is the only biome where lily pads and blue orchids can grow. Giant mushrooms can also be found. A swamp is a temperate biome where swamp huts containing witches and black cats generate, and slimes and frogs can spawn.
The main biome is forested with oak trees covered with vines, dead bushes, mushrooms, and blue orchids. The Minecraft Swamp biome is a waterlogged area consisting of many small islands separated by vast water canals. In the Bedrock Edition, this water is a murky brown color, and this version also allows for Huge Mushrooms to appear on the islands.
Given the large amounts of water, Sugar Cane can be found growing at the edges as well. Lily Pads are exclusively found in Swamp waters, while Blue Orchid flowers are only found on Swamp islands. Witch Huts are only found here, too: be wary of them as the Witches like throwing ailing Potions at you! Swamps are also a good source of Clay, which can be mined from the riverbeds.
Perhaps their most famous feature is the Swamp Hut, which always houses a Witch and their black Cat. Slimes will also only appear in Swamps, although how present they are is affected by the phase of the moon. Due to the vast amounts of water, a Boat is highly recommended to get around. Lastly, Swamps are the only places where Frogs will appear.
The Swamps are in desperate need of an update. They have been around for three years, and while they are not the same as when they first arrived, they are underwhelming. There is very little reason to visit this biome right now.
4. Jungle Biome

The Jungle Biome is a forest of tall trees, some of which are wood blocks thick and some oak trees. It is the home of many vines, a tall grass (including ferns), cocoa bean plants, pandas, ocelots, parrots, and jungle temples – most of which can only be found in this biome.
Exploring or even traveling through a jungle can be frustrating or dangerous because of the near-total leaf cover. It is easy to be walking alongside leaves and then walk onto the tops of a tree’s leaves without realizing it and end up many blocks above ground level. Similarly, the leaf cover and uneven ground can make escaping from hostile mobs difficult.
Aside from that, there is nothing, and those things do not entice players to stay. Jungles are great for exploration, but that is not really the case in Minecraft. An update could easily remedy that. The Jungle biome also has an exclusive structure in Minecraft, and it is better than the witch hut. There are also bamboo trees and ocelots that give players a reason to visit the area.
3. Mushroom Fields Biome

Mushroom fields, commonly referred to as mushroom islands, are a biome that always generates as an island surrounded by deep oceans. The islands occasionally tend to be close to one another, resulting in multiple mushroom fields separated by only a few hundred blocks.
Mushroom fields generate in areas where the continentals values are the lowest, meaning they often generate very far away from major landmasses and are often bordered by deep ocean biomes (which have the second-lowest continentals values) of any temperature. Giving them a structure or some other reason to live there would go a long way toward improving the quality.
That is a good place to start for Mojang. Most biomes, especially rare ones, should have a structure. Otherwise, there is not much point in looking for them. Mushroom field biomes are incredibly rare, but they are not all that great. While they are the exclusive home to mooshrooms, they do not have much else. It is so fun to find one, but once that initial novelty wears off, they are not that impressive.
2. Beach Biome

Beaches are common coastal biomes that serve as transition biomes from the mainland to the ocean. Beaches generate wherever a land biome meets an ocean. The temperature and height of surrounding biomes determine the type of beach variant. Beaches do not always surround land biomes, allowing them to border the ocean. Beaches sometimes can also generate bordering rivers or be completely landlocked.
The Minecraft Beach biome is a coastal environment that sometimes appears when another biome borders an Ocean (but not Rivers), with the specific type depending on the biome that meets said Ocean. Being beaches, they are plentiful in Sand, as well as Sandstone deeper below, and copper ore is also often found here, alongside Clay in the water itself.
While many passive mobs can easily wander onto Beaches, Sea Turtles exclusively spawn here. For starters, Mojang needs to make them significantly bigger. Beaches are often huge, but the ones in Minecraft are so small it’s hard to even consider them as proper areas on their own. Once the developers make beaches bigger, the possibilities will be endless.
They could have sand castle structures, and the mob life could include things like crabs, seagulls, and more. The beaches can barely be considered a biome. They occur when oceans meet other biomes and are largely made up of sand. This is where sea turtles can spawn. They do not do justice to real beaches, though.
1. Badlands Biome

The Minecraft Badlands biome, also known as the Mesa biome, is one of the rarest and most unique biomes in the game. They take on the appearance of orange-and-brown canyons with different layers of Terracotta, with a topping on Red Sand. Badlands are the only places in the game where Terracotta can be found naturally and are present in vast quantities.
Gold Ore can also be found here, far above the depths they normally generate at, and Mineshaft structures can be entered from the surface to access some of it. The badlands, formerly and commonly referred to as the mesa biome, are uncommon warm biomes featuring mounds of terracotta, coming in various colors. There are three different variants of the badlands biome.
The Badlands are the most “Western” biome in the game and, as a result, could be the most fun with a few updates. There could also be special mobs and other exclusive aspects to make the area more enjoyable after the surprise of finding one wears off. What really makes the Badlands the most deserving candidate, though, are the possibilities.
Minecraft players have made mock-ups of saloons and deserted ghost-town structures that would fit perfectly in the biome. There is no biome in greater need of an update than the Badlands. Aside from their raw, natural beauty and an increased chance of finding gold ore, they have nothing else going for them. That is truly a shame, given how cool they have the potential to be.