7 Days to Die: How to Craft Ammo



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

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Learn how to craft all types of ammo in 7 Days to Die, including the crafting requirements and steps to unlock and craft ammo.

7 Days to Die: How to Craft Ammo

Surviving 7 Days to Die’s Blood Moon without guns is impossible. With flying birds and radiated projectile zombies attacking your base, crafting plenty of ammunition is crucial to defending your fortress and surviving the relentless waves of hordes.

Aside from looting crates, purchasing ammo from Traders is one way to obtain ammo. Still, in the late stages of the game, especially around Day 50, you’ll need those Duke’s Casino Tokens (in-game currency) for magazines and medicine. It’s more sustaining, efficient, and cheaper to craft ammo.

How to Craft Ammo

You can only craft ammo using the Workbench in 7 Days to Die. Interact with the Workbench (Default: E), then select the Ammo/Weapons tab or type ‘Ammo’ in the search bar. Select the Ammo you want to craft, then click ‘Craft’ or Press W on your keyboard. Make sure you have the required crafting materials in your inventory.

How to Unlock Special Craft Ammo

Standards bullets are ready to craft in 7 Days to Die, given you have the needed crafting materials. However, for Exposive, Flaming, AP (Armor Piercing), and HiPower (High Damage) Ammunitions, you must read specific magazines to unlock the special ammo types.

Here’s the list of magazines for each special ammo:

Ammo TypeMagazine Requirement
AP .44 MagnumMagnum Enforcer Vol 5
HiPower .44 MagnumMagnum Enforcer Vol 6
Bulk Craft All Types of .44 Magnum (100 Ammo)Complete Magnum Enforcer Magazine
HiPower 9mmPistol Pete Vol 5
AP 9mmPistol Pete Vol 6
Bulk Craft All Types of 9mmComplete Pistol Pete Magazine
Shotgun Breaching SlugShotgun Messiah Vol 2
Shotgun AP SlugShotgun Messiah Vol 4
Bulk Craft All Types of Shotgun SlugComplete Shotgun Messiah Magazine
AP 7.62mmSniper Vol 6
HiPower 7.62mmSniper Vol 7
Bulk Craft All Types of 7.62mmComplete Sniper Magazine
AP Robotic TurrentTech Junkie Vol 3
Robotic Turret ShellsTech Junkie Vol 4
Bulk Craft All Types of Robotic Turret AmmoComplete Tech Junkie Magazine
Exploding Arrow and Crossbow BoltRanger’s Guide Vol 2
Steel ArrowRanger’s Guide Vol 4
Flaming Arrow and Flaming Crossbow BoltRanger’s Guide Vol 5
Bulk Craft All Types of Arrows and BoltsComplete Ranger’s Guide Magazine
Rocket Fragx45 Explosive Magazines
Rocket HEx45 Explosive Magazines

How to Get Ammo Crafting Materials

You only need three components to craft ammo in 7 Days to Die: Bullet Tip, Gunpower, and Bullet Casing, which can be looted from crates, purchased from traders, or crafted yourself. However, you’ll need other components for arrows, shotgun shells, turret ammo, and rocket frag.

List of ammo materials that can be crafted:

ComponentCrafting StationResource Cost
Bullet TipsForgex2 Lead, x1 Clay
GunpowderChemistry Stationx1 Coal, x1 Nitrate Powder
GunpowderInventory Craftingx2 Coal, x2 Nitrate Powder
Bullet CasingForgex6 Brass, x1 Clay
Steel ArrowheadForgex7 Iron, x1 Clay
BuckshotForgex3 Lead, x1 Clay
Duct TapeWorkbenchx1 Glue, x7 Cloth Fragment
PaperChemistry Stationx10 Wood, x1 Glue, x1 Water
Rocket CasingForgex62 Iron, x37 Clay
Rocket TipForgex62 Lead, x37 Clay
Gas CanChemistry Stationx1 Oil Shale
Forged SteelForgex31 Iron, x15 Clay
Cloth FragmentWorkbenchx1 Cotton

Materials not in the table above can only be looted from the overworld or mined from the ore vine. Fortunately, mined materials are easily spotted on the map based on color.

List of ammo materials that can be mined:

  • Coal – Black
  • Iron – Brown
  • Stone – Grey
  • Nitrate – White
  • Lead – Blue
  • Clay – Any soil ground

Brass and Scrap Polymers can only be obtained by looting containers or purchasing from traders. Meanwhile, Animal Fat can be obtained by hunting animals or looting fridges.


Crafting ammo in 7 Days to Die is more sustainable than buying it from Traders. Instead of spending your Duke’s Casino Tokens on ammunition, save them for essential items like Mods, Magazines, Crafting Parts, Medicine, Antibiotics, and better gear.

READ MORE: 7 Days to Die: Best Ways to Cure Infection

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