Back in the glory days of Destiny, many a player died at the hands of 1000 Yard Stare. For a long while, it was the must-have Sniper Rifle in the game. Today, we’re scratching that nostalgia itch again and fans are once more grinding for a roll on the gun, which is available in Destiny 2 as part of Bungie’s 30th Anniversary Event. Of course, you probably knew that though. You landed here because you want to know how to get 1000 Yard Stare in Destiny 2. You crave this information.

Well it’s your lucky day. I’m going to tell you exactly where it’s at. But first: history.
This weapon is just one year younger than Destiny itself

The origins of 1000 Yard Stare can be traced all the way back to Destiny’s The Taken King expansion. That piece of content — which many argue saved Destiny — introduced a slew of beloved weapons. One of them was 1000 Yard Stare, the Sniper Rifle that quickly made its way into the hearts of Crucible players everywhere.
Plenty of weapons from the original Destiny have since been brought over to Destiny 2. But for years, 1000 Yard Stare was not one of them. That changed as of Dec. 8, 2021, when Bungie’s 30th Anniversary Event launched. Now there’s a way for you to earn this Sniper Rifle once more.
1000 Yard Stare is a drop from the Grasp of Avarice Dungeon

The process for how to get 1000 Yard Stare in Destiny 2 starts with the new Grasp of Avarice Dungeon. This activity — which hilariously begins in the “loot cave” made famous by Destiny 1 — has a number of reprised weapons from the first game in its loot pool. There’s Matador 64, Eyasluna and, yes, 1000 Yard Stare.
You will need a little bit of luck to get this Sniper Rifle to drop, though. It only happens in one encounter — the last one in the Dungeon. And any of the other three chest items can drop, too. So while you’re likely hoping for your 1KY Stare, you could also end up with the aforementioned Matador 64 and Eyasluna, as well as a new Sword called Hero of Ages.
And that’s how to get 1000 Yard Stare in Destiny 2
With that, you have all of the information you need to chase this weapon down. It may take you a few runs to get one dropping, and you may need a lot of runs to get a decent roll. Just bear that in mind! The grind is going to be real for this one.
Be sure to check back soon, as we’re constantly adding new guides for weapons and activities in Destiny 2. Until next time: good luck to you.