One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Qukah Nata Shrine or Qukah Nata’s Blessing. The Shrine itself is no challenge at all. As you enter the Qukah Nata Shrine, Link will be able to access the shrine’s chest, and he can access the altar and talk to the monk immediately. The real challenge is completing the A Song of Storms Shrine Quest to access Qukah Nata Shrine. In this guide, you will learn how to complete the A Song of Storms Shrine Quest to access and complete Qukah Nata Shrine, obtain the chest inside, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
Link cannot immediately access the Qukah Nata Shrine, but the shrine will emerge near Calora Lake, by the path northeast of Floria Bridge (east of Lakeside Stable or south of Mount Floria). The Qukah Nata Shrine is one of eight shrines in the Faron Tower region.
A Song of Storms
To start the A Song of Storms Shrine Quest, head to the location above where Qukah Nata Shrine will emerge (the location mentioned above), and there will be a thunderstorm in the area. In this area, you will find the Rito bard named Kass. Talk to Kass, and he will be impressed with Link because, according to him, not many could reach the area because of the rain.
Kass will then say that he is all good in the rain as his feathers repel the rain rather well, and his instrument was designed to withstand extreme moisture. He will then say that you have got to be prepared for a few raindrops when your livelihood revolves around ancient songs. Kass will then tell Link the ancient verse about the area:
“When a lost hero calls down lightning from the sky,
The monk responds from a giant mound on high.”
Additionally, while reciting the ancient verse, Kass will point to the giant mound referred to in the ancient verse, which is at the top of a small cliff.
The ancient verse means that Link must find a way to summon lightning and hit the giant mound on the small cliff. To complete the A Song of Storms Shrine Quest, this is what Link must do:
- Unequip all of Link’s metallic weapons and armor so that he will not get hit by lightning and slowly climb to the top of the giant mound. This would be tricky as the rain will prevent Link from continuously climbing the giant mound. Take advantage of the parts of the giant mound where Link can stand and replenish his stamina.
- Next, at the top of the giant mound, go to Link’s inventory and drop one of Link’s metallic shields or weapons. Drop it on the center of the top of the giant mound.
- After that, quickly jump off the giant mound as the metal shield or weapon will start to attract the lightning.
- After the lightning hits the metal shield or weapon and the giant mound, the giant mound will break and reveal the Qukah Nata Shrine inside it.
After that, Link can now access the Qukah Nata Shrine and complete the A Song of Storms Shrine Quest!
Qukah Nata’s Blessing
Now that you have completed the A Song of Storms Shrine Quest, you can enter the Qukah Nata Shrine. This shrine will no longer have a challenge or puzzle inside as the puzzle was already on trying to access the shrine. Upon entering the shrine, this is what Link must do:
- Upon entering the Qukah Nata Shrine, head up the stairs, and there will be a chest. Open the chest to obtain Rubber Tights.
- Then, just after the chest, continue ahead and talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
The Qukah Nata Shrine or Qukah Nata’s Blessing is one of eight shrines in the Faron Tower region. The other shrines are the Muwo Jeem Shrine or A Modest Test of Strength, the Shai Utoh Shrine or the Halt the Tilt, the Shoda Sah Shrine or the Impeccable Timing, the Tawa Jinn Shrine or Tawa Jinn’s Blessing, the Yah Rin Shrine or A Weighty Decision, the Kah Yah Shrine or the Quick Thinking, and the Korgu Chideh Shrine or Korgu Chideh’s Blessing.