The Shada Naw Shrine, or the Red Giveaway, is one of the many shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This shrine requires Link to get a glowing orb to its glowing orb socket using the gusts of air being blown out of certain points of the shrine to reach the altar. This is a fairly easy shrine to complete, and in this guide, you will learn how to complete the Shada Naw Shrine, obtain the chest, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Shada Naw Shrine can be found under a rock formation near Selmie’s Spot, just northwest of Hebra Peak in the Hebra Mountains (the shrine is west of Pikida Stonegrove or north of Coldsnap Hollow). The Shada Naw Shrine is one of 13 shrines in the Hebra Tower region.
It is worth mentioning that the climate in the area is very cold, so make sure that Link has cold-resistant armor.
Red Giveaway
Upon entering the Shada Naw Shrine, you will find Link and the shrine’s entrance on the southeast part of the room. Just ahead of Link, a part of the platform has lighter brown color. Just ahead of that is a ramp that leads down to a platform that goes around the room towards the glowing orb socket; on the western part of the platform that goes around the room, there is a moving platform that moves side to side, just below the glowing orb socket on its northern side there is a glowing orb, just ahead of the platform that Link is on there is a huge metal cube, there are fans that blow out air on the northeast, northwest, and southwest of the room, and the altar can be found on top of a high platform on the northern part of the shrine.
To complete this shrine, this is what Link must do:
- First, drop down from the platform that Link is on and head to the southwest end of the shrine, and you will see a chest inside a hollow part high up on the wall. Press the up directional button, select the Magnesis Rune ability, press the L button to aim, aim at the chest-high up on the wall, press the A button to activate the Magnesis Rune on the chest, and pull it towards Link. Open the chest to obtain a Great Frostblade.
- Next, head to the wall on the eastern side of the ramp to the glowing orb socket (west of the entrance to the shrine), then press the L button again to aim the Magnesis Rune ability, and you will see a part of the wall that Magnesis can be activated on. Press the A button to activate the Magnesis Rune ability and pull that part of the wall out.
- After that, head up the ramp on the northeastern side of the shrine towards the huge metal cube, press the L button again to aim the Magnesis Rune ability and press the A button to activate it on the huge metal cube. Using the Magnesis Rune ability, bring the huge metal cube to the top of the part of the wall that you pulled out earlier.
- Next, let Link pick up the glowing orb from its pedestal and bring it up to the lighter part of the platform near the shrine’s entrance.
- From there, let Link face the ramp that leads down the platform while carrying the glowing orb, then turns the camera so that you can see the moving platform on the west side of the shrine.
- Once the moving platform starts to move away from the main path of the platforms, throw the glowing orb down the ramp and towards the first fan. The glowing orb will then be blown by the fans around the shrine then will be blocked by the huge metal cube you put earlier and roll down the ramp towards the glowing orb socket.
- Once the glowing orb is in the glowing orb socket, the lighter brown platform Link is on will start to rise and will be on the same level as the altar.
- Finally, go near the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
The Shada Naw Shrine or the Red Giveaway is one of 13 shrines in the Hebra Tower region. The other shrines are the Goma Asaagh Shrine or A Major Test of Strength, the Sha Gehma Shrine or the Shift and Lock, the Hia Miu Shrine or A Major Test of Strength, the Mozo Shenno Shrine or A Major Test of Strength, the Rin Oyaa Shrine or the Directing the Wind, the To Quomo Shrine or Quomo’s Blessing, the Rok Uwog Shrine or the Power of Reach, the Maka Rah Shrine or the Steady Thy Heart, the Lanno Kooh Shrine or Lanno Kooh’s Blessing, the Dunba Taag Shrine or the Build and Release, the Gee Ha’rah Shrine or the Tandem, and the Qaza Tokki Shrine or Qaza Tokki’s Blessing.