How to Complete the “Kleavor’s Path of Solitude” Request (Request 119) in Pokemon Legends: Arceus



Randrew Mendrico

Writer and Storywriter

Drew is one of the game guide writers in PlayerAssist. He mixed his communications degree with his love for video games to help other gamers with different video game situations. Drew loves action-adventure, story or character driven role-playing games.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the land of the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every species of Pokémon from the Hisui region to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

How to Complete the “Kleavor’s Path of Solitude” Request (Request 119) in Pokemon Legends: Arceus

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Additionally, various people will also ask for help from the player in the form of requests. One of these requests is Request 119, titled ‘Kleavor’s Path of Solitude.’ This guide will teach you how to complete the “Kleavor’s Path of Solitude” request.

Kleavor’s Path of Solitude

To unlock this request, the player must first complete the “Massive Mass Outbreak in the Icelands” request (request 101) and the “Daybreak” request (request 102), where the player must investigate the massive mass outbreaks in the Alabaster Icelands and complete the Daybreak DLC, and complete request 108 to 117, the first batch of Path of Solitude Requests, from Gared in the Training Grounds.

After doing the requirements mentioned above, you can now start this request! To do that, complete the last one of the first batch of the Path of Solitude requests, then simply head on to the Training Grounds in the northwest of the Jubilife Village. On the left side of the building (or behind Ingo), the player will find Gared, a member of the Security Corps.

Talk to Gared, and he will say that it was a thrill to see the player’s pokemon best the Path of Solitude like that. After that, he will reward the player for completing the previous request. Then, after a slight pause, he will nod and say that with the player’s skills, he knew that the player could do it, then tell the player to try these new and incredibly tough challenges. Then, a new bunch of Path of Solitude requests will start, and one of them is the “Kleavor’s Path of Solitude” Request!

To complete this request, the player must defeat Ingo and Hisuian Goodra in the Path of Solitude with only a Kleavor in the player’s party.

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Before talking to Ingo to start the Path of Solitude, ensure that the player has a Kleavor above Level 85, as the player would have to battle Ingo’s Level 84 Hisuian Goodra.

Unfortunately, the player will not be able to catch a Kleavor in the wild as Kleavor can only be acquired by evolving a Scyther using a Black Augurite.

Scyther can be found in the Obsidian Fieldlands (east and north of Grandtree Arena in the southeast of the map) and in the Coronet Highlands (southwest of the Primeval Grotto near the top of the falls). Scyther can be found in these locations at all times of the day and in every weather condition. Scyther’s preferred foods are Springy Mushrooms, Dazzling Honey, Hearty Grains, and Plump Beans.

Suppose you plan on battling Scyther first before catching it. In that case, it is worth noting that Scyther is a Bug and Flying type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Electric-type, Fire-type, Flying-type, Ice-type, and especially Rock-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Bug-type and especially Fighting-type and Grass-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).

Arceus 1

As mentioned, to evolve Scyther into a Kleavor, the player must also have a Black Augurite. The player may find a Black Augurite by digging up treasure buried on the ground by riding the rideable Ursaluna, by catching or defeating Graveler, by purchasing a ‘Jet-Black Rock’ from Ginter at the Gingko Guild Shop (in between the Galaxy Hall and the player’s headquarters) for 8,000 Pokemon Dollars (items that the Gingko Guild Merchants sell are not the same all the time so purchasable items may vary. To change the items that Ginter is selling, the player must first catch 20 Pokemon), or by finding some on the ground inside of Space-Time Distortions. Out of all the methods mentioned, the more dependable method of obtaining Black Augurite is catching or defeating a Graveler.

After catching a Scyther and obtaining a Black Augurite, the player can now evolve Scyther into a Kleavor!

It is recommended that the player’s Kleavor has a Nature that boosts Attack, like Adamant. Then, the player can boost Kleavor’s Effort Levels, focusing on boosting Kleavor’s. Attack and Speed, using Grit items. You can also boost Kleavor’s Defense and HP to help Kleavor survive the opposing Pokemon’s attacks.

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As for Kleavor’s moves, it is recommended to let the player’s Kleavor learn and use Calm Mind, which is a Psychic type status move that raises the user’s offensive and defensive stats, and Close Combat, which is a powerful Fighting-type physical attack that also lowers the user’s defensive stats.

After training your Kleavor and letting it learn the recommended moves, head to Ingo on the left side of Captain Zisu in the Training Grounds and talk to him. Select the ‘Path of Solitude’ on the prompt, and select ‘Accept the challenge’ on the following prompt. Then Ingo will let you choose one Pokemon, so put your Kleavor in the party and remove all the other Pokemon so the player will only use Kleavor. After that, select ‘Begin’ on the next prompt, and the player can now begin the challenge!

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It is worth noting that Ingo’s Hisuian Goodra is a Level 84 Dragon and Steel-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Fighting type and Ground-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Bug-type, Electric-type, Flying-type, Normal-type, Psychic-type, Rock-type, Steel-type, Water-type, and especially Grass-type moves, and immunity to Poison-type moves (no effect). Ingo’s HIsuian Goodra may use Shelter, which is a Steel-type status move that raises its defensive stats.

At the same time, the user becomes Obscured (opposing Pokemon’s attacks are more likely to miss), Draco Meteor, which is a powerful Dragon-type special attack that also lowers the user’s offensive stats, and Iron Head, which is a Steel type physical attack with decent power.

Check the request description; it will give a tip to let the Kleavor quiet its mind and take advantage of the opposing Pokemon’s weakness. That means letting the player’s Kleavor use Calm Mind and attack Ingo’s Hisuian Goodra with Close Combat, a Fighting-type move that is super effective against Ingo’s Hisuian Goodra.

So, in battle, use Calm Mind for Kleavor’s first move to raise Kleavor’s offensive and defensive stats; Ingo’s Hisuian Goodra will then most likely use Shelter, which will obscure it, then keep on using Calm Mind to continue raising Kleavor’s offensive and defensive stats until the Obscure on Ingo’s Hisuian Goodra is gone, then, once it is gone, let the player’s Kleavor use Close Combat in Strong Style.

If the player’s Kleavor is strong enough, this will most likely be enough to defeat Ingo’s Hisuian Goodra. If not, you can continue attacking Ingo’s Hisuian Goodra with Close Combat.

After defeating Ingo’s Hisuian Goodra, Ingo will say that the player’s Kleavor has reached the final station on its Path to Solitude and that he has added a mark on Kleavor’s page in the Pokedex that signifies its victory. Then, Ingo will reward the player with three Exp. Candy L as a prize for having completed the Path of Solitude. 

Afterward, head back to Gared, still near Ingo, and talk to him. Gared will say it was a thrill to see the player’s Pokemon best the Path of Solitude. Then, finally, the player will be rewarded with one Seed of Mastery and one Exp. Candy XL, for your efforts and the “Kleavor’s Path of Solitude” Request, is now completed!

Now that you have completed the “Kleavor’s Path of Solitude” Request, you can try to complete other requests, missions, or Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch ’em all!

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