Tag ’em and shut them down.

The Defending team is disadvantaged in a three-bombsite map such as Lotus. The three-bombsite layout means the Defending team is spread thin around the map, making it easier for the Attacking team to overwhelm any bombsite.
You can make life even harder for the Defending team on Lotus if you play KAYO. The Radiant slayer’s high-tech knife covers entire bombsites on Lotus and reveals Defenders lurking within bomb sites.
It also stops the Defending team from using their abilities to slow down your team’s push into bomb sites.
With that in mind, we have developed some simple yet effective KAYO Knife Lineups that you can try to help the site take on Lotus.
Lotus A-site KAYO Knife Lineups
A-site is one of the bigger bombsites on Lotus, but it is still comparatively small compared to bombsites on other maps, such as Haven.
This is good news for KAYO since the smaller bombsite area means he can easily scan the entire bombsite and reveal every nook and cranny the Defenders might use.
Lotus A-site Knife Lineup
- Stand in this corner at A-Root:

2. Place the bottom tip of KAYO’s Knife icon on the tip of the curved vine:

3. Throw KAYO’s Knife:

When done properly, KAYO’s Knife should land on top of A-Hut and cover the entire A-site:

Lotus A-Door Knife Lineup
- Stand in this corner at A-Root:

2. Place the dot above KAYO’s molly icon on the tip of the vine:

3. Throw KAYO’s Knife:

When done properly, KAYO’s Knife should cover all of A-Door and some of A-site:

Lotus B-site KAYO Knife Lineups
B-site is the most straightforward bombsite on Lotus. It features a short B-Main lane leading to B-site and a destructible door that connects A-Main to B-site.
However, unlike A-site and C-site on Lotus, B-site’s skybox is almost completely covered, save for a small opening in the ceiling. Nevertheless, KAYO’s Knife can still cover the entire B-Bombsite with ease.
B-site Knife Lineup
- Align yourself with this dot on the box in Attacker Spawn:

2. Place the tip of the left HP HUD line on this corner of the roof:

3. Throw KAYO’s Knife:

KAYO’s Knife should land in the middle of B-site and cover almost the entire bombsite, including some of A-Link and B-Upper:

Lotus B-site from A-Rubble
- Stand in this corner at A-Rubble:

2. Aim for this group of leaves on the pillar. You are looking for the rightmost tip of the leaf:

3. Place this tip of the HUD line on the tip of the leaf:

4. Throw KAYO’s knife:

When done properly, KAYO’s Knife should land in the middle of B-site:

Lotus C-site KAYO Knife Lineups
The Attacking team must cross C-Lobby and pass through C-Mound to get to C-site. After which, C-site entry is as simple as smoking C-Hall and C-Waterfall, as C-site does not offer much cover for Defenders.
The KAYO Knife lineups for C-site featured below should cover most of the C-site and drive away Defenders long enough for you and your team to enter and control the bomb site.
- Align yourself with the right side of this box in C-Lobby:

2. Place the left tip of KAYO’s molly HUD line on this corner of the wall:

3. JUMPTHROW KAYO’s molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s Knife should land in C-site:

Reveal & Suppress
A well-placed KAYO Knife can give the Attacking team a quick headcount on the Defenders on Lotus and give your team the information it needs to take sites on the map safely.