Brawlers will have to wait a little longer.
Eager dodgeball fans will have to wait a bit longer to put on their superhero tights and fight crime in the brawling streets of Knockout City, as the highly anticipated update 2.1 update has been delayed. Velan Studios has also announced that the patch due for release on August 24th will no longer be going ahead.

This delay is not the result of a fiendishly evil plan from a criminal mastermind working against the brawlers of Knockout City. Over on Reddit, Velan Studios confirmed that the upcoming patch was being delayed due to unforeseen problems found during submitting the update.
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Therefore, the update is not going to go out as planned. Sadly, a consequence of this is that the mid-season event – Knockout City Heroes – will also have to be pushed back. However, this should hopefully only be a short delay, and Velan Studios has said that it will be letting players know as and when the situation changes.
Originally, the limited-time event called Knockout City Heroes would give brawlers seven unique powers, special event contracts, exclusive gear, and more. The event will occur after agents belonging to the evil leader Viper have contaminated Knockout City’s Boba Cola with an experimental drug called Chemical V. Any person who consumes this substance will gain great superpowers.
The Knockout City Police is overwhelmed by the insurgence of brawlers running around the city with superpowers, allowing the evil Viper and his gang to run amuck in the city. It’s now up to the heroic antics of Captain KO and their loyal sidekick Curve Shot Kid to defeat the evil Viper gang. Can the dynamic duo save the day?
When the event arrives, players will discover their skills have significantly increased in this event, and the game of dodgeball has massively changed. Brawlers can now pick up foes and physically throw them off the city map, which will even give the Hulk a run for this money. If that wasn’t enough action, players can also take to the skies with the Super Double Jump and pick off adversary from the heavens.
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The event will also have some exclusive Knockout City Heroes cosmetics for players to collect. At this given time, we haven’t been given an expected date for the rescheduling of the limited-time event.
It’s not all doom and gloom, as instead of getting the update today, brawlers will be given a special Double XP Weekend that will run from August 27th at 12 pm (noon) UTC to August 30th at 12 pm (noon) UTC.
Source: Reddit