All Dragon Adventures Codes(Roblox) – Tested October 2022



Drenz Doloriel

Writer and Storywriter

Our Roblox Dragon Adventures codes list contains the game’s available codes. If you use these, you can get a lot of items for free!

All Dragon Adventures Codes(Roblox) - Tested October 2022

The appeal of dragons has long been acknowledged, so why not learn how to care for and fly one in Dragon Adventures? You’ll have your own dragons to feed and fly, as well as a lair that you can build to your heart’s content. To combat foes and obtain riches, you can also go into PVE zones. So if you have a chance, give this game a shot! There are so many adventures to be had!

You may use the Dragon Adventures codes list’s free gifts to upgrade your dragons and base and help you combat foes and other dragons!

Roblox Dragon Adventures Codes – Tested October 2022

We’ve got the latest up-to-date codes for Roblox Dragon Adventures for you. You can employ a variety of boosters to improve your training abilities as well as your power. When you’re playing, try to use them as much as you can to get the most out of your dragons. You’ll want to make sure you utilize codes as quickly as possible because they’re only good for a limited time.

Dragon Adventures Working Codes

The codes currently available are listed below:

JUSTYBLOXOne JustyBlox Preset Potion
AESUBREALMSub Realm Preset Potion
GALIFRANGalifran Preset Potion
SHAMEWINGShamewing Preset Potion
FLUFFYFluffyTSG Preset Potion

Expired Codes

The codes listed below are now unavailable rewards mentioned can’t be redeemed:

FALL Amber
HALLOWEEN Pumpkin Seeds
MONEY 3x Color Shuffle Potions
MILLION 3x Color Shuffle Potions
HARVEST 5x Pumpkin Seeds
GHOST Free Pumpkins
MAPLE Color Shuffle Potion
HEARTS 25 Dragon Revival Hearts
SEPTEMBER Concentrated Poison
MEAL Dragonfruits
VOLKUMOS Color Shuffle Potion
HEALTH Dragon Breath Healing Potions
YUMMY Free Strawberries
MAGIC Fairy Jars
SUNSHINE Free Grapes
DRAGONSCALE Free Dragonscale Bandages
SUMMERTIME Free Color Shuffle Potion
SWEET Free Honeycombs
STRIPES Free Material Shuffle Potion
SUMMER Dragon Breath Healing Potions
GLOWING Glowing Mushrooms
BERRIES Juniper Berries
PHOENIX Color Shuffle Potion
SPACE 50 Meteor Shards
CARROT 50 Carrot Cakes
HATCH 50 Carrot Cakes
SKYRIX 50 Carrot Cakes
GEMSTONE Gemstone Healing Potions
LEPRECHAUN Material Shuffle Potion
PLANTS 20 Pumpkin Seeds
WELLNESS Dragon Breath Healing Potion
HOLO Holo Manta Rays
MIX Material Shuffle Potion
HEALTHY Crystal Treats
VIBRANT Color Shuffle Potion
BRIGHT 15 Glowing Mushrooms
REVIVE Max Revive Crystals
GROW 9 Onion Seeds
HAPPYNEWYEAR Color Shuffle Potion
FROSTY Snow Resources
DREAMS 15 Clouds
farming 250 Coins & 15 Peach Seeds
HEALTHY Max Revive Crystals
NEW Color Shuffle Potion
UI Material Shuffle Potion
GLOWING Fairy Jar Resources
CREEPY 30 Bats
HORROR 25 Ghost Essence
GHOULISH 50 Ghoul Wood
SPOOKY 20 Candy Corn
HARVEST Pumpkins
SHUFFLE Material Shuffle Potion
SPARKLE Ice Crystals
HEALING 50 Crystal Treats
SPECIAL 1 Color Shuffle Potion
Shiny 50 Golden Apples
TASTY 50 Pumpkins
SolarSolstice 5,000 Coins
SunnyDay Lava Preset Potion
SunGod Golden Bear Plushie
Milomissions 20 Bananas
Questmaster 2,500 Coins
NewL0bby Color Order Potion
20k2020 2,500 Coins
Bunny 50 Bunnies
HappyEaster Easter Preset Potion
Egghunt 100 Chocolate Eggs
b0nd Color Shuffle Potion
Toxic 1,000 Coins
Wasp 10 Toxic Waste
Wastel4nd Radioactive Present Potion
toxicworld 1,000 Coins
happybdayery Free Reward
Val2020 500 Coins
DAValentines Heart Preset Potion
HappyValentines 75 Heart Treat

How to Enter Codes in Dragon Adventures

In Dragon Adventures, it’s simple to claim your prizes and receive free things in exchange. We advise copying and pasting the codes from our list to avoid mistakes or extra spaces. Follow this step-by-step guide if you don’t already know how to redeem the game’s awards.

  1. On your PC or mobile device, Open Dragon Adventures after you’ve downloaded and installed Roblox.
  2. Click the “MENU” button on the right-hand bottom of the screen.
  3. Then choose “GIFT CODES.”
  4. From our list, Copy a code.
  5. Fill in the textbox with the code you copied from our list.
  6. To get your rewards, simply click the “Redeem!” button.
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After redeeming the codes, you should automatically receive any in-game bonuses or boosts on your account. Verify your typing again if a code indicates that it is invalid.

How to Get More Codes

Expect them to show up during updates, and anytime the game reaches new milestones because new codes can be released at any time by the developers. New codes will be added to this page every month. All of our codes are tested once a month, and we’re continuously on the hunt for fresh internet codes.

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All Dragon Blox Codes(Roblox) - Tested October 2022