All available Roblox Treasure Quest codes can be found on our list. These can obtain luck, XP, speed, and other potions.

Treasure Quest is a Roblox dungeon crawler RPG game created by Nosniy Games. The goal of the adventure is to gather weapons and armor from dungeons in order to become more strong. The more levels a player has, the more dungeons he or she can explore
In Roblox Treasure Quest, Choose from various classes, such as Warrior or Wizard, and team up with online buddies to fight the evil guys! You’ll enter levels to battle bosses with their minions to level your character. Complete quests to level up and retrieve rare rewards.
Roblox Treasure Quest Codes for Potions – Tested October 2022
If you’re seeking free rewards to enhance your character, our Treasure Quest codes list is a great place to go. We’ve gathered an extensive list of all the most recent codes that are now active. These can be exchanged for potions to help you level up and enhance and strengthen your character.
Codes expire after a reasonable time. You’ll need to want to make use of them. However, if you’re not sure how to redeem the codes in Treasure Quest, look below the codes for the instructions!
Treasure Quest Working Codes
The codes currently available are listed below:
Codes | Rewards |
FALL2022 | Speed Potion [New] |
thx_for300klikes | XP Potion [New] |
TQ3YEARS | Three and Free |
PRIDE | Pride Flag |
BRIGHT&SUNNY | Speed Potion |
verycoolcode | Gold Potion |
SAUCE | XP Potion |
RATIO | Gold Potion |
FREEULT | Bat Striker Ultimate [New] |
Expired Codes
The codes listed below are now unavailable rewards mentioned can’t be redeemed:
Codes | Rewards |
verycoolcode | Gold Potion |
POG | XP Potion |
WHAT | Luck Potion |
PAUSE | Luck Potion |
SECRET | Gold Potion |
blizmid | Avalanche Weapon |
drip | Speed Potion |
PROLOBBY | XP Potion |
anothaone | Reward |
surpriseee | Reward |
GHOULPLASM | 10 Backpack Slots |
SHOPUPDATE | Speed Potion |
VACATION | Unique Potion |
SUMMERTIME2021 | XP Potion |
TQ2YEARS | Two & Through |
300MILLIONVISITS | 10 Backpack Slots |
SUPERSUNNY | Luck Potion |
MINESHAFT | Hat Chest |
UPDATEHYPE | Color Chest |
HAPPYEASTER2021 | XP Potion |
REWRITE3 | Luck Potion |
REWRITE2 | XP Potion |
REWRITE1 | 10 Backpack slots |
THANKSFOR250M_1 | 250 Million Effect |
THANKSFOR250M_2 | Luck Potion |
POISONPRISON | Luck Potion |
BOSSFIGHT | Luck Potion |
SPOOKY | Luck Potion |
HAUNTED | Luck Potion |
FRANKENSTEIN | Luck Potion |
ABYSS | Luck Potion |
DOMINUSGRIND | Luck Potion |
samurai | Luck Potion |
2hourluck | Luck Potions |
area51 | Luck Potion |
plzgivemythical | Luck Potion |
summerishere | Luck Potion |
luckluckluck | Luck Potion |
ultimaterarity | Luck Potion |
mythicalplz | Luck Potion |
imfeelinglucky | Luck Potion |
halloweenupdate | Luck Potion |
NEWLOBBYHYPE | Luck Potion |
brightbeachisback | Luck Potion |
shoprevamp | Luck Potion |
PROTECTOR | Luck Potion |
SCROLLSHYPE | Luck Potion |
BIGBOOST | Luck Potion |
omgrobots | Luck Potion |
coralrevamp | Luck Potion |
sewersrevamp | Luck Potion |
naughty | Luck Potion |
nice | Luck Potion |
update14 | Luck Potion |
luckfordays | Luck Potion |
spookyseason | Luck Potion |
HYPERFROST | Luck Potion |
COCONUT | XP Potion |
GHOUL | XP Potion |
ZOMBIE | XP Potion |
XPPOTION | XP Potion |
update10 | XP Potion |
update11 | XP Potion |
2hourexp | XP Potion |
ufo | XP Potion |
update9 | XP Potion |
newdungeonhype | XP Potion |
ilovexp | XP Potion |
shellgrind | XP Potion |
summertime | XP Potion |
UPDATE22 | XP Potion |
UPDATE21 | XP Potion |
EGGHUNT2020 | XP Potion |
UPDATE20 | XP Potion |
hi | XP Potion |
update19 | XP Potion |
UPDATE18 | XP Potion |
junglerevamp | XP Potion |
icecold | XP Potion |
update16 | XP Potion |
winterishere | XP Potion |
peppermints | XP Potion |
update15 | XP Potion |
evenmorexp | XP Potion |
autumn | XP Potion |
experienceboost2 | XP Potion |
experienceboost | XP Potion |
pumpkincarving | XP Potion |
update12 | XP Potion |
SUNSHINE | XP Potion |
localization | Random Effect |
blackbelt | Random Effect |
givemelevels | Random Effect |
happy4thofjuly | Random Effect |
update7 | Random Effect |
reepotion | Random Effect |
endlessmode | Random Effect |
i<3effects | Random Effect |
randomeffect | Random Effect |
anothereffect | Random Effect |
hypehype | Random Effect |
pearlhunt | Random Effect |
ranoutofideas | Random Effect |
king | Lightshow Effect |
cavesrevamp | Effect Potion |
newmonstershype | Random Reward |
bossanubis | 500 Gold |
newdungeon | 500 Gold |
desertcactus | 500 Gold |
officialrelease | 500 Gold |
update1 | 500 Gold |
treasure | 500 Gold |
freecoins | 500 Gold |
ilovesales | Gold Potion |
beefy | Health Potion |
bestcostume | Health Potion |
purehealth | Damage Potion |
trueninja | Damage Potion |
puredamage | Damage Potion |
stronk | Damage Potion |
sinistereerie | Damage Potion |
ilovegold | Gold Potion |
goldrush | Gold Potion |
candyquest | Gold Potion |
yummycandy | Gold Potion |
SUMMERPART2 | Gold Potion |
update8 | 5 Backpack Slots |
i<3storage | 5 Backpack Slots |
extrastorage | 1 Backpack Slot |
10storage | 10 Backpack Slots |
ilovexmas | 5 Backpack Slots |
BANKSLOTS | 25 Bank Slots |
hugeupdatesoon | 10 Bank Slots |
SPRINGTIME | 10 Bank Slots |
THANKSFORPLAYING | 5 Backpack Slots |
freestorage | 1 Backpack Slot |
newabilities | Random Potion |
freepotion2 | Random Potion |
randompotion | Random Potion |
anotherpotion | Random Potion |
alien | +1 Level |
i<3levels | +1 Level |
updatesoon | +1 Level |
update2 | +1 Level |
sugarquest | +1 Level |
levelup | +1 Level |
freelevel | +1 Level |
EASTER2020 | +1 Level |
FREECOSMETIC | White Mecha Cosmetic |
DREGGONSBREATH | 4 Quest Skips |
questskips2 | 4 Quest Skips |
questskips | 4 Quest Skips |
ONEYEAR | Free Rewards |
millionmembers | Free Rewards |
LIVEOPS | XP Potion |
i<3candycorn | 25 candy corn |
How to Enter Codes in Treasure Quest
It’s simple to redeem Treasure Quest codes. We advise copying and pasting the codes directly from our list to prevent typos or extra spaces. Use this step-by-step instruction if you’re not sure how to claim the game’s rewards.
- On your computer or mobile device, Launch Roblox Treasure Quest.
- Search for the “Twitter” button on the right-hand side of the screen. When you click it, a redemption window appears.
- Copy the code you that want to use from our list.
- Insert the code into the text field on the redemption window.
- Click the “Check” button to get your reward.
After redeeming the codes, any in-game bonuses or boosts ought to appear automatically on your account. If a code indicates invalid, make sure you type it accurately by checking it twice.
How to Get More Codes
The simplest way to get additional rewards is to use codes in Treasure Quest. They show up in nearly every update, milestone, and, on rare occasions, at random. Keep an eye out for Roblox Games updates on Twitter and YouTube. When a new code becomes available, this page will be updated! Completing daily tasks and collecting Free Rewards in the game will allow you to earn more money. Come back to discover what’s new!