Apex Legends Mobile: Login Marathon Event Guide



John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.

It pays to log in daily in Apex Legends Mobile.

Apex Legends Mobile: Login Marathon Event Guide

Apex Legends Season 2.5 went live just last week and brought a ton of new content with it. The whole theme of Season 2.5? Rhapsody’s Party. And in true party fashion, a ton of events and prizes are lined up for the entirety of Season 2.5.

One event that you definitely wouldn’t want to miss is the Login Marathon Event which gives out prizes daily every time you log in to Apex Legends Mobile. Prizes include Season 2.5 exclusive currency in Hyperbeat Coins, Pack Pieces, Mission Cards, Flux, a few Rare-tier cosmetics, and an Epic-tier Lifeline Skin.

We have outlined all the rewards and how you can claim them from the Login Marathon Event in this guide.

Login Marathon Event


The Login Marathon Event is a simple, no-frills event that you can complete by simply logging into Apex Legends Mobile and claiming the login reward slated for that day.

The event runs from August 24, 2022, until September 21, 2022 (UTC +8), which should be enough time to log in and collect the prizes daily.

Prizes include:

  • Hyperbeat Coins
  • Pack Pieces
  • Mission Cards
  • Flux
  • Syndicate Packs
  • Count Off Lifeline Banner Pose (Rare)
  • Backpack Weapon Charm (Rare)
  • Get Ready Lifeline Holospray (Rare)
  • Paint Blasted Lifeline Legend Skin (Epic)

If you manage to pick every single reward up from the start of the event, you can collect as much as 14,600 Hyperbeat Coins, 20 Pack Pieces, 3 Mission Cards, 1000 Flux, and 2 Syndicate Packs. Of course, that Epic-tier Paint Blasted Lifeline Legend Skin will be given to players who manage to consistently log in to Apex Legends Mobile from August 24 until September 21.

Use those Hyperbeat coins to unlock exciting cosmetics such as Skins and Frames

On the other hand, if you’re running a little late to Rhapsody’s Party, don’t worry, there are five Retro Check-ins that you can use that will keep your login streak running if you ever miss a few days. You can also set a reminder in-game that will notify you to collect your daily rewards while the event lasts.

It’s a Party!

Don’t miss your chance to collect all the exciting rewards lined up for you in the Login Marathon Event. This is by far the easiest challenge in Season 2.5, which will require just a few minutes of your time to log in and claim rewards daily until the event ends on September 21.

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