Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: How to Beat Zealots


Jon Torres

Writer and Storywriter


Zealots are guards in Valhalla, and interestingly they’re pretty strong. They don’t yield a lot of loot though, but can be a pain to beat them in a fight.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: How to Beat Zealots

Whether you want to defeat them intentionally or you have just stumbled upon one, then this guide will help you slay they nevertheless. There are different Zealots with different power levels and attacks, but for the most part they’re all the same.

Instead of giving you foolproof way of defeating them, I will give you some tips to do so, because there isn’t such a sure way of doing so.

How to Beat Zealots – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

This guide is split into three different sections:

  • Power Level and Gear
  • Skills and Abilities
  • Combat

For each of them I will give you some pointers on what you should look for, and what you should do. Let’s start with the first one:

Power Level and Gear

  • Well, you probably guessed it, I would say that you must be the same or higher power level than the Zealot. They’re just too strong to defeat if you are lower than them.assassins creed valhalla how to beat zealots
  • Of course, you can slay them even with a lower power level, but I would not suggest it, not that it isn’t possible, on the contrary it can be done, just the process is too long with little reward.
  • For gear you are aiming for an adequate gear. Any armor set bonuses are a plus, and sockets too.

Skills and Abilities

  • Skills I understand that you can’t change much, but I would suggest getting Missile Reversal. It’s a great skill to have, not just against Zealots, but other enemies as well. It will allow you to throw back projectiles that enemies throw at valhalla how to beat zealots
  • As for abilities, I don’t have much to recommend, it comes down to personal preference. Only thing I suggest is Piercing Shot, that will help break the Zealot’s armor.


  • When you initiate, make sure to use your bow at all the weak spots that you will see on the Zealot. This will decrease his/her stamina a lot and fundamentally make you deal more damage.
  • Keep you distance, and wait for the Zealot to throw the spear at you so you can throw it back with Missile Reversal. This will deal a bonkers amount of damage.
  • Switch between bow if you run out of arrows for one.
  • Lastly, when the Zealot’s stamina is low, it’s time to start fighting from close-range.

Like I said, there is no foolproof method with respects to defeating a Zealot, but following the tips above will help you greatly.

You will have an overall knowledge of Zealots and how to approach them!

READ NEXT : Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: How to Get Mentor’s Armor Set

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