Brawlhalla Reveals Assassin’s Creed Crossover



Bayani Miguel Acebedo

Writer and Storywriter

Bayani is a freelance pop-culture newswriter that's been covering the news cycle since 2017. He writes mostly about TV and movies, but he also covers the biggest game news and makes sure to keep you up-to-date on the hottest titles. Though he does specialize on topics like Star Wars and Comic Book films, he also keeps up to date on none superhero properties like the latest movies and most buzzed about tv shows. He also has a podcast called Feed the Geeks which you can check out on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. He also draws original webcomics from time to time.

Brawlhalla has managed to crossover with several huge properties in the past like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kung Fu Panda, and Adventure Time; but now they’ve announced incoming characters from one of Ubisoft’s most successful franchises.

Brawlhalla Reveals Assassin’s Creed Crossover

Check out Ezio and Eivor from Assassin’s Creed duking it out in Brawlhalla:

AC’s Ezio and Eivor Join Brawlhalla!

Alongside the new Legend, Ezio, the Epic Crossover event is launching with more AC content, including the new Crossover character, Eivor, a new game mode, two new maps and more.

While Ezio comes as a full-on playable character in the game complete with his own skins, Eivor is merely a reskin of existing character Brynn—but that doesn’t make them any less interesting. You can even swap between male and female Eivor, depending on your choice.

The two new maps in the game that are AC inspired as Florence Rooftop and Florence Terrace. The new game mode is also called Bounty, and it looks like it will target specific players during a match, and whoever gets to defeat them will earn some extra points.

The crossover looks like a lot of fun, and should be a great reason for Assassin’s Creed players to check out Brawlhalla if they haven’t already. With Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla just recently launching, it will probably be a while before we get the next entry in the AC franchise. Hopefully we don’t have to wait too long.

Brawlhalla is currently playable for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4|5, PC, Android, and iOS.

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