Cold War Zombies Outbreak: 10 Secret Tips



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. Outside of work, she streams video games with friends and creates clips and videos about PC games on YouTube.

Zombies have been a huge part of Call of Duty’s success, and that goes for all CODs that had zombies, and not just Cold War. It is fairly easy to see why.

Cold War Zombies Outbreak: 10 Secret Tips

Apart from players growing apart from the stale and unsurprising action you get from regular Cold War matches, the zombies game modes provide the players with a type of gameplay that puts a lot of emphasis on mayhem.

Most of the time, the zombie modes are fast-paced and fairly challenging, so almost everyone can benefit from knowing a few new extra tips that players can utilize.

10 Secret Cold War Zombies Outbreak Tips

Even if you’re confident in your knowledge and skill in the game mode, some of these tips will be unorthodox, and most aren’t that popular. So, all players are bound to find something that they could use.

10 secret tips cold war zombies outbreak

Some of the tips will help you in action, i.e. in combat, and others are just general tips about which loadouts you should be looking to use and similar.

So, without further ado, here are 10 unorthodox Cold War Zombies Outbreak tips that will get your gameplay to the next level:

  • Hauer 77. This is arguably the best weapon to use for zombies game modes, but consider getting it to max level to kit it out with attachments.
  • Getting a Tier V loadout for free. You must be in a co-op match to do this, but what you need to do is advance to at least the fourth round and then bleed out. After respawning, you will have a Tier V loadout.
  • Spot bamboozle chests. In order to check whether the chest is real or not, players can ping it. If it’s real, it will appear with a regular chest ping. Otherwise, the ping will go through the chest.
  • Deathmachine. This is a great weapon, and what is surprising is that when you teleport with it, you will get all of your bullets back. So, teleporting gives you 400 ammo.
  • Objectives. You can change your field upgrades as many times as you desire in-game, just by switching to a different loadout in the pause menu. 
  • Holdout or Defend objectives. Keep note of your timer. When it gets to lower than 60 and you’re above tier III, you can just stay downed. Meaning, you get downed and you can avoid the battle just by staying downed. Just remember to revive yourself in time.
  • Retrieve objective. After filling up the canister, players can use vehicles to quickly get to the next location. Speed won’t be limited, but vehicle health will drastically go down.
  • 10 secret tips cold war zombies
  • Golovia Map. This is the hardest map to survive in zombies, but a great trick – spawn manipulation is to stay at one side of the room. That way zombies will spawn from those windows in the first minutes.
  • Another Golovia tip. In the ammo box room, players can stand on either of the shelves there, and zombies won’t be able to reach them.
  • Alpine Lockdown. A similar trick can be done on the Alpine map. The shelves are located in the middle of the room, and zombies will only throw limbs at you.

These tips, while they aren’t anything special, they will no doubt make an impact on your gameplay and success in Cold War Zombies Outbreak.

Make sure to max out the Hauer 77, and to kit it out with attachments.

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