Learn how to complete the “At Home Under the Eaves” Request in Pokemon Legends: Arceus!

Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every Hisui Region Pokemon to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.
The Galaxy Team will task the player with doing missions in the game. Various people will also ask for help from the player through requests. One of these requests is Request 85, titled ‘At Home under the Eaves.’ This guide will teach you to complete the ‘At Home under the Eaves’ request.
At Home under the Eaves
To unlock this request, the player must first unlock the Hisuian Braviary as a rideable Pokemon, which is part of the ‘The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra’ Mission, the twelfth mission in the game where the player must quell a frenzied Noble Hisuian Avalugg. The player must also encounter and catch a Chimecho and add it to the player’s Pokedex.
Chimecho can be found in the Coronet Highlands (east and west of Celestica Trail) and the Alabaster Icelands (in the western part of Lake Acuity). Chimecho can be found in these locations at all times of the day and in every weather condition.
If you decide to distract it with food before catching it, it is worth noting that Chimecho’s preferred foods are Springy Mushrooms and Plump Beans.
Alternatively, suppose you decide to battle against it before catching it. In that case, it is important to mention that Chimecho is a Psychic-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Bug type, Dark type, and Ghost-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Fighting-type and Psychic-type moves (not very effective).
After doing the requirements mentioned above, you can now start this request! To do that, head to the Galaxy Hall and proceed to Professor Laventon’s room on the left side of Captain Cyllene’s office. In Professor Laventon’s room, you will find a blackboard behind him. On this blackboard, there are a few requests that the player can take on. Read what is on the blackboard and the prompt, and select ‘At Home under the Eaves’ request. And, just like that, the ‘At Home under the Eaves’ request has started!
According to the request description, one of the villagers, Ida, says that a wild Chimecho has made itself a home under the eaves of one of the village houses. To complete the ‘At Home under the Eaves’ request, this is what the player must do:
- First, head out of Professor Laventon’s office and the Galaxy Hall, go to the house right across the Pastures on the eastern side of the village, and you will find an older woman named Ida in blue and red clothing sitting on the porch. Make sure to go to Ida during the day as she will not be available during nightfall.
- Talk to Ida; she will tell the player that a wild Chimecho has decided to nest in her house. She wonders if the player could help her get the Chimecho to move. The Chimecho will appear just above Ida, and the player and Ida will say that the Chimecho has made a home for itself under the eaves before she even notices. Though the Chimecho seems calm and mellow, Ida will still say she is uncomfortable having a wild Pokemon so close. So, she spoke to some homeowners willing to let Chimecho move in with them. Ida will then ask the player to look at each of the homes, make sure they would be a good fit for Chimecho, and say that the first Home she wants the player to check is the farmer’s house near the fields.
- Next, head to the bottom house across the farm on the western side of Jubilife Village. Make sure to turn on the quest markers for better Guidance. You can do that by pressing the – button, pressing the Y button to open the Missions & Requests menu, pressing the R button to switch to the Requests tab, selecting the “At Home under the Eaves” Request, and pressing the A button to turn on Guidance. The quest marker will then appear once the player returns to the game.
- Upon arriving at the house, go near the eaves and press the A button to investigate. The Chimecho will then appear under the eaves and be bothered by the direction of the wind.
- Afterward, go back to Ida outside the house across the Pastures and talk to her. The player will then report to her what happened; Ida now knows that the Chimecho prefers the wind blowing around her house, to which she will agree as she likes it too because they get a good breeze. Ida will then ask the player to check out the hut by the sea, as the breeze can be refreshing.
- Next, head to Prelude Beach southwest of Jubilife Village (west of the Practice Field outside of the gate south of Jubilife Village) and go near the hut by the beach. Make sure to turn on the quest markers for better Guidance.
- Then, go near the eaves near its front door and press the A button to investigate. The Chimecho will appear right under the eaves and feel lonely as nobody else is around the area.
- Afterward, go back to Ida outside the house across the Pastures and talk to her. The player will then report to her what Chimecho felt about the area, and Ida now knows that Chimecho likes lively places, to which she will agree as she says it is always great to have some activity around. Ida will then ask the player to check out the Training Grounds as that place is always alive with the Security Corps around.
- Next, head to the Training Grounds on the northwestern part of Jubilife Village and go to the right side of Zisu, near the building behind her. Make sure to turn on the quest markers for better Guidance.
- Then, go near the eaves of the building and press the A button to investigate. The Chimecho will then appear right under the eaves, but then a member of the Security Corps will approach the player and ask them if the Chimecho belongs to the player and invite the player to train with them. The Chimecho will then react and turn around because it dislikes battle.
- Afterward, go back to Ida, still outside the house across the Pastures, and talk to her. The player will then report to her what Chimecho felt about the area, to which she will say that she guesses it is only natural that some Pokemon do not like to battle. She will then apologize to Chimecho for scaring it, to which it seemingly tells her not to worry about it. Ida will then ask the player to check the house next door to hers as it hardly differs from hers. She just talked with her neighbors, who said they would be fine with Chimecho hanging around their house.
- Next, head to the house on the left side of Ida’s house, go near the house’s eaves, and press the A button to investigate. The Chimecho will appear right under the eaves, but then Ida will approach the player and say that she thinks she would like the Chimecho to stay with her after all, as the player helped her understand Chimecho better.
- She thinks that they can live together now. She will then say that she has realized that hearing the Chimecho’so’sorable cry coming from the eaves is now part of her daily routine. The Chimecho will then react and seem very happy.
- Ida will then thank the player for all your help and reward the player with one Rare Candy and one Sun Stone for your efforts. The ‘At Home under the Eaves’ quest is now completed!
Now that you have completed the ‘At Home under the Eaves’ quest, you can try to complete other requests, missions, or Arceus’ tasks to catch ’em all!